
Goodbye Leeteuk, I love you.

The morning after arrived quickly, and I was woken by Kyu wriggling his body against me, his gentle stubble tickling my face,
"Morning, lover." He cooed to me, rubbing his nose against mines. I replied with a grunt, and he pulled me in close, the faint smell of his after shave mixed with the fabric softener of the pillows. As my body was slammed against his, the bedsheet fell to the ground. As the sudden coldness his me, I allowed Kyu to hold me, and I clung to his body heat. As we lazed there, my mind slipped back to the wonderful events of he night before. And the horror of the night before. Kyu and I had taken that final step, a stage that I had long awaited. But Kyu, my innocent lover, thought we had taken the other's ity. When in reality, I had taken the mankae's, Yesung had taken mines long before I had ever had feelings for Kyu, back when the band still existed. I couldn't tell him about the extent of my relationship with Yesung. You can call me a coward, but I did  it to protect him. I loved him. It seemed better to keep it from him, allow him to think that what we shared had been a unique, new experience for both of us.
"Up for round two?" He smirked, his hand running up my bare thigh. It gave me goose bumps.
"Yah, Kyu!" I grumbled, still very much asleep. It wasn't that I didn't want him, but just that I felt guilty. It was almost that every time we would make love, I would be lying to him all over again. And I was. I was lying to him, to his man that I was so in love with, and so proud of.
"What time is it?" Kyu wondered aloud, letting go of my tiny body to turn to face the clock. He cursed.
"What, what is it?" I asked him.
"It's 11:30 .. your parents must be home." He meekly whispered.

Within seconds, I had bolted from the bed, not caring about my ness, and ran through to the front window. And indeed, my parents car sat there neatly in the front. Shining brightly in the Korean sun. 
"Get dressed!" I panicked to Kyu, as I myself yanked my clothes on quickly. As Kyu slipped his boxers on, I was already dressed, and I headed into the bathroom to splash my hair with water, so I looked as though I had just had a shower. With my hair dripping wet, I left, and was dismayed to find Kyu still half .
"Why are you so slow?!" I snapped, panicked about what my parents would think.
"... I'm sore.." he confessed, giving me 'that look'. And I sympathized.
"Yes, I know, it hurts, but you'll be alright in a few hours." I comforted him, and he stared at me for a few seconds.
"Wha-what do you mean you "know it hurts"?" He asked, a puzzled look on his face.
'thump. thump. thump' my heart pounded.
"I-I just mea-meant that I know it would hurt, because ... of stretching and an unfamiliar pain..but with more..it'll be less..painful?" I stuttered in a flurry. But to my thanks, Kyu just shrugged and fastened his belt, before slipping on a t-shirt.
"I'll go down first. Come down in a few minutes." Kyu told me, and I watched that sore, tight little of his wonder down the stairs, as I thanked God for not revealing my secret.
'I will tell him, just not right now... in the future...why he won't mind anymore.' I promised myself, before waiting a few minutes, and following suit.

As I slid into the kitchen, there was cups of green tea already laid out, along with a few of my mother's home baked cakes. And as I kissed her cheek, out of the corner of her eye, she gave me a 'look'. She knew. .But I tried to pretend I was oblivious to her knowledge, and I sat next to Kyu, and helped myself to a cupcake.
"Good morning." I lied to Kyu, who smiled kindly and returned my greeting. My father's glances went from me to Kyu, and I had a slight feeling that he knew too. . We ate without conversation, the only sounds being the turning of pages on my father's newspaper, and the quick sips Kyu took of his tea. I myself stared awkwardly at the ground, eating my mother's cakes and refusing to make eye contact with anyone. Some 10 minutes into our late morning snack, my father's mobile rang, and he excused himself. As I heard his speech turn into English, I knew it was work related. After a few seconds, Kyu also excused himself, mumbling about getting a jumper, and he left to go upstairs.He was just out of ear shot when my mother turned to me.
"You boys got up very late this morning..."
"... We got home late, from meeting with the other members yesterday.." I stuttered off, starting to stack the dirty dishes. A few seconds passed before she spoke again.
Kim Ryeowook, I'm your mother, you think that I don't know things?" She smirked at me, telling me that she knew very well why Kyu and I had gotten up so late.
"Yah, mother...I can't talk of these things with you..." I cringed, rising from my seat to put the dishes into the sink.
"I don't want details...just to know that you boys are being ..'careful'.."
"Mother!" I exclaimed, feeling my cheeks turn crimson.
"What is your mother saying to you?" My father asked, sitting down in his seat, returning to Korean.
"About his ... 'activities' with Kyuhyun." She told him, and my father gave me a wide smile.
"I don't need to know anything, apart from that you aren't foolish and unwise, ok?" He told me, standing up to give me a hug.
"We will be, dad." I promised him, feeling so grateful that I had such understanding parents.
"You were careful when you were with Yesung, right?" My mum asked, turning the majority of her attention to the gossip section of the newspaper.
"Yes, we were safe, always used protection." I replied back, my back turned to my parents as I cleaned the dishes.
And then there was a cough. A watery, emotional cough. And as I absentmindedly looked back, I dropped the glass I had been cleaning, and it fell to the ground, smashing around my bare feet. My parents both jumped up, trying to clear the glass away from my feet, making sure that their son wasn't hurt. But their panicky voices were a far off, fuzzy sound, for I wasn't paying them any attention. The only thing I could focus on was the owner of that cough, the man who stood staring at me, the look of hatred and heartbreak burning from his eyes. Completed with a warm winter jumper he had received from Shindong one Christmas. Kyuhyun.

"Kyu," I dryly whispered to him, but he turned around, and ran up the stairs, thundering and taking them 3 or 4 at a time. As my parents stared blankly, I ran after him, taking the steps as quickly as I could. Just as I reached the top steps, I saw our bedroom door closing. I burst into the room, to find an empty suitcase lying ontop of our messy, unmade bed. But Kyu wasn;t there, and I stormed into the joining bathroom. There he was.
"What are you doing?!" I yelled pointlessly, making him jump with fright. I could see exactly what he was doing. Furiously picking up bottles of shampoos and creams, shoving them into a night bag.
"I'm leaving." was all he replied, but by the cracks in his voice, I knew he was close to tears.
"Why?!" I cried, feeling my eyes well up. But he didn't reply, and I grabbed him by the shoulders, fingertips digging into the blades.
"Don't ing touch me!" He screamed, and my fingertips loosened. And I felt his stare, it burned right through me, as though he wasn't actually looking at me.
"Kyu.." I began, "I'm so- I'm so-"
"Save your breath." He replied harshly, pushing me to the side so he could get passed me. I persisted as I followed him through.
"No, Kyu, listen to me!" I begged, but he didn't stop pulling the clothes from the closet, and quickly folding them. "Before y-you said that last night - about us losing it to each other - I th-thought you already had lost it...and that you knew about Yesung and I..-"
"Why would you assume that?!" He shouted at me, and I cowered. "We've never had that conversation before, and why would you think I'd had before when you know you're my first everything!" He spat. And the tears suddenly fell from my eyes. "Don't turn on the tears Ryeowook, it's not going to work!" He yelled, unusually coldly. It was a side of him I'd never seen before. I didn't like it.
"So what, you're just going to leave because I made a mistake?!" I yelled back, "Because I got ed before you did?!" He looked at me suspiciously, I didn't normally curse.
"You've had months and endless opportunities to tell me about how far you went with Yesung." He replied, a lot softer. And before I could open my mouth to reply, he used all his might to push me out of our room, and with a slam, he locked the door.

Helplessly, I wondered downstairs, in floods of tears. My parents had been sitting down in the kitchen, trying to ignore the yelling, hoping that we would make up from our first 'big fight'. But upon seeing me, their only son in an uncontrollable emotional state, they gathered not. And they both sat on either side of me, hugging me tightly, promising me lies that 'everything would be okay'. 
About an hour later, there was a thumping coming from upstairs, the gliding of wheels and footsteps, and then the thudding of the stairs. I buried my head deep into my lap, praying that I would wake up, and it would be yesterday morning, and I could tell Kyu everything, and he wouldn't mind, and we would still be in bed this very second. The scraping of my mother's seat yelped from my side, and I heard her walk over to Kyu, whispering. As I peaked out, I saw her hugging him. And his suitcase. Two suitcases. They were conversing quietly, as my father also rose, and he too went to hug Kyu.
"Be careful." I strained to hear, and I couldn't bear to listen to anymore. Without looking at anybody, I slipped out into the back garden, to sit on the porch. The sun was out, but I don't know why. It was one of the most horrendous days of  my life, along with the disbandment of Super Junior, and Yesung betraying me. The worst part was that, I knew the pain hadn't hit me yet.
As I stared blankly at the fence for a while, my parents joined me, sitting on either side of me.
"He left this," my mother struggled to say, and she handed me a folded piece of paper, a note. Not unlike the one Kyu had left when he slipped out during the night. My fingers fumbled with the note, until my father lovingly took it from me, opened it and placed it back in my hands;

Ryeo-shi, you hurt me so much, but I will get over it. Give me a year off, a years break. I will see you then. I love you, Cho Kyuhyun. x


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Chapter 12: Please update soon!! I really like this story.
NozomiSempai #2
Chapter 12: Whaaaaaaaaaa I can't stand seeing Yesung as a jerk.... I keep hoping there is some reason that he was a jerk..... Like the company made him do it or something...... Please update.... Also I want to know why Yesung did what he said......
mermaid_monkey13 #3
Chapter 1: Yeah it's ryeowook then
I hate reading about SuJu disbanding! It's really depressing. Call me a delusional fangirl, but I hope they never breakup.

But, I just came across this fic and read all the chapters in one go. Even I don't know why, but there's something really addictive about the story. The plot is unique and it's written very well. I like ittt!!!

I wonder who Wookie ends up with. He seems to love Kyu very much, but he has very strong emotions towards Teukkie and I'm not sure if they are hundred percent brotherly feelings.

And OMG I've never thought how Kyuwook would be like if Wookie was the seme. Tell you what? I love it! Wookie should top more often in fics!

Oh and Wookies parents....love them! Also Yesung is a jerk.

Update soon!
Oh poor baby Kyu, he must be so hurt...
I feel so bad for him...
But Kyuwook will prevail! They will still be strong after the year is over *is confident*
No offense Kyu, but I think you're being just a tad over dramatic...
Anyway, thx for updating and I can't wait for next chappie!
Kironstree #6
I hope they still love each other at the end of that year
Oh noes!!! Kyu thinks Wookie is a ! *blushes and facepalms on Wookie's behalf*
OMG!!! Wookie was the seme?!?! *dies at the mere thought*
I'm worried what will happen when Kyu finds out... I hope they will be okay...
But anyway, YAY!!! I lurve me some Maknae !! Plz update soon! ^^
Kironstree #8
Wookie topped *_* yay.