My Dreamland

A Diary I Share With You


Asians. Invaded. My. School. Such a beautiful sight. There were so many cute Japanese guys coming from Otoki! Trust me. They were hella hyper and ADORKABLE. Omygoodness, my face is flushing red. -burns her finger after contact with cheeks- This better get lots of reblogs. Nihongo peoples, where art thou?

This memorable, remarkable day began with me having, as usual, difficulty picking stylish clothes that will make a good impression on these Asians I so rarely see. TRUST ME. No Asians in HS whatsover. Pitiful, I know. *tear-eyed* When I was finally satisfied, I fiddled around with my closet in desperate search for my Death Note bag. (Death Note fanatics, you jelly?) The letters I made with love were safe and secure in that. I bid farewell to my dad, skipping gleefully in anticipation towards the school.

June 1st, 2012: The very moment 100+ Japanese male students greeted us with their delightful smiles. I swear, I made a promise to myself to live successfully through the day and never die of from excessive squealing. There's a big possibility I could've had a heart attack. They bowed in respect, and we Westernizers peeked at their nicely-coiffed hair (they had anime-styled hairs. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL) and their nicely-attired uniforms. I managed to sneak in a picture without being too obvious, and the most INCONVENIENT event happened: it died off. Cameras these days: never reliable. Watched a slideshow, had them present such a melodic song (they were fantastic singers as well!) OMG. Is-is this happening? I'VE CONQUERED MY WRITER'S BLOCK. I give my appreciation to you, cute Asian guys. We've toured for a bit, conversed in little Japanese phrases. (By a miracle, they managed to comprehend my accent. HUZZAH FOR ME.) Location: gym. The three translators sat in the front, one named Sodai. (Ring a bell?) Anyways, he was wearing the red-checkered shirt with the great addition of his jet-black with a white undershirt. LOL over-descriptive, huh? Anyways, his hand went travelling underneath his shirt towards his chest, meaning his tummy was exposed right in front my eyes. NYAHAHA~ I just witnessed the guy of dreams do that kind of action. Should I be pleased or disgusted? I don’t even know. Me and Asians have a conservative nature (well, doesn’t he?!). Psh, he doesn’t have abs. But it’s awfully close. *wink wink* But the fun and thrill begins during lunch.

I got with a friend of mine (which, by the way, got hit on by three ADORABLE guys. Blame her Chinese and Peruvian genes. Oh, how I yearn to be a mixed child. But I cannot let my Filipino pride be destroyed by my obsession with China, Japan and Korea) and took a couple of photos here and there. Omygoodness, now that I look back on it, I should've conversed with them more. I recall this very polite but heart-warming guy named Shuichiro (PRINCE OF TENNIS.) Anyways, he was really kind and I had a lot of fun talking to him. He exceeded my ideal type expectations though. BUT THE OTOKI HS IS AN ALL-MALE SCHOOL. Very blessed I am. CALLING K-POP FANS. I approached a friendly, quiet table and call me a mood maker, but I successfully achieved to hear some laughter from them. How the conversation went:

Fatima: Konnichiwa! Watashi no namae wa Hachima desu!

Group: Konnichiwa!

(awkward silence) *me with my derpy Chan Yeollie smile*

Fatima: Anyone here know K-pop?

Group: *puzzled* K-pop?

Fatima: Like So Nyu Shi Dae, Big Bang...

Group (more like one guy): OH. LIKE KARA?

Fatima: *spazzes* Yeah! Sings: Bo Beep Bo Beep while simultaneously doing the hand movements. “That’s T-ara!”

Guy: *points* OH. *copies the hand movements as well*

Fatima: HIGH FIVE BRO. What about Roly Poly? *sings*

Guy: OH YEAH. Group is also laughing while watching me horribly mimic the moves.

Fatima: Dewa... arigato gozaimasu! Sayonara.

Pretty awesome light chat, huh? 

We explored some more. Played games using the concept of blind-folding. Drew some manga. Those guys that drew are truly above average and have potential. You never know. I might've captured a photo with a future mangaka. Created some origami. A guy approaches us and points out:

Guy: OH! Death Note?! 

Fatima: *peers up* YEAH. Pretty awesome right?! That's L.

Guy: Yeah, I know!

Fatima: *high fives him* (except his hand was like above my head) LONG LIVE DEATH NOTE FANS. -shoulders friend- *looks back towards guy* Hey, would you mind taking a photo with me? 

Guy: *smiles radiantly* Of course!


Took pictures here and there (my friend’s cell is occupied with pics of me). OOoOOo! I remember! I’ve so desperately wanted to take a couple shot with one of the students. With a breeze, I easily took one. His group of friends went wild, roaring with cheers. I just stood there in awe. I’m not even showered with good looks. Heehee~ Played badminton, took a group shot with 10 students; I can’t ask for more. Idly, two guys were sitting there, just looking out the window of the cafeteria. I nudged my friend and with eye contact invited her to take a photo with the two. We ended up taking a 3-3 photo, until the two guys asked freaking Sodai to take it. -_- I just got photographed by the guy I’ve been crushing on for the past 6 months. *dies of heart attack* He had such a dothraki man warrior voice too. Lol I kid. Maybe a little manly like Kai’s? He looked at me with suspicion, and I couldn’t help but look at the ground with embarrassment. Took the photo. The two guys were cute too, I must say. Deep inside, I’m just a mere e. Nyahaha~ Unfortunately, he was busy talking to another Japanese translator (Grade nine), so a love connection might develop between them. *bites nails in nervousness* But that’s fine, I guess. Sodai will never be aware of my existence anyways. *losing hope* Anyways, back to drawing board! OH. HERE COMES THE BIG REVELATION.

I encountered one of this adorable (aren’t they all cute?) Japanese dude with such a delightful smile that made him very approachable. I went and asked, “May I have a photo with you?” Response: “Yes, of course!” Me: “Anata wa?” Guy: “Tsubasa desu.” *smiles* LOL truthfully, all I remember are: Tsubasa, Keito, and Shuichiro. Me and my repressed memorizing abilities. Turns out my friend asked him first to take a photo with me due to his name. (Big Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle fan) So we posed, with his arm above my shoulder and my arm wrapped around his hip. Might seem ordinary for you, but never once did a guy rest his arm on my shoulder. I WAS BLUSHING. AND LET ME TELL YOU: I DON’T BLUSH. Sure I may fan-girl over idols, but never blush at their presence. Inhale and exhale I went. He was a cutie pie too!

The day came to an abrupt close, and unfortunately, I wasn’t able to bid my sayonaras. *cries in a corner* I had been shooed away 3 times by the vice principal. Rebellious, eh? Japanese students, I hope you had as much fun as I did, and may you continue being the lively crowd you are. This day will live forevermore in my heart, soul and mind. What a proposal! 

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IMAGINE 10 years from now Friend: You remember that time when you were so into your bias back then? Me: Yeah. Friend: What did you swear on? Me: I swore to att


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JYM017 #2
Good luck with the auditions and everything! :D Fighting!!!! :D I'll be rootin' for ya~~
JYM017 #3
OK first of all, i'm sorry I haven't been commenting on this and your story, been a lot busy these past few weeks =.=
secondly, what you are going through right now must be tough :\ aww cheer up mate, we all go through that stage :) i've been through a war with myself as well and trust me, you don't wanna know what happened =.= anyway, it's gonna be ok steph :) you'll get through it! :D fighting! :)
oh and it's great you're letting it all out through words. never ever keep it to yourself coz sooner or later, you'll explode. kidding XD
@sarxkyu : lolololol I get that a lot XD but sankyous
@Fuzzball000: YG or SM?
SM: Failed.
YG: Still waiting for the result. </////3
AlmightyLena #6
so how did the audition go?! :ooo
AlmightyLena #7
i meant won xDDD
@Fuzzball000: YEAH. DEFINITELY. ^^