In Class

Once Upon a Hill

-In Dr. Pyeong's class-

As we all took our seats, I paired up with Taeyang. Kira decided to sit alone in a table waiting for a person that wanted to pair up with her. I kinda saw her a bit sad but I didn't want to ask because I just met her. She might think of me being nosy and that is the last thing I wanted. She looked like a really nice girl.

I looked at Taeyang and asked, "Hey, do you think something is wrong with Kira? She looks a bit sad to me."

He looked over at Kira and shrugged "I have no idea. I have never seen her in my life so I wouldn't know how she is."

Wow. If I didn't know any better, I would think he was just rude right now. I looked at Taeyang with an astonished face.

(End of Lily's POV)

(Taeyang's POV)

I could feel that she was looking at me. "Why are you looking at me?" I said as I took out my notebook to write down notes for this class.

"That was a bit rude." She said to me

I looked at her and I saw that she had an astonished face. It later turned to hurt. "I didn't know you were like that." she said as she lowered her gaze. She started twirling her pen in her fingers.

I didn't know what to say. I was at a loss of words. 

After a while, she packed up her things, got up and walked towards Kira and sat down next to her.

Did I say something wrong? What did I do?

I was left to ponder in my thoughts until I felt a presence right next to me. I turned around and found a familiar face next to me. I had run into him this morning at the time of the chocolate incident. He was smiling at me knowing well who I was.

"Hey there Taeyang" the short good-looking boy said.

"Hey. What's going on? What are you doing here?" I asked.

He thought for a bit and replied "Well, of course I do not have this class. I'm just here to bother you. I'm you're personal stalker." he said with a devil-ish smirk plastered on his face. "What do you think? If I am in this classroom doesn't it mean that I too have this class? It only makes sense."

I rolled my eyes and turned back to watch Lily and Kira. They were talking and smiling. Wow. What a beautiful smile.

My thoughts were interrupted once again by the boy sitting next to me. He had come up next to me and was resting his chin on his hands - elbows on the lab table in front of us. He was mimicking me.

"They're pretty aren't they?" he asked, his chin still resting on his hands.

I rolled my eyes and turned my gaze to the front of the class. Trying to not get his attention anymore. I don't even know this guy.

(End of Taeyang's POV)

(GD's POV)

I entered Dr. Pyeong's chemistry class and my eyes almost came out of my sockets when I saw Lily sitting by the window next to a girl. She was smiling so beautifully that I almost tripped over my feet. The sunlight hit her form in a way that just made me dazed for a bit.

What's happening to me? This is not normal. Maybe I have a type of sickness. Should I go to the infermery? Nah! I said blowing the thoughts out of my head.

I took my gaze off of Lily and searched for an empty seat. Preferable far away from Lily. I don't get along with her. I shall not be her friend....maybe more than just frie-NO! I mentally slapped myself. I must be going insane. This isn't right!

I searched for an empty seat and I finally spotted one next to a young man that looked very familiar.

"Isn't that the guy that..." I told myself. He was staring in Lily's direction. A weird feeling washed over me. A feeling of wanting to distract him from what he was watching.

I walked up to the lab table and set my things down. The guy, Taeyang, looked at me and looked back at the girls. Hmm...maybe he likes the other girl. I sat down looking in the same direction he was looking at with my hands under my chin. He noticed and he was a bit shocked to find me standing next to him. We exchanged a few words and he finally turned his attention towards the front of the class.

I, being mischeavous, decided to annoy him a little bit more.

"So, you think I can sit here?" I asked

"Yeah" he replied

"Are you sure? No one else had this seat before I came?"

"No. Its free."

"Single kind of free? Or available kind of free?" I said "Well, both can mean the same"

Taeyang exhaled "Its free."

"You look like you need a girl."

With that, his face turned red. "What makes you say that?" he asked.

"Let's go clubbing. I can introduce you to some hot chicks" I told him.

"I don't like clubbing."

My jaw dropped. I was astounded. I could not believe what my sensitive ears just heard. "What man doesn't like clubbing?!"

"Well, I have never been clubbing. I am not fond of loud music and drinking."

"You need to live a little." I told him. "You dress like that," I pointed to his 'gangster-looking' clothes, "and you have never been to a club. They are not as bad as they seem."

End of GD's POV

Lily's POV

I glanced at Taeyang and found that he was talking with GD. They seemed to be having a long conversation. GD noticed me looking his way and I gave him a smile, despite how mean he is towards me. He smiled. His smile seemed very sincere.

Then he winked at me.

My heart skipped a beat.


I've been very busy D:
Hey y'all. So I want to change the name of my fic
So please send me a PM about your suggestions. The best three will be in a poll I will post later on~
So that is all.
If you see any mistakes please let me know ^_^
Comment, Sub, or friend me! :D

Unnimoon signing out

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I had a bad case of writer's block. DX Well, enjoy and tell me how it is.


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Chapter 8: O: those ba***rds!! >.> I don't like that teacher -_- but yay thanks for the update :D
Chapter 7: update MinniMoon demands more D: -re-read the entire story again lol-
yay update!!! :D -runs around- haha me likey!! I especially liked the song references lol clever! Minni Moon demands more! oh! I know what you should name the fic! Name it Minni Moon is a totally badass gangster!! >:D
UPDATE!!!!!!! -flips water-
don't stoooop, I'm actually eager to know how the five guys would actually like Lily at the same time. XDD :>
oh and osm background its so...watery xD
noooo! dnt stop it!!! ima cry D; if you stop it then I won't continue On the Maury Show or any other fanfic!!!
btw its osm aw Kira is such a .... wats the word? osm? lol I admire her for not letting it get to her -nods- I like her already and ha on "only look at me" his song xD taetae is such a stalker >.>
no prob ^^ I thought it sounded good, it gives it a mysterious feel to it -nods- my fav part is GD being mean lol "I don't want to look like you" lol evil but TOP is full of osmness that not even GD can resist! lol great job! Can't for more
<3 :3
haha! I didn't notice that! Thanks MinniMoon!