Towel Incident

Once Upon a Hill

(Lily's POV)

I turned the knob with a handful of groceries. It was kinda hard because GD had made me buy so much food. "Stupid door!"

Aish! I managed to get the door open and walked towards the kitchen which was up ahead and to my left. At the end of the hallway, something moving caught my attention at the corner of my eye. I looked up to see what had moved. Insted, I locked gazes with my roommate who had just gotten out of the shower.

"OH MY GOSH!!" I let the bags drop and managed to cover my eyes but not before stealing a glance at his amazing carved abs.

OMO! What do I do? My roommate had just gotten out of the shower and he was standing in front of me with only a towel to cover his lower half of his body!

"AHHH" I heard my roommate yell and I started to scream too.

"I did not just see your amazing rock hard abs!" I confessed to him. "I'm sorry! I should have knocked or something! I-I'll just get these bags to the kitchen"

I kept my eyes closed and tried to find the dropped groceries. They seem to have hidden, playing with me, taunting me to open my eyes to sneak a peak at Daesung's body.

I failed to find the lost groceries. "Y-you know what, I-I'll just leave them there a-and wait for you to change. I-I'll be outside."

With eyes closed, I tried to find my way back to the door. Instead I kept bumping into objects that I didn't know were there. I swear! When did these things appear?

I heard him chuckle lightly.

"Ya! Get to your room and change! Ppalri!!

"Okay okay!" he said. "I'm going" I heard his voice a bit farther away and a door close so I opened my eyes, knowing the coast was clear.

"Aish! This guy! Did he forget that a GIRL is living here too? He can't be walking around showing his junk to everyone!" Aish! 

I picked up the jar that bumped his foot. I looked at the jar and looked at Daesung's closed door. Aish! Chinjja!

I rubbed the back of my neck and let out a the breath that I had been holding onto. I had a few drops of sweat and noticed my heart was racing. "Ya!" I yelled to his closed door, "If I ever catch you without clothes, I'ma kill you!" I said with a laugh.

"You know you liked it!" I heard Daesung respond behind his closed door.

"Y-ya! Did not!" I stuck out my tongue at his door.

(End of Lily's POV)


(Daesung's POV)

I opned the door to find Lily having trouble picking up the remaining bags so I decided to help her.

Wow, I can't belive she saw me with just a towl on my waist! She's the first to see me with so little clothes.

"Hey, so what did you get to eat?" I asked changing the topic

"I got so many things. I don't even know half of them." she said with a slight laugh but with a huge smile on her face. "It looks delicious, though."

"Can you cook?" I asked her expecting a no. She looked too sweet and frail to know how to cook.

"Yes, I do know how to cook." she replied, "but, I only know how to cook American food and Hispanic foods. That's all there was where I came from." she finished with puffed cheeks.

I could feel my eyes widen a bit. "You know how to cook what?!"

"Hey watch it, I think I saw your eye rolled off that way." she joked around so I set my eyes back to normal.

"I'm sorry," I said "but its just that - what is Hispanic food?" I asked very curious as to what it was. Suddenly, my stomach began to growl. "Maybe we should eat something." I suggested holding my stomach.

We both laughed and started getting food ready. I helped her cook her first Korean meal. I instructed her on the different foods that she had bought and told her what it tasted good with. It had been a while since the kitchen was full of life. The refrigerator was full and looked more appealing. The kitchen was filled with wonderful smells - unlike the rubbery smells from the fast food that I used to eat. I may just keep her. I thought and lauged to myself.

When all the food was finished, we sat at the table talking and getting to know each other better.

"So, how old are you Lily?"

"I'm 22 years old" she responded

"Oh! That's close to my age!" I exclaimed, "Do you go to college?"

"Yes, I will be attending the University close by. That's why I tried to get an apartment somewhat near the campus."

"Why did you move all the way out to South Korea?" I asked "If you don't mind me asking"

"No, I don't mind but, it is getting late. We should probably be cleaning up. I guess tomorrow I start class super early." she said

"Oh alright. Well, I have a car, if you'd like, I can take you to school. By the way, is it by any chance the University of Seoul?" I asked

"Yes! Yes. That's it!" she said with a smile on her face.

"Awesome! I go to the same school!" I exclaimed "This is perfect! I can give you rides to school in the mornings!"

"Yay! That's awesome! Thank you so much roommate!" she started jumping around in place and clapping her hands together.

"You're going to love it there. The campus is so pretty. It has a lot of green where you can just chill before or after class begins," I said, "there is even a lake close by if you want to really relax or read a book or draw. However, not many people go there because they go out with friends to eat or watch movies."

"A lake?" she asked. I lost her attention for a short while. It seemed she was thinking about something. Or she might be remembering a bad memory spent on a lake. I slightly felt bad for mentioning the lake. My eyes were fixed on her face. She had glasses so I wasn't able to tell for sure what her eyes were saying because of the glare.

I let her reminisce as I started picking up the plates from the table.

(End of Daesung's POV)

(Lily's POV)

"So do you like swimming?" I snapped out of my thoughts and faced toward the direction of the voice. "Yes. I used to swim." I told Daesung, "Not anymore" I said going back to my thoughts from right before.

Mom. Dad.

I heard my voice and immediately snapped back to reality.

"Mom? Dad?" Daesung questioned, "What happened to your parents that you don't swim anymore?"

"They were drowned by some people who appeared to be their friends. In the end, you know, it was the opposite." I said with a shrug. "My parents died 18 years ago." I looked at him, "When I was 4 years old. We were left on the front step of an orphanage not too long after that."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."

"Its okay. It wasn't their fault that we landed in the orphanage. To be honest, I don't remember much of them." I said which was almost true. I do remember, though, a very happy memory. We were all there as a family. Mom, dad, dongsaeng and oppa. We were having a great time. I even went swimming. I'm not sure if it was real or not, but this was the image that came to me whenever a lake was mentioned.

Again, I was snapped back to planet earth, this time by a ring of a cell phone. Mine.

I ran to get it. My things were in my new room. Everything was still in luggages. I didn't have any furniture apart from the twin sized bed but I didn't mind. It was better than what I had back home.


I grabbed the phone and checked the number. It looked like a long distance call so I answered it quickly.

"Hello?" I said -no- practically yelled into the phone.

"Woah woah! You almost made my ear bleed, little one" I heard the most soothing voice in the whole planet.

A smile broke out on my face. "Hey babe! I was wondering when you'd call me"

"I've been really busy lately. Sorry sweety" he cooed from the other end of the phone. I knew he had a job back home and I didn't expect him to call me 24/7 but I just wanted to hear his voice. Ahh~my Kevin.

"Okay, I forgive you" I went over to the bed and dropped myself right on it. "What have you been up to, Kev?" I asked him curious as to why he was not at the airport when I left the U.S.

"I was out." is all he said.

"Oh, did you forget that I was leaving? Or did you just decide not to go?" I asked him straigh-forward.

"Please, don't start again. I called you, right? Shouldn't you be happy?" he asked. I felt bad for pressing on him so I just let it go.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry I just miss you so much." I said holding back the tears. I know I had to be strong. It was only for one semester. He would be able to wait that long right?

"I miss you too." his voice had become softer as if we were cuddling together. I pulled my legs up towards my chest and lay there wishing I could see Kevin again. 'Just for the semester' I told myself.

We talked for a long while before I had to say goodbye. "Hold on, will you?" I asked him "Of course" he replied, "I will wait for you to come home"

The conversation ended and I went to bed. I did have school the next day.

(End of Lily's POV)



Sorry for the looooong wait; I had writer's block. -_- Happens a lot. D:
Haha also, I had messed up on this new person's name. hehe sorry

Its summer!! So I will try to update more and get more Ideas ^_^
Again, I'm sorry and don't forget to comment, message, or subscribe ^_^

 Unnimoon, signing out

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I had a bad case of writer's block. DX Well, enjoy and tell me how it is.


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Chapter 8: O: those ba***rds!! >.> I don't like that teacher -_- but yay thanks for the update :D
Chapter 7: update MinniMoon demands more D: -re-read the entire story again lol-
yay update!!! :D -runs around- haha me likey!! I especially liked the song references lol clever! Minni Moon demands more! oh! I know what you should name the fic! Name it Minni Moon is a totally badass gangster!! >:D
UPDATE!!!!!!! -flips water-
don't stoooop, I'm actually eager to know how the five guys would actually like Lily at the same time. XDD :>
oh and osm background its so...watery xD
noooo! dnt stop it!!! ima cry D; if you stop it then I won't continue On the Maury Show or any other fanfic!!!
btw its osm aw Kira is such a .... wats the word? osm? lol I admire her for not letting it get to her -nods- I like her already and ha on "only look at me" his song xD taetae is such a stalker >.>
no prob ^^ I thought it sounded good, it gives it a mysterious feel to it -nods- my fav part is GD being mean lol "I don't want to look like you" lol evil but TOP is full of osmness that not even GD can resist! lol great job! Can't for more
<3 :3
haha! I didn't notice that! Thanks MinniMoon!