Videos that you, a Glum Chum, must watch!

A Diary I Share With You

Hey guise~ Weird things have been happening a lot lately. <.< I WANT SOME PEACE AND QUIET. But since I'm part of an asian family, that'll be somewhat considered as a ridiculous wish. lolz. If you're interested, here are some videos that I uploaded in YouTube: = Piano recital. = Don't Say Lazy  Piano and Drum Cover. 

Now, go. Fulfill your mission as a loyal Glum Chum. *eww* I don't advertise this in Facebook cuz my friend is not confident in her drumming skills... WHICH IS A SHAME. T^T Such a talented gal. :">

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IMAGINE 10 years from now Friend: You remember that time when you were so into your bias back then? Me: Yeah. Friend: What did you swear on? Me: I swore to att


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JYM017 #2
Good luck with the auditions and everything! :D Fighting!!!! :D I'll be rootin' for ya~~
JYM017 #3
OK first of all, i'm sorry I haven't been commenting on this and your story, been a lot busy these past few weeks =.=
secondly, what you are going through right now must be tough :\ aww cheer up mate, we all go through that stage :) i've been through a war with myself as well and trust me, you don't wanna know what happened =.= anyway, it's gonna be ok steph :) you'll get through it! :D fighting! :)
oh and it's great you're letting it all out through words. never ever keep it to yourself coz sooner or later, you'll explode. kidding XD
@sarxkyu : lolololol I get that a lot XD but sankyous
@Fuzzball000: YG or SM?
SM: Failed.
YG: Still waiting for the result. </////3
AlmightyLena #6
so how did the audition go?! :ooo
AlmightyLena #7
i meant won xDDD
@Fuzzball000: YEAH. DEFINITELY. ^^