A Twist of Fate...

Simple Tales of Love...

A Twist of Fate...


Everything was pre-destined, pre-determined, my life was set out for me. There was only one catch; I didn’t know anything about it. Until the day I met you.




“He’s on his way now. He just left his apartment. Get ready for him.”

“What is on his agenda for today?”

“9:05 he will cross the street and make his way through the park. At 9:18 a coffee spill accident will occur that will lead him back in to his apartment for him to change. 9:35 he will leave his apartment again.  He will catch the 9:45 bus once he makes his way through the park.”

“Will he be late for the conference from the coffee spill?”

“He will be fifteen minutes late.”

“Omit the coffee spill and let him continue his way. We can’t afford for him to be late, not today. He needs to catch the 9:25 bus.”

“Yes sir.”

“Here he comes. Get ready to receive him. Are you sure you want to take him on?”

“Yes sir, I’m ready.”

“Alright, I’ll leave everything in your hands now.”

I made my exit from my apartment building like I do every morning. But for some odd reason I felt that today was not going to be like my usual days. I glance at my watch; 9:05. I notice the signal for pedestrians to walk as I made my way across the street towards the park. I greeted a few of my neighbors during my walk. Living in this neighborhood for a few years now I’ve become somewhat famous, I’m known for who I am but in this neighborhood I’m also known for my looks and personality.

I’m the son of the wealthiest man in Seoul, my looks has gotten me the reputation of most wanted bachelor in Seoul, and my personality has gotten me the adoration of everyone around. I’m humble when it comes to my wealth. I’m not one to flaunt what I have. I rather take the local bus like any other person in Seoul rather than having a driver. You can say I’m the perfect man that every woman could dream of, and many have told me so but I have yet to find that one that I’ve fallen head over heels for. I don’t mean to boast or sound conceited, but that’s who people see me as and how I see myself, I’m not going to deny any of it. I’m just confident in who I am because I know who I am.

Today I will officially be stepping in to my father’s place as the sole CEO of the business. A press conference is all set up and awaiting my arrival. And just like any other day, I prefer to take the bus rather than a driver. I walk through the park like I usually do to get to my bus, greeting passerby as I made my way through.

“What are you doing? He just passed you. Did you make the adjustment yet?”

“I… I…”

“Where is the adjustment?!”

“I… I…”

I greeted my neighbors happily as I made way towards my bus stop. Without focusing on my walk I accidentally pump in to a young lady carrying a cup of Starbucks coffee. The pump caused the coffee to spill over my suit. What was I to do? I can’t go to the conference with a spill on my suit. My apartment was only a few minutes away I can easily just go back and change quickly.

“Omo, I’m so sorry.” I can hear her apologetic voice.

“Don’t worry about it,” I smile at her, assuring her that it was completely understandable.

“But your suit. I’m so sorry about this.” She repeated again, I can tell that she was feeling really guilty about the whole thing.

I smile again assuring her that it’s perfectly fine, “don’t worry. I live right over there. I can easily go back and change.”

“I’m so sorry again.” She bows to me. I can see in her face how regretful she felt.

I glance over at my watch; 9:18. I have time to go back and change. I can still catch my 9:45 bus. I turn back and made my way back through the park.

“What the hell happened?”

“I’m sorry sir. I got distracted.”

“You were sleeping on the job, that’s what happened. You need to get your act together!”

“Sorry sir, I’ll rearrange it that his driver will pick him up instead.”

“Don’t bother, you know his personality. He won’t take it. We might be able to direct the path of their life, but we have no say in how their personality will affect their decision. Once we miss our opportunity then we just have to adjust accordingly.”

“Yes sir.”

“Just go with the original path. And keep on him.”

“Yes sir.”

As I left my apartment I glance at my watch; 9:35. I cross the street as I made my way towards my bus stop. The 9:45 had arrived as I got on and greeted the driver. I made my way down the isle of the bus to find a seat when I noticed a girl running for the bus that had already began moving. I can see the expression in her face that she was trying to catch the bus. I did the first thing that popped in to my head. I turn towards the front of the bus and start calling towards the driver to stop the bus.

“There’s someone running for the bus.” I inform the driver.

The driver was nice enough to stop. I smile at the sight of the girl making her way up the bus.

“Thank you.” I thanked the driver.

“Thank… you…” The girl thanked through her heavy breathing as she made her way up the bus.

I was still standing at the front, smiling at her as she passed by me. She was still breathing heavily as she made her way down the isle of the bus. I found myself watching her as she found a seat. I didn’t know what it was but I found myself gravitating towards her as I made my way down the isle of the bus and taking the seat next to hers’.

“Who is she? Is she part of the path?”

“I don’t know where she came from. She’s not in here.”

“Get her out of there now. I don’t need any of this to be compromised.”

I found myself sitting beside her and stealing glances at her whenever she wasn’t looking.

“Is there something on my face that you keep looking over?”

Her sudden question caught me off guard as I cough from discomfort.

I chuckle nervously as I notice her staring at me, “sorry,” I apologized, “I didn’t mean to stare. It’s just…” I paused, unable to find the proper answer to finish my sentence.

“Just what?”

I began to get nervous, and I hardly ever get nervous. This was definitely something new for me. What do I say? Just say whatever comes to your mind.

“I was just admiring your beauty.” I finally blurted out.

She begins to chuckle mockingly at me.

You idiot! Why would you say something like that to someone you don’t even know.

I notice her leering over at me before turning her full face to face me. I quickly look away, trying to save face from what I had just said earlier. I glance over to her to see her still staring at me.

“Sor… sorry,” I nervously apologized.

Her stare was still on me.

“Don’t be sorry. I should be thanking you for the compliment. I’m a bit crept out by it, but nonetheless I appreciate the compliment.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her reply.

“Han SeungYeon.” She held out her hand.

I was once again caught off guard with her sudden introduction.

“Nam… Nam WooHyun,” I stuttered as I took her hand for a shake.

“Nam WooHyun? The same Nam WooHyun that’s about to take over Seoul’s biggest business?” She asks, holding the newspaper that she had been reading during the bus ride.

I laugh sheepishly at her and nodded.

“Ah…” She utters, “aren’t I lucky today, I get to sit next to the most wanted bachelor in all of Seoul. You are a man of the people aren’t you?” She glances over at me with a smile, “taking public transportation and all.”

I laugh at her observation, “I prefer it. I like to have some outlet of normalcy.”

“Are you nervous about your press conference today?”

“No, there’s nothing really to be nervous about. I’m just gonna stand there and look pretty.” I joked.

She laughs along and I couldn’t help but feel a sudden rush of blood to my head as my heart started to beat faster and faster. I can feel my face getting red.

“Oh, this is my stop.” She announces.

She quickly gets up and I was at a loss for words, I was confuse and didn’t know what to say. I wanted to see her again but I didn’t know what to do at that very moment.

“Good luck at your conference today. You’ll be the prettiest one there.” I could tell that she was teasing me, especially with that mischievous smile of hers.

She got off the bus and I quickly pull the window open.

“Where can I find you?” I quickly shouted to her.

She turns around with a charming smile, “let’s leave that to fate.”

With that the bus left. There was more that I wanted to ask her but it was too late. I guess I really have to leave it to fate.

“He cannot see her again. She is not part of the path. She will just compromise everything.”

“Yes sir, I’ll make sure that she won’t appear again.”

“What is the update now?”

“We’re back on track. He’s heading over to the conference now.”

The conference was a success. I really didn’t do much aside from standing there and smiling for the photographers to take pictures of me and my father. But now everyone in Seoul will know who I am.

My father had organized a celebratory dinner in my honor and invited all the elites and most powerful figures in Seoul for me to meet and basically to make sure that they’re on my side and support me as I gradually take over for my father. To be honest, I’ve never liked these types of gatherings of my father’s. They tend to be filled with pretentious individuals who think they’re better than everyone else. Like I said before, I’m not one to flaunt my wealth and being at these types of parties, they’re always full of those types of people.

I manage to slip out of the grand ballroom for some air. I was feeling a bit suffocated being in there. I step out on to the balcony. I stare out in to the night sky. My mind slowly drifts off and I find myself thinking about the girl that I had met earlier in the day. What was her name again?

Han. Seung. Yeon.

A smile crept up my lips as I remembered her name.

“Fancy seeing you here,” the voice wakes me from my thoughts.

I turn around to see the one person that I’ve been thinking about and wanted to see most. I couldn’t help but smile the moment I saw her face. I was at a loss for words. I didn’t know what to say in that moment, I was completely happy to see her.

“It’s nice to see you again too,” she added when she noticed my unwavering stance.

I quickly clear my throat to wake myself up, “hi.”

That was all I could mutter out.

“What the hell is she doing here? I thought you made sure they were never going to meet again?!”

“I… I did… I made sure that she will no longer interfere with his life.”

“You’re not doing your job properly. Do I need to put someone else on this project?”

“No sir. I will make sure that things will get back on track. I will get her out.”

“Make sure that you do. This is too important to screw up.”

“You!” Another voice interrupts us as I turn to see a man in black storming his way over towards us. It seemed like he was pointing at her.

The next thing I know she’s right beside me, holding tightly on to me as if we were about to get intimate.

“Sorry, I just need to borrow you for a minute.” I hear her whisper softly in to my ear.

I sudden felt a shiver of excitement shivering down my spine the moment her breath passed through my ear. Her touch brought goose bumps to my body as I stiffen at her touch. Her hand around my neck and I could feel her cheek touching mine. Thank goodness we were in the dark because I swear my face was burning up from excited embarrassment. I slowly and hesitantly maneuver my arms up around her waist.

“Mr. Nam,” the man in black spoke the moment he got closer, “I’m sorry to interrupt.”

I was still at a loss with her in my arms.

“What… what can I help you with?” I manage to croak out.

“Sorry sir, but that girl is trespassing.”

I slowly glance down at her. She glances back up at me and flashes me that sweet and innocent smile of hers’. I guess she was trespassing. I couldn’t help but chuckle mentally at her character.

“There’s no need for that. She’s with me tonight.” I look up at the man in black.

“But sir…”

“Don’t worry, I asked her to come.” I cut him off before he continues, “if there’s nothing else then you may take your leave.” I added sternly.

“Yes sir.” He nodded obediently and made his exit.

“He’s gone,” I whisper to her once he was no longer in sight.

She slowly released me from her hold glancing over her shoulder to make sure he was truly gone.

“So you’re a party crasher huh?” I question teasingly.

She let out a chuckle, “you can say that.”

“What made you decide to do this at this party?”

She stares at me for a moment. I began to feel uncomfortable with her gaze on me. I was trying my best to suppress my blushing cheeks.

“I wanted to see you.”

She was straightforward with her answer and I couldn’t help but be taken aback by her bluntness.

I quickly clear my throat to avoid any awkwardness. I begin to laugh at her answer.

“Why so?” That was all I could manage to say.

She begins to chuckle, probably from my reaction to her answer. Without notice she grabs my hand and pulls me from the balcony and drags me down the flight of stairs towards the exit. I didn’t fight as I just follow her.

“Let’s get out of here.” She final said as we made our exit from the hotel.

“Where are we going?”

She turns to me, “anywhere you want to go, anywhere other than here.”

Our fingers were now intertwined as she pulls me along with her. I don’t know what it was but all I wanted to do was follow her. Wherever she wanted to take me, I was willing to follow, for however long or far, I just wanted to follow her.

“What the hell is going on?! Why is she still there?!”

“I… I don’t know sir. I can’t seem to divert him away from her.”

“! This is not supposed to happen. Not now.”

“I’m trying everything I can but he’s not cooperating.”

“Of course he’s not. He’s no longer thinking with his head, he’s thinking with his heart.”

“What do we do now?”

“There’s no way to rearrange any of his path. It’s been tampered, his path is slowly fading. The only thing we can do now is deal with it ourselves.”

“What do you mean?”

“Where are we going SeungYeon?” I asked again through my laughter as I watch her lead me to god-knows-where.

She stops and turns to me. I stop as well as I see her gazing back at me. I begin to get nervous again.

“What did you just say?” She asks.

Feeling her gaze on me I didn’t know how to answer her question.

“I… I asked where… where we were going.” I manage to stutter out.

“After that.”

I was confused with what she meant, “I said your name?”

“Say it again.”

I was nervous. I didn’t know what she would do to me if I disobeyed, “SeungYeon.”

What happened next completely caught me off guard. I felt the world spinning. I felt like I was floating on air. It seemed there was no one else in this word but us two. My body felt energized. The shock felt like a thousand watts of electricity surging through my body as I stood there with a huge smile on my face.

She kissed me.

Han SeungYeon kissed me.

And not just a simple peck on the lips kiss but one filled with passion.

I was completely and utterly confuse with the sudden kiss but I didn’t care, I’ll take it.

“Wh… wh… what was that for?” I manager to utter out the moment I recover from the initial shock.

She smiles at me and turns back around, “just because you said my name. The first time you said my name. You can say the first time I allow a guy I like to say my name other than my father.”

I couldn’t help but grin at her reason, “should I keep saying it then?” I ask teasingly as I held on to her hand tightly.

“Try and we’ll see.” She sure knew how to tease.

“Han. Seung. Yeon,” I utter each syllable sweetly, but no reaction.

“Seung. Yeon,” I tried again, but again no reaction. She kept walking, dragging me along.

“SeungYeon,” another try, but once again no luck.

I begin to pout at her teasing. I could hear her laughing at me as we continued our walk.

I suddenly felt a hold on my shoulder and stop, my hold on her hand slowly loosens as I felt the hand pulling me back.

“Sorry about this WooHyun but we need to talk.” I hear a whisper before I was pull away from SeungYeon. Before I could say anything to her, her image completely disappeared from me and all I could see was darkness.

I awoke to realize I had been strapped down to a chair with ropes around my ankles and my hand tied behind the chair. I slowly look up to see three men in suits standing in front of me. One was in all black, the other was in all grey, and the third stood behind them in navy pinstripe. Each had a fedora on. I surveyed my surroundings and it seemed like I was in an abandoned warehouse of some sort.

“Where… where am I? Who are you people?” I manage to question.

“Nam WooHyun, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you face to face.” All black spoke up.

From the way he stood and the aura radiating from him I would assume that he’s the leader of this ordeal.

I glare at him, “what do you want from me?!” I shouted at them.

“I’ve been informed of a certain distraction that has risen with your life.” All black begins to explain.

I was still confused about what this whole situation was about. Were they kidnappers who wanted to blackmail my father for ransom?

“What is this all about?” I begin to get frustrated.

“Sir, I think we should explain to him who we are first.” Pinstripe in the back spoke up.

Yes, please do explain to me who you are.

All grey clears his throat, “Mr. Nam WooHyun, we are the ones in charge of your life. We are the ones that are in charge of guiding you in your path of life.”

I was at a loss for words at this explanation. Did I hear correctly? This had to be a joke. I begin to laugh at their explanation. I knew they could tell that I didn’t believe a single thing he had said.

“Believe us or not, it doesn’t matter to us. But we need you to stay away from that girl.” All black spoke up again. I could tell in his tone that he did not humor the fact that I wasn’t cooperating.

What do you expect me to do in a situation like this? Believe everything they say to me and agree? Hell no! For all I know they could be easily using me to get money.

“We are not here to explain who we are to you. We are here to warn you to stay away from that girl.” All black spoke again, this time in a more stern and forceful tone.

I snapped back to the situation when I realized they were talking about SeungYeon, “who are you referring to? SeungYeon?”

“You are not meant to meet her, not yet anyway.” Pinstripe spoke again as he made way closer to me.

“What are you talking about? What do you mean I wasn’t supposed to meet her yet?” I was definitely getting more irritated with this whole situation.

“Like I told you earlier, we are in charge of your life path and according to what your path has been set out to be, you are not meant to meet this girl now.” All grey continues the explanation.

“So what are you trying to say?”

“We need you to stop seeing that girl. Whatever it takes, we need you to stop seeing her.” All black added. It sounded more like an order rather than a request.

“And what if I don’t?”

“There will be consequences.” All black reply, his face stern and serious.

“How can a single girl like SeungYeon affect my life that much?” I wanted to know for my own curiosity sake.

“Someone like SeungYeon is a complete distraction for you. With her you are thinking with your heart rather than your head. Your life path had been planned out strategically based on your mental state, not your emotional state.” Pinstripe begins to explain.

I still found this whole situation hard to believe, “let’s say that this all true and you are the ones in charge of my life path then was it meant for me to find out about this? Was I supposed to live my life as how you have set out for me or was I meant to come face to face with you?”

I could tell they were stumped at my question.

“We had to interfere or else that girl will continue to clog your mind and take you off track.” All grey explains.

“Then what does my life have planned out for me that was so important that I can’t be with SeungYeon?”

“It started with the conference today. The moment you signed those papers taking over your father’s position your life was placed in full motion. You are meant to continue your father’s legacy and expand the business beyond Seoul, reaching all over Asia and eventually internationally as well. You will become one of the most influential men in the world. That is if SeungYeon is not in the picture. With her now in your life, it will only distract you, and it takes everything away.” Pinstripe explains.

“If I continue my life as how you had set it out for me, when do I meet her then? You said I wasn’t meant to meet her yet.”

The three stare at each other as if contemplating whether or not to continue to tell me more.

I took this chance to loosen the rope around my hands.

“Don’t bother trying, we’ll cut you lose soon enough WooHyun.” All grey informs, catching me off guard.

I notice pinstripe walking over to me as he knelt down and begin cutting my ropes. All black and grey were still in conversation.

“Please WooHyun, we just ask that you follow what we have asked of you. This is not only for your own good but for everyone around you, especially for SeungYeon as well.” Pinstripe was pleading to me.

I stood up from the chair, pinstripe stood up beside me. I continue to stare at him. This whole situation was becoming too surreal for me.

“What do you mean especially SeungYeon?” I question. What can possibly happen to her if I continue to see her? There was something that they knew and wasn’t telling me. How can two people who are in love not be happy together?

“Her life path is none of our concern. Just know that you two are not meant to meet now.” Pinstripe explains again, stressing the fact.

I was getting too irritated to continue with the conversation any longer. I needed to get out of here. I scan the area and notice a door near the end of the room. I quickly run towards it, but it didn’t seem as if any of the three men were trying to stop me. Did they know I was going to do this? Was it part of their plan? Was that why they decided to release me? I didn’t care what the answers were, I just wanted to get out of there and find SeungYeon again.

I open the door and to my surprise I was back in the hotel again, standing right in front of the grand ballroom entrance. I quickly survey my surroundings. How was this possible, what the hell was going on? How the hell did I get back here?

“WooHyun, what are you doing out here? We need to get back in there. I’m about to make my speech.” My father held on to my hand as he drags me back in to the ballroom.

I was still confused at what was going on as I try to look around for any sign of SeungYeon or even the three men that I was with earlier.

I stood on stage as my father made his speech, scanning the room. I finally notice a familiar face in the crowd: a man in a pinstripe suit wearing a black fedora. I quickly rush off the stage and run towards the man as he was making his way out in to the lobby of the hotel. I got to the lobby and he was no longer in sight, I scan the area again to see him going up the stairs towards the balcony area. I quickly follow him up the stairs to see him entering a door at the end of the corridor. I rush over to the door and enter. He was nowhere in sight. Where the hell did he go? I wanted answers!

I walk back out to the corridor making my way pass the balcony I had stood on before and notice a figure standing outside. I rush out and there he was standing there with his pinstripe suit, black fedora, and a black book in his hand.

“You wanted answers didn’t you WooHyun.” He said as he held up the black book in his hand.

I rush over to him as I grab on to his collar roughly, “where the hell is she? Why am I back here?!” I shouted at him.

“We knew you wouldn’t listen to our reasoning. You’re too blinded with what your heart wants now that it’s too late to go back. The best way for you to understand the consequences of your actions is to show them to you.”

I slowly release him from my hold as I glance over at the black book.

“This book holds the path SeungYeon is meant to take if she never met you. This one here,” he holds up another book, “holds the path that SeungYeon will go through if she is to stay with you.”

“Why is there two?”

“The original one is the one in which she never met you. This second one was created the moment she met you earlier today.”

“How did you get them? You said she wasn’t of your concern.”

“This is the only way for me to show you how much your decisions can affect her.”

I stare up at him, “who are you? God?”

He snickers, “I’m far from it. You can say I work for him. I’m the one in charge of your life path.”

“Like a guardian angel?” I was curious.

He pursed his lips into a smile, “you can say that, more like I’m working towards that.”

“Then where’s the person in charge of SeungYeon’s life path? Why aren’t they here to tell me?”

“What you and SeungYeon have done has messed things up already. Her heart is now too clouded with you that it’s affecting her mental state, and we can’t control what the heart thinks.”

“Where is she now?”

“Don’t worry about her. She’s safe where she is now. I’m going to show this to you only once WooHyun, your decision after this will affect both you and her directly.”

I took a deep breath as he laid the two books on the concrete bench. He opened the two books to the life path that SeungYeon is currently in. I look at them and there were definitely differences, but I didn’t know what they meant. As if reading my mind, pinstripe begins to explain.

“In the original book her path leads her to travel the world, doing good for the world, becoming a humanitarian that is well respected worldwide. SeungYeon is a free spirit, she can’t be tied down. Her free spirit allows her to do more for the world than you could ever imagine.” He pauses, glancing over at me to see if I was still willing to listen. I just simply nod.

“Now we have this new book the day she met you. They way the two of you have affected each other has caused new trails to develop. If she is to continue to be with you she will no longer be able to travel the world and that will affect the humanitarian deeds that she could have done. She would only be with you and all you want is for her to be with you.”

“She could still do all the humanitarian deeds while with me.”

“That’s the thing, her guardian tried to adjust as much as she could to accommodate the situation but it just ended the same.”

“What do you mean?”

“If she was to continue her life with you, there is no way to avoid the inevitable.”

“And what is that?”

“Her death. She will die at the age of 30”

“What?!” I couldn’t believe what he had just told me. SeungYeon was going to die at such a young age.

“How is that possible?!” I shouted at him as I grabbed his collars.

“Disease,” his answer was simple, “she will develop her sickness from loneliness and depression. Though she will be happy with you and you two truly love each other, there is no way to avoid her state of loneliness when you are constantly away from her on business trips and other work related matters.”

“But she could always come with me.”

“That might be but are you willing to allow a free spirit like her be barricaded by your world?”

“Then I’ll change for her. I’ll be with her and what she wants to do.”

“And your father? What will happen to your father’s business and all that he’s build up?”

I was at a loss for words. What was I to do? Give up my life for SeungYeon or bring SeungYeon in to my world and have her suffer, any decision will only end negatively.

“This is why I warned you in the decisions that you’re making. I will affect everyone around you, including the world. You need to close one of these books for her WooHyun, the one left open will be the one her life takes.”

“Then will I ever meet SeungYeon in my life?”

He let out a long sigh. I knew he felt my desperation. “I can only tell you that you two will meet down the road of your life.”

“When?” I was pleading. I just wanted to know just so I can have some sort of hope for that day.

Another sigh escapes his lips, “In her original book, she will live a long and prosperous life, as will you. When you two will meet, there is no precise or definite timeframe but you two will meet.”

“Will we still love each other then?” I ask as tears began to drip down my cheeks.

“I can’t answer that for you WooHyun. At that time just let your heart decide for you.”

I kneel in front of the two books. I had to make a decision and this decision will not only affect me and the rest of my life but SeungYeon’s as well.

“I’ll see you soon SeungYeon.” I utter softly as I closed the new book.

Tears continue down my cheeks.

 “I love you Han. Seung. Yeon.”




A/N: This story was inspired by the movie 'The Adjustment Bureau'. I decided to make my own version of it with minor "adjustments". If you were confuse, the italic conversations are between the adjusters that are not meant to be seen or heard.

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Chapter 9: Awww!!! Can i hug u?? haha honestly Xiumin is like my no.1 bias and Nicole is like on of my girl crush haha she is my bias in Kara as well and i will always support them ^^..oh and the story is AMAZING!!!!! ^^
low_star #2
Chapter 9: XiuCole is cuteee!! I totally love that scene where he takes a picture of her. Gaaahh!

I hope you do a Luhan and Cole fanfic.
alice7 #3
Chapter 9: thanks for the sweet story update :) Thanks so much for continuing your stories about Nicole despite of what has happened. Looking forward to your next updates!!
Jigooo #4
Chapter 9: OMFG THE STORY IS WRITTEN SO BEAUTIFULLY!! My dose of a XiuCole fic finally came!! Thank you very much for such a wonderful story. I was hoping you could write a full fic of this since a lot of questions remain unanswered. Looking forward to more EXO and Nicole stories figthing!! Update soon author-nim!! :)
trying something normal for once xD
Chapter 9: I love this pairing so much..
I don't know why but whenever I read your tragic love story I can only imagine the love between Nicole and Kris..
They do make a sad couple..
vinmya86 #7
Chapter 9: i loved this story :) Xiumin and Nicole pairings so new to me but i still love it xD well because its Nicole,she fit with everyone :)
i'm still support KARA,all of them even Nicole and Jiyoung too :) loved their sisterly bond makes me love them so much :)
thanks for update and can't wait next chapter :D
Chapter 9: Dude you have no idea how happy I was when I was reading it. Before you even "introduced" Xiumin and Nicole in the story, I was already picturing them in it in the beginning. (I'm shipping Xiumin & Nicole recently, totally needed this shot) The one shot is super cute and sweet!
Hope you update soon!~
Chapter 1: I need moreee of this chapter.....pleaseeeeeee write more about Gyuri&Myungsoo....
adgjmptw #10
Chapter 8: i love it so so much . can u write one about nicole and kris ? please