Whats his game?

My minds spinning because of you
'Whats wrong Bomtori?'
Putting down her phone sadly, Bom pouted. 
'He ignored the call.'
'Jinjja? What if he just missed the call?'
'Ani, it only rang once so he definitely cut it off', she murmured.
After hearing Bom's sad tone, Dara knew she was telling the truth and she pondered Jiyongs reasons. Why would he ignore Bom?
They weren't arguing, and he wouldn't be in a meeting at this time, it was dark outside. There was a small possibility that he would still be at the studio however he would still be likely to answer his phone, especially to Bom, who interrupted her thoughts at that moment.
'It's really unlike him', she mused.
'He could still be at the studio?' Dara suggested.
Bom accepted this reason as she preferred it to the idea that her best friend was avoiding her.
'I'm a little worried, maybe I should go to the studio ..'
'Aish! You can't its dark outside!'
'Relax Ssantoki, no-ones around!' Bom scanned the shadowed landscape from the comfort of her seat, shivering a little.
'I can't even go with you, I'm meeting my date here.'
'Another date?' Bom raised her eyebrow.
Dara had a habit of going behind their managers back and rebelling against her dating ban yet nothing ever came of her dates. Dara seemed to always dislike them; or she wouldn't call them back but as usual .. she claimed this one was different. 
'He's really nice Bom.'
Rolling her eyes in response,  Bom sighed. 'Just like all the others then ... Where did you meet him?'
'I already knew him', Dara blushed. 
'Kyaaa~~ Who is it?' She almost squealed in excitement.
'I don't really want to say in case things don't quite work out ..'
'Aww!'  Bom gave her friend a hug before offering words of encouragement. 
'Dara Ssantoki hwaiting!'
'Komawo Bomtori! Stay safe!' She bit her lip as Bom skipped out into the street waving at back at her.
Dara sighed and checked the the time. Her date was ten minutes late already. She didn't even know why she set herself up on these 'dates'. Realistically, she knew she could not be in a relationship. Her dating ban wans't due to be lifted for another two years and she toyed with guys hearts, even the ones that genuinely liked her. So it seemed her actions were coming back to haunt her.
Lee Minho was nowhere to be seen.
Checking her phone for texts, she found she had none. I deserve this.  In her sadness and frustration, Dara scrolled through all 200 of her phone contacts and deleted every male number except for family, management and YG Family members. How many friends did she really have?
She scrolled through a second time glancing over her newly reduced list .. they were the real people that cared about her.
Suddenly, she stopped as she came across 'TOP'. He had given his number out to selective people at his small YG welcome party and strangely he had added his number to Dara's phone with the excuse : 'I feel like I can have a mature conversation with you.'
That explained why he didn't give his number to CL and Minji but what about Bom? Dara did not want to get involved with a YG Family member but somehow TOP had given her the impression that he wanted nothing more than friendship so in her miserable state she decided to text him.
'Annyeong, Dara here! ^^'
A few moments later she received a text back.
'Dara-ssi. Nice to hear from you. What are you doing?'
Dara decided it was too embarassing to admit she had been stood up on a date and she certainly didn't want his sympathy so she left cracks in her answer.
'I'm just eating with a few friends how about you?'
Again, his reply came fairly quick.
'Just grabbing food with Jiyong ㅎㅎ'
Dara's eyebrows shot up. If Jiyong was with TOP why the hell wasn't he answering Bom's call?!
Quickly texting back she replied:
':o jinjja? Can you ask Jiyong why he ignored Bom's call please?'


Over at the ramen bar

TOP gave Jiyong a weird look.

'Whats up hyung?' Jiyong innoncently chewed his noodles gazing up at Seunghyun.

'Did Bom noona call you?' he asked, his expression full of confusion.

Jiyongs face fell and he immediately switched to the defensive approach ...

'Ne, we were going to hang out later on and she was ringing me to see where I was. Wait, hyung, how did you know anyway? Are you texting Bom noona now?'

Seunghyun shook his head. 'Texting Dara noona and Bom is with her. I said I was eating with you and she asked me to ask you why you ignored Bom's call ... ' he trailed off shrugging his shoulders.

Keeping his composure, Jiyong replied. 'I was planning to text her, I just didn't take the call because I was in a rush.'

Seunghyun replied to Dara by simply writing:

'ㅇㅅㅇ he said he was in a rush'

An awkward silence engulfed the two men for a while and it was only broken by the sound of TOPs text message tone.

'ㅡㅂㅡ well tell him he should get in touch with her asap! she went to the studio to look for him T_T'

'Jiyong.' TOP's deep voice sounded like music to his ears. Raising his head in acknowledgement, he waited for his hyungs next words.

'Are going to get in touch with Bom noona? Just to let her know where you are ..'

Jiyong could feel Seunghyuns piercing gaze on him and he didn't like it one bit. It made him feel nervous. He nodded guiltily. Deciding not to tell Jiyong that Bom had gone to the studio, he got out his wallet and left some money on the table.

'I'm gonna head back Jiyong, you should uhh .. text Bom noona.' TOP nodded and pushed his stool back, standing up. Jiyong gave him a suspicious stare.

'Did I do something wrong hyung?'

'I'm just tired Jiyong-ah, I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for the ramen.' 

Staying seated, Jiyong remained where he was slightly dumbfounded by his hyungs spontaneous exit. He slammed the table in frustration.




a/n sorry if the character interactions aren't very good, especially GTOP cuz in my fic they just met each other so I'm trying to build their relationship .. sorry for the boring chapters T_T

ANYWAYS my next chapter is already written so the quicker I get feedback the quicker I'll post ^^



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Chapter 12: Omg whatta cliffhanger. Dun do this. Pls pls update 1000000 times more...like pls aaarghhhhh
theeKPOPlover #2
Chapter 12: What a big mouth seriously Daesung!!!!!& Aish stupid Taeyang....
Chapter 12: Yaaaa daeeeeeee >.< why you tell bom's feeling... >.< Baeeeeee why you treat Bom like that *desperate* I hope the acknowledgement of Bom's feeling doesn't make my poor Gtop heart shattering into pieces LOL Anyway thanks for this update, It's been long time since your last update <3
Chapter 11: Yaaahhhh GD.... Don't get over TOP pls.. This is your chance... Go after TOP...... And for you TOP just turn your head a little, you will see GD *wink*
Chapter 11: so TaeBom get caught!!!! so GD push Bom in Taeyang's arm & fight for TOP!!!! Oki that sound calculator but it could be not!!! GTOP fighting!!!
theeKPOPlover #7
I didnt even read the story yet but I am fighting for GTOP!!!!
Chapter 11: Still fighting for topbom :)
topbom_gbom #9
Chapter 10: so this story is gtop, topbom, gbom AND Bombae????...Hwaiting authornim!!!
hobuttlover #10
is this gonna end with gtop or topbom?
'cause i'm a hardcore gtop shipper.