First day of class

Once Upon a Hill

I saw my brother and sister in the small apartment that we had gotten 5 years ago. We were all sitting on the table, eating. They looked scared. I didn't quite understand why. A sound came from one of the rooms and oppa decided to go check it out. We waited and waited for oppa to come back. No one came. There was no noise coming from the room.

I decided to go check it out. I opened the door to find a room that I had never seen before in my life. It seemed very familiar though. It looked like an apartment room. Everything looked so familiar yet it felt unfamiliar to me. Then it hit me. It is the apartment that I have in South Korea except it was filled with the things I had back in the U.S.! So we're in Korea. I was surprised but also happy because my siblings were here with me.

I ran back to where my sister was, about to tell her the good news; they were in Seoul with me! I started talking but the figure that was sitting at the table didn't seem like my sister anymore. The figure then turned around and I saw it was Kevin. It was my Kevin except he was different.

“Woo Sung Hyun” I gasped as the figure of Kevin came walking towards me. “Where is my family?” I asked Kevin. “You don’t have a family. I am you’re only family. Come back to me.” He said as he approached me slowly.

“No! I have a little sister and an older brother! Where are they?” I demanded of him

“Lily!” I heard familiar voices call out my name. Dongsaeng! Oppa! Their voices came from the street. How’d they get out there so fast? I ran outside and found them waiting for me. “What happened?” I asked them. “Hurry!” they kept on telling me “Hurry! We have to get out of here!” they said

My heart was racing as my siblings and I ran as fast as our legs could take me. For some reason I felt like I had to get away from that place. Away from Kevin.

I woke up drenched in my own sweat. I had one thought in mind. My siblings. I should call them, but to what number? I thought to myself.

I sat up on my bed and noticed the covers were are all in a ball; I suppose from all the tossing and turning of that night.

I stood up and walked towards the door. "I need to wash my face," I told myself. "I need to shake this feeling off" I said as I walked into the restroom.

I splashed water on my face and dried it off with a nearby towel. I took a long hard look at my face in the mirror and blinked a couple of times. "I hope they are okay."

I noticed it was a bit cloudy outside so I got dressed. I didn't have any jackets that were mine but my brother told me to take his jacket so I put it on. I put my hair up in a ponytail but then decided to put it up in a bun and put a hat over it. When I was done I went to the kitchen to find some food. I heard Daesung getting ready as well. I went back to my room and got my backpack full of notebooks and paper.

"Okay, I'm ready for today." Hope everything goes well.

(End of Lily's POV)


I woke up. My heart was beating unusually fast. That's odd. I don't remember having dreamt anything at all. I decided to stay up because it was a school day and I had to get ready to go to school. Also, I had to wake GD up.

Every Monday it’s the same thing over and over again. He has trouble waking up and I, being his awesome roommate, had to wake him up.

I got up and got dressed.

Now, time to go into the lion's den! Here goes nothing.


"Hey JiYong! It's time to wake up." I heard him rumble around in his room. Should I risk another knock? If I don't he's gonna be late and it’s the start of a new semester.


The door suddenly opened and GD was standing there. "What? Can't you let me sleep?" he said leaning against the door, rubbing his eyes obviously annoyed that I had woken him up.

"How many times have I told you not to bother me when I am sleeping? I need my beauty sleep otherwise I’m going to look like you.” His eyes roamed up and down my body with a disgusted face.

“I thought that all you needed to be content was to let you eat?"

“Well, that too.”

I shook my head, “I was thinking that maybe you'd want to go to school.  Just maybe." A smirk appeared slightly on my features tilting my head.

"I'm gonna kill ya" he said smoothly as he pinched the top of his nose.

"Whoa there champ," I said raising my hands up in surrender mode, "No need to be extreme, I'm just you're alarm clock here."

He rolled his eyes at me but I knew he’d given in to my awesomeness, "Fine. You win. I'll get ready." he said as he closed the door in my face.

"Crybaby" I muttered under my breath.

"I heard that!" he said over the door.

(End of TOP's POV)

(Lily's POV)

"Hey Lily, you don't look like a girl" Daesung said as we were looking for a parking space.

"So?! What if I don't want to look like a girl the first day of school?" I said joking around.

We both laughed as we found an empty parking space.

As I got off of Daesung's car, I noticed that it had started drizzling a bit. Hmm I suddenly got a craving for... "Hey Dae, where can I get some hot chocolate?" I asked.

He smiled at me his huge smile "How much time do you have before your first class?" he asked.

"All the time in the world! Muahahaha!" My fake laugh made Daesung smile even more that I couldn't see his eyes anymore. He unlocked the door of the car once more and off we went.

Once we got our drinks we headed back towards school, happily too. We were chatting about many things as I got nearer and nearer to my class.

Oh gosh. How is my first class going to be like? I wondered to myself.

I was too lost in thought that I didn't notice someone standing in front of me.

"Yah! Watch where you are going! You spilled hot chocolate all over my jacket," The young man said. He was dressed in baggy pants, a white jacket that was too big for him. Underneath the jacket he wore a black shirt. Hanging down his neck was a thick chain with a symbol on it. On his head he wore a white bandana.

"I-I'm s-sorry" I said as I quickly bowed. From the little glance I got, I saw that he was mad. I didn't dare look at him.

"Is that all you have to say?" he asked. I could hear his voice escalating; he was getting angrier.

Oh no. What do I do? Should I run and hide? Should I confront him? Dae! Say something!! I thought to myself.

I closed my eyes, as if by doing so he would go away.

"Yah. Can't you keep your voice down a bit? It's a little too early to be yelling." A gentle, yet familiar voice said from behind.

I turned around and found the voice belonged to TOP. Ah! Thank goodness! GD was also standing behind TOP and was looking straight at the young man in front of me.

"So? He ruined my jacket. I can't just go into class looking like this," he said grabbing the bottom of his jacket and showing it to TOP. "This is-"

"Easy solution," GD interrupted. "Just take it off."

"Good idea GD," TOP added "Why don't you just take it off?"

After a few moments of deliberation the young man took off his jacket, "Fine. But what am I gonna do about the jacket?" he said holding up his jacket. "He at least needs to pay for the laundry expenses." he said as he looked directly at me. I looked down once more.

Daesung took one glance at me and said "I'll pay for them in HER place."

The young man's eyes widened as he took a good look at me. "Good," he said softly.

"Under what name should I send them?" Daesung asked taking out his phone to write down the information.

"Send it to Don Young Bae" he told Daesung and he wrote the name down. "Okay, and sorry about your jacket. No hard feelings." He said stretching his hand towards the young man.

"Yeah, I guess everything is okay now," he said taking Daesung's hand.

"My name is Daesung by the way." he told Young Bae

"Well you already know my name, but most people call me Taeyang." he said

"My name is TOP and this is GD," TOP said introducing himself and the short guy next to him.

"I'm Lily, and I'm really sorry about your jacket" I said as I bowed once more.

"It's all good" he said with a half-smile. "Sorry for going all Hulk on you, I didn't know you were a girl" he said rubbing the back of his neck and looking away, "And, I've just had a really bad morning. It's not your fault. Sorry."


The bell rang which indicated the beginning of class. I started walking into the class when TOP grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into the hallway. I was against the wall while he was a about a foot away from me.

"Are you ok?" he asked me, his eyes full of concern.

"Yes, I'm fine." I said looking down. I had become aware of my surroundings so I couldn't exactly look directly into his eyes.

"That's good." he said letting go of my wrist and put his hands in his pocket and walked away.

I quickly walked back into the class because I was already late.

(End of Lily's POV)

(GD's POV)

I lost TOP. He was with me just now. We had decided to walk on to our class but on the way over there, he disappeared on me. I retraced our -well- my steps to see if I could find him.

As I turned the corner I saw him grab Lily's wrist and pull her back into the hall. She was pinned on the wall and TOP was talking to her. I hid behind the corner as I silently watched their conversation. A weird feeling suddenly hit me right in my stomach. I realized then, that I was acting like a child spying on other people.

Aish! What are you doing GD? This isn't your style. I told myself as I straightened up and walked back in the direction of my first class.

(End of GD's POV)

Here is the next chapter.
Ahh! It took soooo long to write!! >.< I'm soooo sorry!!
I hope it's good enough (Thank you minnimoon)
I kinda had trouble with the dream cuz...
I don't remember my dreams so I don't know what to write when it comes to dreams :/
BTW, I love hot chocolate when its cold or raining! <3

Soooo~ what do you think? Please comment, messege, or subscribe. ^_^

Unnimoon, signing out.

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I had a bad case of writer's block. DX Well, enjoy and tell me how it is.


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Chapter 8: O: those ba***rds!! >.> I don't like that teacher -_- but yay thanks for the update :D
Chapter 7: update MinniMoon demands more D: -re-read the entire story again lol-
yay update!!! :D -runs around- haha me likey!! I especially liked the song references lol clever! Minni Moon demands more! oh! I know what you should name the fic! Name it Minni Moon is a totally badass gangster!! >:D
UPDATE!!!!!!! -flips water-
don't stoooop, I'm actually eager to know how the five guys would actually like Lily at the same time. XDD :>
oh and osm background its so...watery xD
noooo! dnt stop it!!! ima cry D; if you stop it then I won't continue On the Maury Show or any other fanfic!!!
btw its osm aw Kira is such a .... wats the word? osm? lol I admire her for not letting it get to her -nods- I like her already and ha on "only look at me" his song xD taetae is such a stalker >.>
no prob ^^ I thought it sounded good, it gives it a mysterious feel to it -nods- my fav part is GD being mean lol "I don't want to look like you" lol evil but TOP is full of osmness that not even GD can resist! lol great job! Can't for more
<3 :3
haha! I didn't notice that! Thanks MinniMoon!