Bomtori and Ssantoki

My minds spinning because of you

'This one or .... this one?' 

Bom held up two dresses.
'All depends who you're trying to impress,' Dara winked.
'I'm not trying to impress anyone!' she protested, deciding on a dress and going to pay for it.
'Sure ..' Dara agreed skeptically, sounding unconvincing. Not willing to drop the subject so easily, Bom thanked the cashier lady and came back over.
'Who would I be trying to impress?' She cocked her head and put a hand on her hip.
'Oh I don't know ..' Dara played the innocent card. 'Anyone who might possibly be new in town? Just a suggestion ...'
A look of death came her way and Dara continued. 'Oh so you have no interest in Seunghyun?'
'That is correct.'
'Oh good!' Dara exclaimed. 'Because I was thinking of asking himself out myself at some point...'
'I never said I wasn't interested!' Bom quickly went back on her word in a frenzy.
'You did. You said you had no interest in him.' Dara grinned evilly. Realising her game, Bom sighed in defeat. 
'Fine, he's handsome!' 
Grinning even wider she poked Bommie. 'I knew it!'
'Theres something different about him...'
Dara nodded. 'You're right, he seems mysterious, kinda like an alien. Hey, he reminds me of you!' she giggled.
'Stop getting carried away Ssantoki,' she chuckled. 
'Arasso, but that hug was cute.'
'Neh, he seems friendly', she smiled.
'You're missing the point Bomtaro~'
'Is he single?' The two girls started laughing and continued to their next destination: the corn stall.
Meanwhile at the studio
Jiyong and Seunghyun had just finished recording and adding TOP's verses to Big Bang's latest album, Tonight, as well as a few of their older hits.
'Well hyung I think that was a productive day.'
Seunghyun nodded in agreement. 'I'm exhausted though.'
'Me too. We have to be back here tomorrow too though hyung.'
'Recording starts for our sub-unit album. YG said he'll give us a briefing beforehand though oin what kind of material to include.'
'So do you write your own material?' Seunghyun looke surprised. It was rare in the Korean music industry these days.
'I always have, I've written a lot of Big Bang songs.'
'Wow, I never knew that. Songwriters are talented people. I only write my raps I rarely do whole songs.'
'Thanks hyung. I have some songs already partly written that I was hoping I could use for this album. Bom noona is featured in one ... well if she wants to be. I wrote her a part to sing anyway.'
Taking a seat next the the younger male Seunghyun asked, 'Does she know about it yet?'
'No, I tend to keep my songs top secret until they're completed and recorded,' he replied.
'I feel honoured then.' Seunghyun smiled. 
At the corn stall
'This .. tastes .. SOOOO GOOD.' Bom exclaimed in between mouthfuls. Oh how she had missed her beloved corn.
'Bomtori, you might choke,' Dara warned. 
She rolled her eyes. 'You sound like Jiyong. Why can't people just let me enjoy my corn?' T.T
Jiyong. Dara suddenly remembered the depressed expression on her friends face less than a week ago. 'Have you spoken to Jiyong recently?'
Pausing mid-bite, Bom swallowed before answering. 'Not really. He's been in the studio a lot as far as I know. Think I should call him?'
Dara almost jumped up in enthusiasm. 'Neh!'
'Why are you so eager for me to call him?'
Rubbing the back of her head she thought of an excuse which resemble the truth. 'Dont' you two usually hang out on ... Fridays? It's Friday today. I just wanted to make sure you don't forget and ... I succeeded!' she laughed, using the old trick of hyperness to cover up her ulterior motives for wanting Bom to call Jiyong.
'Ssantoki, you confuse me but you're right. We do usually hang out on Fridays.' she frowned. 'He's usually the one that call me though.'
'Like you said, he's been in the studio so hes probably just really caught up with work.'
'But then he might be too tired to hang out.'
'Bomtori you're enough to put a smile on anyones face no matter what mood they're in.'
'Aigooo I love you Ssantoki!' Bom embraced her tightly almost crushing her.
'I demand that you release me and call him,' she chuckled.
'Yes boss!' Bom grinned and picked up her phone dialling Jiyong's speed dial number ..
Back at the studio ...
'Since you mentioned it, I think I should tell Bommie that I want her to feature in a song.'
'Neh, and you should do it soon before she becomes busy with her groups comeback.'
Jiyong laughed light-heartedly. 'She'd still find time for me.'
'You relationship with her is cute.' Seunghyun said admirably.
'I don't know how I'd get by without her. She really is amazing. I'd won't tell her that though, too much of an ego boost.', he joked.
Seunghyun thought before asking his next question. It was a tad risky. 'Uhh is she single?'
'She has a dating ban but yes she is single. Not like shes dating anyone in secret or anything. Why do you ask hyung?'
'I was just wondering. I think she's cute and I didn't want to start World War 3 with another guy if I try and get to know her better.'
'Umm I don't think you're her type to be honest hyung, no offense.' He lied. 'She prefers pretty boys, you're really manly.' Jiyong knew what he was saying couldn't be further from the the truth. Bom has always told him how she loved handsome guys. What Jiyong hadn't told her was that he did too. No-one knew about his uality, no-one had ever guessed that he was biual or even asked him about
it therefore nobody knew, not even her. Jiyong was brought back to reality by Seunghyuns voice.
'Really?' he sounded disappointed. 'Damn, I can be cute too. I'm not always serious.'
'Well you could try but I don't think you'll get very far hyung', he wrongly advised.
'Ok Ji, thanks for the heads up.'
'No problem', he replied, smiling at the use of his shortened name. 'Say .. hyung, are you hungry?'
'I am actually, I haven't eaten all day.'
'Me neither, we should go and eat. Do you like ramen?'
'Of course.' Seunghyun laughed. 'Who doesn't like ramen?'
'Well theres a place not far from here...' Although he'd never been there, Jiyong remembered its exact location as it was directly opposite the pizza restaurant he always went to with Bom.
'If it's not far away we should go eat. Got to keep the energy levels up.' Seunghyun responded positively. Trusting Jiyong, he headed for the door.
'I'll be with you in a moment hyung', Jiyong called as he stayed in the same spot. I should text Bom, and tell her that we can't hang out tonight. Just as he picked up his phone it vibrated in his hand and the screen flashed with Boms picture.
'Jiyong, hurry up!' The deep voice of Seunghyun travelled to Jiyong's ears from outside.
'I'm just coming!' he yelled back. 'Sorry noona', he whispered with a pang of guilt as he pressed 'Ignore Call' turning his phone off and joining his hyung outside. 
A/N Jiyong is playing with fire eh?


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Chapter 12: Omg whatta cliffhanger. Dun do this. Pls pls update 1000000 times pls aaarghhhhh
theeKPOPlover #2
Chapter 12: What a big mouth seriously Daesung!!!!!& Aish stupid Taeyang....
Chapter 12: Yaaaa daeeeeeee >.< why you tell bom's feeling... >.< Baeeeeee why you treat Bom like that *desperate* I hope the acknowledgement of Bom's feeling doesn't make my poor Gtop heart shattering into pieces LOL Anyway thanks for this update, It's been long time since your last update <3
Chapter 11: Yaaahhhh GD.... Don't get over TOP pls.. This is your chance... Go after TOP...... And for you TOP just turn your head a little, you will see GD *wink*
Chapter 11: so TaeBom get caught!!!! so GD push Bom in Taeyang's arm & fight for TOP!!!! Oki that sound calculator but it could be not!!! GTOP fighting!!!
theeKPOPlover #7
I didnt even read the story yet but I am fighting for GTOP!!!!
Chapter 11: Still fighting for topbom :)
topbom_gbom #9
Chapter 10: so this story is gtop, topbom, gbom AND Bombae????...Hwaiting authornim!!!
hobuttlover #10
is this gonna end with gtop or topbom?
'cause i'm a hardcore gtop shipper.