
Remember Me Forever

I get out of the car and rush to the building and knock on the door. The door just opens and without a second thought I go in. The place is dark, but it is also night time so I guess without any lights on it would be dark in here.

"Minho?" I whisper, my heart telling me that I am scared by the way it pumps a mile a minute.

Something runs past my feet and I jump back, hitting a wall. 

"Minho? Please come out," I breathe, my eyes trying to adjust to the room.

I really hope that thing in here is a kitten or puppy. 

I hear a car come to a stop outside and I run out of the building to find Onew. He gets out of the car and grabs my arms.

"Where is he? Are you okay?" he asks me in a state of panic.

"I'm okay." I nod. "But, I could not find him."

"Are you sure he's even in there?"

"I got a text from him saying that he was here." I look down at our shoes.

"Is he is there?" Onew's voice is deep with a sense of protection radiating off his skin.

I shrug. "It seems to wrong to me. Why would he come here?"

"Give me your phone," he orders and I reach into my pocket to get my cell to hand it to him. He opens it and dials a number, putting it to his ear. "Key, take Taemin out for dinner. We will be late." He closes the phone and dials another number. He waits and waits, his eyes narrowing. "Call me."

Onew closes the phone and puts it in his pocket.

"Mine died in the car," he explains and I shrug. 

"It's okay."

"So, what did it say? The text."

"Just this address. But when he called...I thought he sounded upset. Like, there was something wrong with him but he wouldn't tell me"

"Well, let's go in and see if he is really here."

Onew rests a hand on my back and leads us in to the dark building.

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If anyone has any suggestions for Remember me Forever, please write to me and i can add it :)


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lia2001 #1
Chapter 22: More
lia2001 #2
Chapter 22: More
AjSummer #3
Chapter 22: I hope that TaeMin will start to get better now but he won't be 100% better until his hyungs are better too.
Chapter 22: you're not updating this anymore? :(
it's been so long since you have updated :)
kayeblaise #6
So. . .I totally just found this story hidden in my bookmarks (with like 15 more chapters than when I saved it)and I just read through the whole thing so. . . I figured I should probably subscribe. XD XD <3

This is great. I love your style, it's very detached in a way, like we're getting the real thoughts inside someone's head. That kind of zoning out feeling and self reflection that I love. I like how there's this constantly moving pace and developing drama and I really love how you're writing the relationships between the members. They're not too cutesy and overly lovey, they're all flawed but they're all working to make things better even as they're falling apart. <3 I love how everyone has a role (like, people always forget Onew XD ) and the tension is building so nicely. I can't wait to see where you go with this :) <3
update soooooon
oh god... can't wait. >_<'
taemin is kinda good now *thank god* :D
what happened to minho?
onew is the best leaser :) :D
Kindeldunya #10
oooh tension! can't wait to read the next chap! I'm glad taemin is more stable now and onew is such a cute leader. i feel bad for minho though.