
My minds spinning because of you
Bom received exactly the reaction she was expecting from her fellow members as soon as she arrived at the dorm the next morning. 
Dara in particular was frantic. 
'Yah Bommie! You're lucky Minji and Chaerin are out, now sit down and tell me what happened!'
Bom had now removed TOPs hoodie before heading back, otherwise even more controversy could have been caused. She was wearing the same clothes as the previous day.
'How the hell did you even know where to find Seunghyun?'
'He found me .. I was lost.'
'I knew I shouldn't have let you go alone! I called you so many times last night before TOP told me you lost your phone pabo!'
'Mianhae ..'
Dara sighed. 
'At least TOP found you. How are we supposed to get in contact with you now though?'
'Well, don't tell anyone but Tabi- I mean TOP gave me his phone in case of an emergency just until I get a new one.'
Bom's blush said it all and Dara's eyes widened.
Bom's cheeks grew redder by the second.
'It's just a nickname...'
'Omo. You're really becoming attached to him aren't you?'
'Ani!' Bom protested weakly. 'We just got to know each other a little better.'
'Oh I'm sure you did ...' responded Dara in a suggestive tone.
'Not like that' >_<
Dara just laughed.
'Sure Bomtaro', she tapped Bom's nose.
Bom grumbled something inaudible. She loved YG family but sometimes she hated how everyone seemed to know every inch of each others business. Since joining the company she had realised that privacy was a thing of the past.
'Anyways do you want to come for a few drinks later Bommie?'
'Sure! Who with?'
'Me and Youngbae.'
'Mwo? Am I a third wheel?'
'No Bommie, we can ask the others too if you want, its just we're the only people definitely going so far. Maybe if you're lucky, "Tabi" will come ..'
'Yah Ssantoki don't tease me.'
Pouting her way to victory was Bom's speciality. Or at least she thought so. Dara didn't give up easily.
'So you admit you like him?'
'Maybe ,,, I don't know. Ask me in a months time. I only met him a few days ago!'
'I think there's something there though... a spark?'
A  grin lit up Bom's face for a second then she quickly recovered and returned to holding a neutral expression.
'Aww look at chu getting all happy'
Bom hid her blush successfully this time, embarassed by Dara's bluntness.
TOPs room
Seunghyun had enjoyed his night of not being alone.
She looked so cute when she woke up and rubbed her eyes .. imagine waking up to that every morning ... in the same bed ... without clothes .. The y side of his imagination added the last part. He couldn't deny that as well as a cute face, Bom had a flawless body.
She liked my cute side ... He glanced at his plushies and thought back to Jiyong's words yesterday.
'She prefers pretty boys, you're really manly' ...
'Yah Seunghyun just act like every other kpop idol then it's easy ..' he muttered to himself. Now they had grown closer he was scared he was fastly approaching the 'friendzone'.
'Hyung we're recording today remember? Meet me in the main dorm if you're ready.'
'Neh Jiyong.'
Already dressed, he immediately exited his room and proceeded to the adjacent dorm of the other members. They all greeted him, even though Seungri and Youngbae looked at him strangely.
Seungri is looking at me like he's done something wrong and Youngbae is glaring ..
Indeed, Youngbaes look appeared deathly in contrast to Seungris apologetic expression.
Jiyong and Daesung seemed oblivious to it all.
'So ... Ji what are we doing today?'
'Recording for the sub-unit album hyung.'
TOP nodded his head in understanding.
'Shall we go then?'
Youngbae stood up.
'Can I have a word first hyung?'
Maybe now I'll get an explanation for the glare ... Seunghyun thought.
Noticing the tense atmosphere Jiyong excused himself and waited in the corridor while Daesung and Seungri scurried back to their rooms.
Nervously TOP waited to hear what Youngbae had to say.
'Hyung, I'm gonna get straight to the point here ... did you have with Bom noona last night?'
'WHAT? No!'
'Seungri saw Bom last night, coming out of YOUR room wearing YOUR hoodie.' A look of disbelief was apparent on Youngbae's face.
'It wasn't what it looked like, Bom got lost last night.'
'And you just conveniently happened to be there?'
TOP was so tempted to tell Youngbae what had really happened but he had made a promise to Bom which he wasn't willing to break.
'She went looking for Jiyong .. by herself at night. I was on my way back here.'
The look on Youngbae's face remained skeptical.'
'Ask her if you don't believe me Youngbae...'
Accepting that Seunghyun was telling the truth his frown softened.
'I'm sorry hyung, I was just worried that somebody had taken advantage of Bom noona'
'You're close with her then huh?'
'Kind of ... we have a close but strange relationship. She's closer to Ji.'
Seunghyun mentally stored this information. Did this mean that Taeyang was a possible rival?
What am I thinking? Its supposed to be bros before hos.(Not that I'm saying Bom is a ho) 
'Well I can promise you, we did nothing like that. I'm not even that kind of man. We didn't even sleep in the same bed, it's just that she was late and she didn't want her members to wake up.'
'Sorry for jumping to conclusions hyung.' He bowed a little and smiled, happy to clear up the situation.
'Lets blame Seungri!'
'Yah maknae!!' 
Youngbae ran into the youngest members bedroom wrestling him to the ground.
TOP chuckled in amusement and shouted goodbye to the pair of them and joining Jiyong outside .. -
who had heard everything. 
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Chapter 12: Omg whatta cliffhanger. Dun do this. Pls pls update 1000000 times more...like pls aaarghhhhh
theeKPOPlover #2
Chapter 12: What a big mouth seriously Daesung!!!!!& Aish stupid Taeyang....
Chapter 12: Yaaaa daeeeeeee >.< why you tell bom's feeling... >.< Baeeeeee why you treat Bom like that *desperate* I hope the acknowledgement of Bom's feeling doesn't make my poor Gtop heart shattering into pieces LOL Anyway thanks for this update, It's been long time since your last update <3
Chapter 11: Yaaahhhh GD.... Don't get over TOP pls.. This is your chance... Go after TOP...... And for you TOP just turn your head a little, you will see GD *wink*
Chapter 11: so TaeBom get caught!!!! so GD push Bom in Taeyang's arm & fight for TOP!!!! Oki that sound calculator but it could be not!!! GTOP fighting!!!
theeKPOPlover #7
I didnt even read the story yet but I am fighting for GTOP!!!!
Chapter 11: Still fighting for topbom :)
topbom_gbom #9
Chapter 10: so this story is gtop, topbom, gbom AND Bombae????...Hwaiting authornim!!!
hobuttlover #10
is this gonna end with gtop or topbom?
'cause i'm a hardcore gtop shipper.