
Once Upon a Hill

(Lily's POV)

Daesung opened the door and rushed inside to go put a shirt back on. I walked through a short narrow hallway and he helped me put my things into the living room which was just ahead. A doorway on my left led to the kitchen and to my right was a bedroom except the door was not on this side. As I turned to the right, I could see the sofa, a table, and a T.V. As I turned more to the right corner, I could see a small square hallway. Doors were cleaerly visible.

Wow, this place is a real mess. "I'm sorry about the mess." Daesung said, as if reading my mind, "I've been meaning to clean it. For sure, I would have it done if I knew you were on your way." he said, breaking into a huge smile.

Okay, he doesn't look too scary. He looks very nice and not harmful. I couldn't help and smile back.

"So, since when was this planned? The whole roommate thing?" I asked Daesung

"Well, its always been around. I got rid of my roommate because he was being such a pain in the ." he said, "He would never clean and would tell me to do all the laundry and do the grocery shopping and I just about had enough."

HE was the one who didn't clean? "It seems like a total mess with just you in here~" I muttered to myself. "Well," he continued, "roommates are common here. Its easier for us because we don't have to pay as much. Everything is divided among the number of people living here. It's why it was so cheap."

"Yeah, I was kind of wodering why it was so cheap. Now I realize that someone else will be living here." I said with a little laugh.

"Hey, don't worry," he said smiling that huge smile, "We'll have fun together."

Oh. My. God.

(End of Lily's POV)


(Daesung's POV)

"We'll have fun together." I finished saying. I saw her jaw drop and finally understood what I had said. "No! Not like that! I meant..." trying to find the words to explain what I just said, "Umm well, we will have a pleasant time living together."

That didn't sound good either

I hit my palm to my forhead, "No, what I meant was - this is awkward - erm.."

She started to laugh.

"Hey! Why are you laughing?" I asked starting to laugh with her.

"You're actually pretty funny" she said sticking her tongue out at me, "I might just stay then."

I laughed at the face she made at me. "Okay, well, let me show you around." I said.

We turned left from where we were standing and were facing the kitchen. Then we made a 360 and faced the living room again. We walked behind the sofas and got to the little fork hallway. I pointed her to her room and then the restroom. "The restroom is shared by both of us." I said to her. "If you need anything I will be in that room." I said pointing to my room.

"Okay, thanks," she said with a smile. "I'm going to go buy groceries to make food. Is that ok?" she asked.

"Yes, seems fine." I was looking aroud at the mess I made with take-out. "It will be better than all this I've been eating." I said with a light laugh

Maybe when she is gone, I can clean up a bit.

(End of Daesung's POV)


(Lily's POV)

I was walking down the hall towards the elevator. I should probably take someone with me in case I get lost. I found myself standing in front of a door. I knocked and waited.

GD opened the door. He was wearing a muscle t-shirt, black jeans and a shiny belt and no shoes. I was slightly surprised. "Oh, is TOP home? I wanted to see if..." but before I could finish he replied with a simple, "No."

"O-Oh" I stuttered, "Well I-I'll get g-going then."

"What did you need?" he asked in a monotone.

"I wanted to ask if he would be able to show me the nearest store to buy groceries." He leaned against the door frame making faces as he decided whether or not to go with me.

He closed the door in my face. Well there goes my time. I turned around to leave when the door opened again and out came GD -  this time with some really awesome shoes on his feet. I stood there slightly stunned.

(End of Lily's POV)


(GD's POV)

 I took her by the wrist and led her to the elevator. She was struggling to escape from my grasp but I tightened it, unintentionally of course.

"Y-yah! Let go of my wrist! You're hurting me you doof!"

Reaching the elevator, I let go of her wrist once we got inside. I scoffed at her. Doof? I'm not a doof. That doofess.

Just when I was about to open my mouth to rebuttle, his voice came into my head along with our little convo.


"Don't saying anything stupid GD or I'm going to have to take away your shoes."

I sat with my legs up on the table resting my head on my arms, "Psh. I have a lot of shoes so it doesn't matter, go ahead and take them! Ha."

"Oh I will, and they are going to be your crown jewels."

"No, not the-"

"Oh yes, the Nike Zoom Force 1."

"You monster! You wouldn't dare?!" I jumped out of the couch and stared straight into TOP's evil eyes.

TOP had a smirk playing on his lips, "try me."

Knowing TOP and that smirk, I knew he meant business. I had no choice but to give in.

"Alright, alright you win. I'll be nice."

TOP smiled, "I knew you would see things my way."

End Flashback.

Stupid TOP. That evil son of a-


The elevator doors opened and I walked out only to stop to notice that Lily was still inside. "Well, are you going to stay there all day?"

"A-ani!" She rushed out and stood by my side. "Where are we going?" She asked as we headed out the front doors and took a left.

"Grocery shopping. Isn't that where you wanted to go?" She is not very smart.

"I know that, I meant as in where it is."

"Two blocks." I dug my hands into my pockets and stared straight while she played with her fingers looking around.

I glanced at her from the side. Hmm she isn't that bad looking. GDragon her up and she'll be good enough to date me. Ha.

(End of GD's POV)


(Lily's POV)

While in the elevator, I couldn't help but notice GD making odd faces to himself. I found it funny yet disturbing at the same time. I was wondering what it was that made him make peculiar experssions to himself when he stood outside the elevator waiting for me. I ran by his side and followed him out.

As we arrived to the store, I grabbed a cart and strolled inside; the airconditioning vent blowing in my face as we entered. "Wow! It's so big!"

"You didn't have big stores like this back where you are from?"

"Not this big! I don't know where to start!" Good thing I brought someone with me even if its GD.

GD grabbed the cart from its side and headed to an aisle with fruits, vegetables, and other produce. "Start with the essentials. Milk, eggs, bread, and whatever else." He started to put things in the cart without my permission.

"Whoa, hold it! What is this?" I took out a brown package that had Korean writing on it. I understand Korean and speak it well but I still have trouble in reading some of it.

"It's kimichi." He takes it from my hands and places it back into the cart and turned to another aisle once again shoving things that I didn't know what they were or how much they costed.

"Yah, stop putting things in the cart! I don't even know half the things you put in there!" I began to take things out.

"Hey, don't take those things out!" He put them back into the cart. "These are valuable things!"

"Oh really?" I took out a can that had a picture of what looked like a worm on the cover, "what is this? Worms? Are worms a valuable thing?"

 He snatched the small tin can and dropped back in, "yes, now let me shop."

I stood there scoffing lightly, aish this boy gives me headaches. I rubbed my temples.

"Look, I'm the one that is going to pay for it and cook it so I only want things that I know how to cook and what they are, okay? So put everything back."

He looked at me with a whatever-meannie face. I ignored it and started to put things back.

(End of Lily's POV)


(GD's POV)

I pouted when she started putting back all things I put in. Meannie... I wanted to express my opinon but then TOP's voice came into my head again threatening to take away my Nike Force Zooms, so I just kept quite.

After that little squander, I helped her get what she wanted and explained what some of the foods were.

"Here, taste it." I handed her a toothpick with a black egg on it.

"What is it?" She stared at it with a curious yet disgusted look.

"Don't ask questions, just taste it." I shoved the small delictable egg in and watched her reaction. Haha priceless. "Well? What do you think?"

"It's squishy...and....crunchy...." She made faces as she chewed the egg. I chuckled lightly at her. Cute. Wait did I just say she was cute?! Oh shells no!

"It's werid tasting but in an intriguing way. What is it?"

"It's black eggs from a pigeon." The employee who handed out samples told her.

"WHAT?! ACK!!" She started to cough.

I laughed. "You okay there? Don't choke on me." I patted her back lightly.

"Y-yeah, I'm guys eat some of the weirdest things."

(End of GD's POV)


(Lily's POV)

I can't believe I just ate a pigeon egg!! That is disgusting! I think I'm going to be sick! And GD is such a gentlman when he laughed in my face. Tch.

After tasting some of the samples, which by this time I was afraid to even get near, we headed to the last aisle where I needed a couple of more things before heading out to the checkout.

"What is taking you so dam long?" I heard GD grumble with impatience. "How hard is it to pick out freaking toilet paper?!"

"I'm looking for the right one! Toilet paper is a crucial neccessity!" I turned to look back at the two brands I narrowed it down to. "Now let's see...this one is soft but is only one ply but it is cheaper." I gazed at the other brand, "but this one is two ply, medium soft, but its a bit more expensive...what to buy, what to buy."

"I don't care what you get, JUST GET IT!! Here I'll help!" He grabbed the brand that was two ply and started to the check out.

"Hey, wait a minute!" I followed. "Oh, you got the two ply...good choice!"

He rolled his eyes. I could tell that he was annoyed by me. I felt bad.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled but he heard it clearly.

He raised an eyebrow at me, "for what?"

"For annoying you, I don't mean to be a bother..." I trailed off looking down.

He sighed running his fingers through his hair. "Ani...I'm...don't be're actually pretty know for being a doofess." He smiled a bit.

I looked up and smiled back. "You think so?"

"Yeah, you are one cool doofess." He nodded.

I smiled more until I realized what he actually meant, "HEY!! THAT'S NOT COOL!!!"

I heard him laugh as he carried the bags to the apartment building.

I pouted, that big dummy. How rude.

But at the same time, I smiled slightly knowing that we could become good friends. I glanced at him as we were walking back. He is handsome and he is nice, when he wants to be.

(End of Lily's POV)


(GD's POV)

I laughed when she finally understood what I meant. She is slow, its hilarious.

Once we arrived to her apartment, I handed back her bags and headed to my own.

"Thanks for coming with me!" I heard her yell. I just rose my hand in the air and entered my apartment.

I have to admit, it was fun going to the groceries with her. Who knew shopping for something that wasn't for clothes could be fun.

I smiled a bit thinking of the fun we had in just a short while. She's alright. She might be good enough to hang out with.

My stomach started to growl, "I wonder what we have to eat." I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! WE HAVE NO FOOD?!"

I noticed a yellow sticky note on the fridge:
Need food. Go buy.

I crumpled the paper and facedpalmed myself, "I knew there was something I had to do today."

(End of GD's POV)


(Lily's POV)
I struggled with getting the door to unlock. Aish, I should put the bags down first then open it!

Once I got the door opened, I looked up and to my horrific surprise I saw something. My eyes literally bugged out of my head.


All of the groceries dropped to the floor, a jar rolled down the hallway stopping by something (or someone) in its way.


(End of Lily's POV)


Okay, so here is the 3rd chapter. Hope you alls like it. ^_^
A BIG THANKS TO MY DONGSAENG, Minnimooon, who helped me write the best parts to this chapter!!!
Oh! and please check out her fanfics! They are awesome!
Please comment, or P.M. me for any questions, comments or concerns or if you have any ideas! ^_^
Oh! and you can find the GD's shoes at 

UnniMoon, signing out

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I had a bad case of writer's block. DX Well, enjoy and tell me how it is.


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Chapter 8: O: those ba***rds!! >.> I don't like that teacher -_- but yay thanks for the update :D
Chapter 7: update MinniMoon demands more D: -re-read the entire story again lol-
yay update!!! :D -runs around- haha me likey!! I especially liked the song references lol clever! Minni Moon demands more! oh! I know what you should name the fic! Name it Minni Moon is a totally badass gangster!! >:D
UPDATE!!!!!!! -flips water-
don't stoooop, I'm actually eager to know how the five guys would actually like Lily at the same time. XDD :>
oh and osm background its so...watery xD
noooo! dnt stop it!!! ima cry D; if you stop it then I won't continue On the Maury Show or any other fanfic!!!
btw its osm aw Kira is such a .... wats the word? osm? lol I admire her for not letting it get to her -nods- I like her already and ha on "only look at me" his song xD taetae is such a stalker >.>
no prob ^^ I thought it sounded good, it gives it a mysterious feel to it -nods- my fav part is GD being mean lol "I don't want to look like you" lol evil but TOP is full of osmness that not even GD can resist! lol great job! Can't for more
<3 :3
haha! I didn't notice that! Thanks MinniMoon!