Goodbye Home.

Goodbye Leeteuk, I love you.

We just sat there, in the silence, each lost in our own thoughts, trying to deny the reality. Can you imagine 5 males, sitting in a dark room, silently? I guess it doesn't happen often. I'm not sure what the others were thinking about, but I was thinking about our first music video. How exciting everything had been, the lights, the stage, the special effects, the dancing, the singing, the make-up, the costumes. Everything was so new and crisp, and I had been incredibly over excited. As I lost myself in thoughts of better times, a shy, soft voice interrupted us all. "Do you remember when Heechul-oppa did all his water pranks, and put them on his twitter?" Eunhyuk asked, and instantly my mind shot back to Heechul and his prankster ways, soaking members while they helplessly slept. Donghae and Shindong let out a small chuckle simultaneously, both victims of his pranks. I was thankful I hadn't been a target of his soaking fun, although a small part of me wondered why I hadn't been. "What about when management filmed Leeteuk trying to wake us up in the morning?" Sungmin piped up, and instantly, you all quietly yelled "Water screen!" and small chuckled emitted from my lips. "I'm glad I was sharing with Kangin, he made the members leave us until last." I shyly whispered, remembering the time well. "Hey, what about the first show!" Shindong brought up, and my thoughts went zooming back to the first show. I was so nervous. I felt like any second I could stop breathing, and my heart was pounding so loudly that it was in my ears. "We can't forget filming sorry sorry!" Donghae mentioned, and the entire evening turned into a big recollection of events that had happened to our band. We stayed up most of the night, talking and laughing about the good times. Crying about the bad times. As it approached 2:37am, Shindong ordered pizzas for us. I was amazed there were even placed that delivered pizzas in the morning, but it wasn't the right time to be amazed by it. 

It had slowly approached dawn as our intense talking died down, all tired and drained from the talking and the events over the past few days. I remember standing, intentions of going to our bedroom, until I remembered that it was my bedroom, Yesung no longer stayed there. And at the thought of being alone, I decided to stay with my brothers, and curled up on the sofa. Evidentially, I fell asleep, and woke later on to discover I had been tucked in, always the baby. I woke around 1:23pm, but there were no members around me, I guess they all went to bed, all tired out. As I forced myself to get up, I knew what I had to do. It pained me deeply, but I knew I had to. I went into the room I once shared, slowly packing up my belongings into the cases I owned. 2 hours and 9 minutes later, I had put the past 7 years into 3 suitcases and a backpack. Not wanting to wake the remaining members, I quietly left my belongings at the front door, giving myself a chance to say goodbye. As I went up the stairs for a final time, I crept into every room, kissing each member softly on the forehead, whispering 'Saranghae' into their ears, before quietly closing the doors. As I reached the front door, picking up my things, I turned back to the house, said my final "Goodbye home." And walked out, locked the door, and posted my key through the letterbox.

It was late evening by the time I'd reached my parents house, I had been forced to hide from photographers and reporters, who constantly badgered me with questions about Kyuhyun's leaving, and if Super Junior would remain. It wasn't my place to announce our disbandment, so I remained silent, my only comment being "No comment." As I knocked on the front door of the home I grew up in, my mother answer, shocked and surprised to see me, visits had been so rare in my band days, that an announced visit was unheard of. But instead of the usual excitement of seeing my parents, I broke down in tears, collapsing in her warm arms, as everything spilled out uncontrollably. She pulled me inside, calling on my father to make us some tea, while we sat in the living room, and she listened. To everything, of how Yesung had stolen my heart, how he had broke it, how I missed my leader, how we have fallen apart piece by piece, and how I yearned for the old days. She listened unconditionally, despite not knowing of my biuality until that very moment. My father joined us too, crying softly at how I was falling apart. As we spoke into the early hours of the morning, she told me it was time I went to sleep, and as I climbed into my old bed, she tucked me in, just like a child.

It was all over the news the next morning. SM had announced it over social network pages and fans were crumbling. There were several sites and petitions to see us reunite. Fans begging us to get back together, internet blogs about how their world's were falling apart. It killed me to know I caused people so much pain, but I was powerless to it all. I wondered how the members had felt, waking up to see me gone, my old key and giraffe keychain lying on the ground at the front door. As my mother made me some breakfast, I braved going onto my social network sites. After seeing 1 single comment about how the disbandment of the group was hurting a fan, I deactivated all my accounts, It felt safer, being away from all the reminders. I turned off my phone and beeper too, hiding them in the bottom drawer of my wardrobe. While I did all this, one thought repeated itself in my mind, "When will I see the members again?"

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Chapter 12: Please update soon!! I really like this story.
NozomiSempai #2
Chapter 12: Whaaaaaaaaaa I can't stand seeing Yesung as a jerk.... I keep hoping there is some reason that he was a jerk..... Like the company made him do it or something...... Please update.... Also I want to know why Yesung did what he said......
mermaid_monkey13 #3
Chapter 1: Yeah it's ryeowook then
I hate reading about SuJu disbanding! It's really depressing. Call me a delusional fangirl, but I hope they never breakup.

But, I just came across this fic and read all the chapters in one go. Even I don't know why, but there's something really addictive about the story. The plot is unique and it's written very well. I like ittt!!!

I wonder who Wookie ends up with. He seems to love Kyu very much, but he has very strong emotions towards Teukkie and I'm not sure if they are hundred percent brotherly feelings.

And OMG I've never thought how Kyuwook would be like if Wookie was the seme. Tell you what? I love it! Wookie should top more often in fics!

Oh and Wookies them! Also Yesung is a jerk.

Update soon!
Oh poor baby Kyu, he must be so hurt...
I feel so bad for him...
But Kyuwook will prevail! They will still be strong after the year is over *is confident*
No offense Kyu, but I think you're being just a tad over dramatic...
Anyway, thx for updating and I can't wait for next chappie!
Kironstree #6
I hope they still love each other at the end of that year
Oh noes!!! Kyu thinks Wookie is a ! *blushes and facepalms on Wookie's behalf*
OMG!!! Wookie was the seme?!?! *dies at the mere thought*
I'm worried what will happen when Kyu finds out... I hope they will be okay...
But anyway, YAY!!! I lurve me some Maknae !! Plz update soon! ^^
Kironstree #8
Wookie topped *_* yay.