First Friends

Once Upon a Hill

As I entered the class I could tell that everyone was staring at me. The professor had already started his lesson so I hastened to find a seat quickly. 

Okay, I need to find an available desk so I can sit in; preferably somewhere in the back seats.

I searched starting from the back. I noticed that Taeyang had found a seat in the far corner close to a window. For some reason, all the seats were all taken except for two seats in the front close to the professor's desk.

Dang! Why the front? And its math! My worst enemy!

I took one of the two seats available.

The professor re-started his lecture and I tried my best not to fall asleep, but the more I tried the faster I was dozing off.

"Had a good night sleep?" I heard someone whisper from behind me. It was a girl. She was dressed in pretty bright clothes. It all looked expensive and everything matched perfectly, all the way to the ring she was wearing on her right hand.

"Nah, I had a really bad dream just last night." I whispered back to her. "Besides, math doesn't really catch my attention."

"Same here."

I slightly smiled to her and turned around on my seat, trying to get back into the lecture only to find myself dozing off once more.

I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around and was face to face with a folded piece of paper. I took the paper from the girl that I was talking to not too long ago. It read:

Hello, my name is Kira. ^_^

I turned around slightly and saw her smiling at me and motioning for me to read the letter. I smiled back and started writing my reply.

Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is Lily. :)

I passed the note back to her. I heard her unfold the note and then a while later, I heard her scribbling away. Then I felt a tap on the shoulder indicating that she was finished writing.

XD So how about this class? Boring isn't it?
Oh! By the way. I saw you talking to Taeyang outside the classroom! ;P
Do you know him??

Hmm. Taeyang? She is probably gonna tell me to stay away from him. I mean, its what happens in dramas right? I hurried and scribbled my answer to her questions.

Yes! This class is boring!
No. I don't know him. I don't know many people. I just moved here a couple of days ago.
I bumped into him and spilled my hotchocolate all over his sweater!
I was so embarrassed! >.<

I handed back my reply and waited facing the front of the class. The professor was too busy teaching that he did not notice that Kira and I were exchanging notes. Soon after, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned back and retrieved the note quickly.

Oh. :( So you don't know him?

I started to write my reply but the professor had decided to walk around so I quickly covered the note with my notebook and pretended to be writing notes. As the professor walked away, I took out the note and responded quickly and gave it back to Kira.

No. Why do you ask?

I had many questions as to why she wants to know about Taeyang. 

^//^ I'll tell you after class.

With that last note, I tried to focus real hard in today's lesson. The professor said that today was really important because he was going to go over some subjects that we "should" already know. Of course, I knew a few things here and there but I had forgotten some other things and I was not in the mood to re-learn them. I kept glancing at my watch waiting for the class to end.

Dang. It's barely 8:00. Morning classes ! 10 more minutes for class to finish. 10 more.

I started taking out my schedule that I had printed out before I came to Korea. After this class I had another class that begins at 8:20. Next subject is chemistry. Yes! I'ma be able to blow things up! I thought and instinctivly put my hand up in a fist in the "fighting" position.

I heard some people turn in their seats while some giggled. I looked around to find some people were staring at me like I had gone crazy. I smiled embarassed and slowly put my arm down and paid attention for the last five minutes in class.

The professor let us out of class and on the way out he was passing us a packet of papers that had instructions about his class.

I was about to go look for my next class when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Oh yes! Kira! I had almost forgotten.

I turned around and instead of finding Kira, I came face to face with Taeyang. The guy I had spilled hot chocolate on.

I felt my cheeks go hot for a little bit. He noticed and tried to say something, but no words came out of his mouth so I decided to start the conversation.

"I'm sorry about this morning~"

"I'm sorry for being a douche~"

We had started talking at just the same time. This is awkward.

"Sorry, you go first" We both said at the same time.

This could go on forever. "I'msorryforspilling hot chocolate all over your jacket." I said slowing down at the end.

He looked down, avoiding my eyes.

How cute.

"No, its okay" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"So its okay if I spill hot chocolate on your clothes?" I asked "I wouldn't mind doing it again."

He looked up at me "No! No, t-that's not what I meant. What I meant was-" he said  trying to correct himself

"Its okay! I was just joking" I said as I gave him a smile.

"Oh" was all he managed to say chuckling to himself. Then he flashed my a smile. Not just any smile. A damn right killer smile.

Wow. His smile is beautiful. I swear if I was sitting down on a chair and he smiled at me like that, I would fall off. No joke. That's the smile that I got from him.

"I-I..." was all I could muster out of my mouth. Then I caught a girl waving at me from behind Taeyang. Oh! That's right! Kira!! "I-I have to meet up with a friend before I go to my next class, Chemistry. Umm how about we talk later?" I asked him

"Oh, you have chemistry for your next class?"

"Yes, with Dr. Pyeong, if I remember correctly."

"Wa! I have him for a class too!" he said, flashing me another gorgeous smile. "Maybe we can walk together" he suggested.

I looked at Kira and decided that it wasn't a bad idea. "Okay, but I have to introduce you to a friend of mine. I just met her last class. She seems cool. I think you'll like her."

(End of Lily's POV)

(Taeyang's POV)

"I think you'll like her" she said to me.

I doubt that. I said to myself. Once my eyes met yours, my whole world changed for the better. I now see everything so clearly. I would change my ways just to be with you. I only want you to look at me and no one else.

"Here she is, my new friend, Kira. Kira, this is Taeyang." she said stopping in front of a girl. She was dressed nicely. Like one of those other snobby girls that always try to catch my attention. Those type of girls that jump all over you, not even knowing how one actually acts. I don't like those type of girls.

She smiled towards me, "Hello, I'm Pyo Kira. Please take care of me." she said as she bowed.

I returned the bow. "I'm Taeyang."

She kept smiling and I tried to ignore her by just looking at Lily who was busy looking around trying to figure out where she was and where the next class will be. Maybe Kira will take a hint that I'm not interested.

From the corner of my eye I saw Kira look at me and then she followed my gaze which, of course, was on Lily. She returned her look at me. Her face fell and she looked at the floor. She got it. Then I saw the most interesting reaction that I have ever seen. She looked back up and smiled again as if she wasn't hurt. Hmm, maybe she wasn't interested in me after all.

(End of Taeyang's POV)

(Kira's POV)

I saw him staring at Lily. My heart broke into a million little pieces. I felt them all fall from the great heights. This is truthfully, very sad. So long I have waited to at least talk to him and catch his attention: to show him my true feelings. These feelings that I have kept for over 5 years.

Even though he has showed me that he cares nothing about me, I will not let this ruin my day. I can live on! I will live on, because I don't need a man to make me feel down in the dumps. I need a man that can and will respect me like the lady I AM! I decided to not give him the satisfaction of seeing me down, so I went against my heart and my feelings and forced a smile.

I will be stronger than my feelings.

(End of Kira's POV)


Sorry for the super late update. T.T
Wow. Taeyang seems like a totall......!! >.< I'll change him kekeke
HAHAHA!! When I wrote "...and return her look at me. Her face fell..." I wanted to write "Literally! It was on the floor!!!"

This is the smile I was talking about. ^_^


Isn't it just beautiful!! <3 Wah!
Idk why. I had actually put it there to take a bit of some space. kekeke

Here is the 6th chapter. Hope you all like.
Oh, and if it isn't good, please let me know.
I am kinda thinking about stopping production of this please let me know.

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I had a bad case of writer's block. DX Well, enjoy and tell me how it is.


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Chapter 8: O: those ba***rds!! >.> I don't like that teacher -_- but yay thanks for the update :D
Chapter 7: update MinniMoon demands more D: -re-read the entire story again lol-
yay update!!! :D -runs around- haha me likey!! I especially liked the song references lol clever! Minni Moon demands more! oh! I know what you should name the fic! Name it Minni Moon is a totally badass gangster!! >:D
UPDATE!!!!!!! -flips water-
don't stoooop, I'm actually eager to know how the five guys would actually like Lily at the same time. XDD :>
oh and osm background its so...watery xD
noooo! dnt stop it!!! ima cry D; if you stop it then I won't continue On the Maury Show or any other fanfic!!!
btw its osm aw Kira is such a .... wats the word? osm? lol I admire her for not letting it get to her -nods- I like her already and ha on "only look at me" his song xD taetae is such a stalker >.>
no prob ^^ I thought it sounded good, it gives it a mysterious feel to it -nods- my fav part is GD being mean lol "I don't want to look like you" lol evil but TOP is full of osmness that not even GD can resist! lol great job! Can't for more
<3 :3
haha! I didn't notice that! Thanks MinniMoon!