Second Chances...

Simple Tales of Love...

Second Chances...


Two years has passed and he finally made peace with his life. There was no point in dwelling on the past any longer, what happened has happened, nothing will change. The only thing to do now is live his life as is. Everyone would have wanted him to and everyone kept pushing him to do so.

He lay on the white sand of a deserted area on a beach in Bali, gazing dreamingly at the clouds floating by. He couldn’t have asked for anything better, this was what he needed, peace. He sat up from his position as the stared out in to the distance of the tranquil, scenic, and picturesque view in front of him. A smile slowly crept up his lips. Life is truly worth living.

He grabs his digital SLR beside him as he focused the lenses in front of him. He wanted to make sure to capture this very moment in which he finally realize what life is really worth. After a few snapshots he places the camera in video mode as he slowly pans his surroundings. He stops midway when he notices someone else sitting a few meters away from him.

He focuses in on the person sitting there, pulling in for a close-up but quickly pulls out when he realizes that it was a female. He puts down his camera as to avoid any type of misunderstanding. But it seems like she doesn’t seem to notice him there either.

She sat in a slumped position. Her knees were pulled up towards her body, her head resting on her knees, her hair covering the side of her face. He couldn’t help but continue to observe her. He held up his camera again as he focuses his lenses for a close-up of her.

She raises her head as she rested her chin on her knees. As if on cue, a gentle breeze passes by her and lifted up her long, silky hair revealing the side profile of her face. He accidentally pressed the capture button on his camera. He fumbles with the camera, feeling a sudden rush of embarrassment for being such a peeping tom.

He shook off his thought when he realized that no one else was around and the girl probably didn’t even notice him taking her picture. He scans the area and indeed he was alone, well, with the exception of the girl within his range. He looks down at his camera, curious as to see what he captured and how she looked.

His eyes focused on her picture and he couldn’t help but noticed something oddly beautiful about it. From her side profile she is beautiful, there is something pure and innocent about her. But as he closed in on her face he noticed the tears on her cheeks. Was she crying?

He looks up from his camera towards her direction but he couldn’t see her anywhere. Where did she go? He scans the area but there was no sign of her. She couldn’t have left so quickly that he couldn’t still see her did she?

He stood up from his spot and did a quick surveillance of his surroundings. She probably had already left. A heavy sigh left his lips as he made his way towards her sitting area. He noticed a pair of flats, a headband, and a silver pendent necklace still lying there. He took another quick scan of the area until he noticed a figure walking deep in to the water. It was her.

His eyes widens as he quickly runs in to the water. On instinct of saving anyone in danger, he ran with all his might, wading his way through the tides as quickly as he could to get to her.

He tries to swim his way to her, hoping it would be faster but each time he would pop his head up for air it was harder and harder to see her.  She couldn’t have gone that deep in to the water, did she? Unable to see her presence above the water, he took one big deep breath and dove down in to the clear blue water. He frantically scans the ocean floor, praying that he would catch her in time.

He sees a shadow sinking towards the ocean floor. Luck was on his side, it was her. Her body was sinking down as her arms floated upwards, he quickly swims towards her. Reaching for her hand, with all his strength, he pulls her up with him. He gasps for air as he pulls her in to his embrace and he wades his way towards the shore.

Laying her down gently beside her belongings, he gazed at her for a moment as he pants heavily from his rescue. She didn’t seem to be waking up on her own.

He lifts her chin, held her nose, and gently pulls down her lower lip.

“Sorry.” He mutters softly to her.

After a minute or two she begins coughing up the water she had swallowed. He heaves a heavy sigh of relief. She still hasn’t regain consciousness yet, but he was just relieved that she was breathing. He fell down beside her as he lay next to her, panting from exhaustion.

A chuckle escapes his lips as he recalls what he had just done. It was definitely the surprises in life.

He came out of his bathroom toweling his hair. She was still unconscious. He had brought her back to his little apartment to keep her save. He pulls a chair up by his bed side as he gazed at her. He couldn’t help but be drawn in by her natural beauty. There was just something intriguing about her that he couldn’t help but stare. He just couldn’t look away. He was also curious as to why she would do such a thing. Someone as beautiful and young as her shouldn’t throw away her life just like that. He of all people should know.

Her sudden cough awakens his sudden gaze as he quickly got up from his seat.

She slowly flutters her eyes open. Not recognizing her surroundings she pushes herself up with all the strength she had remaining.

Noticing her attempt to get up he runs over and helps her.

“Be careful, you’re still pretty weak.”

She turns to him, unsure of who this man is and why she was here. He could feel her uneasiness.

“Don’t be alarmed, there was a situation down at the beach so I sort of saved you.”

She continued her stare at him, with a confused expression.

Sensing her uneasiness, he took a few steps back from her and sat a few inches away from her on the bed. He flashed an innocent smile as he tries to make her feel a bit more comfortable with her surroundings. He didn’t know why but he just felt a bit nervous in her awaken presence. His hands were sweating and he didn’t know why, rubbing it against his shorts hoping to dry it.

“Don’t worry, I just wanted make sure that you were ok that’s why I brought you back here. I don’t know why you did what you did, but I couldn’t stand by and watch you do that to yourself. I had to save you.”

He chuckles nervously.

He took a quick glance at her.

“I… I’m sorry. I had to give you mouth to mouth to resuscitate you so I want to apologize if I, in any way, violated you. There was just no other way.”

She turns to him without a word. There was no reaction from her. Her hand slowly reaches her lips, glazing over it.

He clears his throat nervously noticing her action. He shot up from his position.

“I’ll give some time to rest. I’ll go get some food for you. There’s water by the bedside if you’re thirsty.”

He came back to the apartment an hour later to find that she was no longer on his bed nor was she anywhere within the confound of his small apartment. He places the food on his bedside as he begins looking for her. Where could she have gone? Did she really just leave like that? Without even a simple note?

There was a rush of urgency inside of him to find her but he was doing his best to control his exterior, he doesn’t even know her.

Stepping out of his apartment, he rushes down the stairs towards the front doors. Stepping outside to the streets he scans the area around him hoping to spot her somewhere nearby. With no luck he made his way down the streets around him, he was as alert as ever.

After an hour of searching he still hadn’t found her. Did she really leave? Did she have somewhere to go that she didn’t need to be here anymore? Couldn’t she have at least written a note for him?

He was about to give up as he found himself back in front of his apartment. He slumps over as he stood across the street from his apartment building. He turns his view towards the beach in front of him, his eyes widens at the figure he noticed sitting on the sand. He rushes over to her.

He couldn’t explain it, internally he was absolutely angry and frustrated with her for leaving without notice, but he couldn’t display that to her, instead his expression displayed that of joy and relieve to see her.

He stood a few inches away from her.

“So you were here all this time? I thought you had left without a word.” He nervously laughed off his last sentence.

She didn’t reply.

He releases a heavy sigh as he took a seat a few inches away beside her.

She sat in the same position she had when he first noticed her earlier today.

He noticed the tears in her eyes again. He clears his throat as to break the silence.

“I have food back at the apartment if you’re hungry.”

No response.

“You’re not much of a talker are you?” He jokingly teases, hoping to ease her.

She continues her gaze at the view in front of her.

“Let’s get to know each other a bit. I’ll start.” He waited for her response, but nothing, so he continues, “my name is MinSeok, Kim MinSeok. I’m Korean, I’ve been in Bali for about, I think a year now. I really enjoy being here it’s very peaceful especially when I’m sitting here like this just enjoying the beautiful view in front of me.”

He glances over at her, hoping she would reciprocate the conversation, but nothing.

A long sigh escapes his lips, “you know it’s not as fun when I’m the only one talking.”

She slowly got up from her seat and begins brushing off the sand on her dress. Surprise at her motion he quickly gets up and begins to follow her from behind as she made her way back towards the apartment.

The sky had darkened with the evening approaching.

“Wait.” He calls to her.

She was a few steps away from the front door of the building when she halted at the sound of MinSeok’s voice. She turns to him as he runs up to her with a smile on his face.

“You’ve been quite sad this whole entire day. Let’s have some fun before we go back.”

He flashes another of his charming smile as he pulls her away from the building.

The night market had started and MinSeok felt that this was his opportunity to bring a smile to her face.

He pulls her up to an accessories stand nearby and begins to choose through the selection. He holds up a bracelet in front of her and hints at her for her opinion.

“It’s cute right?”

No response from her. Instead she continues on her way.

“Sorry.” He apologizes to the vendor.

He rushes up to her side. The two continues their walk in silence, side by side.

To break the silence, he begins telling her more about why he was in Bali to the point where he didn’t even notice her absence. He turns to look at her but she was no longer beside him. He scans the area and noticed her standing in front of a toy stand. He walks up to her with a smile and sees her observing one of the toys with fascination. She became even more fascinated when she saw how the kids were playing with it.

“Want to play? I can show you how.” He spoke, noticing her curiosity.

She stares at him. He laughs.

“I’ll show you how play only if you talk to me or at least tell me your name.”

She brushed him off and walks away. He heaves another heavy sigh.

An hour has passed as they were slowly making their exit from the market.

“Here, you should eat something.” He holds up a stick of grilled corn in front of her.

She glance over at him, she was hungry. She hadn’t really eaten anything the whole day. She took the corn and made her way over towards an empty area in which she could sit down to eat. He chuckles at her action and follows.

“If you’re going to be like this the whole time I don’t know how I’m suppose to help you find your way back to wherever it is that you came from.” He chuckles lightly.

She stops biting on her corn as she stood up from her seat. Throwing the corn in to the garbage she continues the walk. He quickly follows behind.

“I was only joking. Of course I’ll help you no matter what. Even if you don’t even talk or can’t talk, I promise I’ll do my best to bring you back to where you belong.” He held up his hand as a sign of his promise.

She turns to him and stares at him.

Her gaze on him made him nervous. He could feel his cheeks burning up with embarrassment. He quickly took his gaze off her.

He clears his throat, “come, I want to show you something.”

He grabs her hand again and pulls her with him towards the beach again. It wasn’t deserted as before as there were plenty of people occupying the area. They were all playing games, lighting fireworks, or just enjoying the scenic view of the beach.

They stood side by side as he let go of her hand.

“Ta-da!” He happily pulls out the toy that she had been curious about from earlier.

She watches him as he begins to show her how the toy works. He turns on the light to the toy and begins twisting it. She watches intently at his process.

“Just wait and see.” He smiles at her.

After a minute or two of twisting the light, he stood straight up again.

“Look up.” He instructs her. “Keep your eyes up in the sky.”

She listens as she tilts her head up towards the sky.

“Ready. Go!” He shouted.

The light slung out of its resting and flew up in to the night sky like a shooting star. It begins to whirl as it begins to descents down from the sky. MinSeok runs over to where the light had landed and picks it up, running back with it to her with a smile on his face.

“Now you try it.”

He hands over the toy to her as she hesitantly takes it.

“Give it a try. It’s fun.”

She looks at him for a few seconds and then down at the toy in her hand. She tightens her grip on the toy as she begins to twist the light. After a few minutes she held the toy up to the sky, remembering how he had done it from before she followed suit and slung the light up. The two watched as the light shot up in the sky.

The smile was still on his face as he turns to face her. He suddenly felt like time had stopped the moment he saw her. She had a smile on her face. He couldn’t explain it, but it was one of the most genuine smiles he had ever seen, she was a vision of beauty during that moment; her lips curving up and parting to display her teeth and her eyes forming their half moon shape. He was frozen for a moment as he took in the vision in front of him.

He shook off the thought when she ran pass him to pick up the fallen light.

“Fun right?” He asks, trying his best to block that momentary lapse of judgment.

She responded with another smile. And he couldn’t help but felt like cupid had just shot a million love arrows to his heart.

She stood in front of him with her smile, he didn’t know what else to do but smile back.


Her response surprised him. She spoke to him, and better yet, she is a fellow Korean.

“My name is Nicole.” Another smile crosses her face.

He couldn’t help but feel a surge of giddiness taking over him.

She turns her gaze back up to the sky as she begins to twist her toy again, the smile still on her face.

“Stay here Nicole, I’ll be right back.” The smile on his face grew wider as he spoke her name.

He runs back towards the market.

After a few minutes, he ran back to the beach only to find Nicole was no longer there. Surveying the area he couldn’t see her anywhere, he began to get worry. He notices the toy lying in the sand. He became more alert. He frantically begins searching for her.

Running around the beach, running around the market, he somehow ended up back at his apartment.

With a sigh of relief, he was happy to see her sitting on the front steps of the apartment building. He made his way up to her and notices her mood had changed again, she had returned to her solemn self.

“Why did you come back here? I got a bit worry when I didn’t see you when I went back.” That was a lie, he was in chaos worrying about her, but he masked it with a sympathetic smile.

She looks up at him with a meek smile, “I just felt a bit tired.”

He felt his heart flutter at the sound of her voice. He couldn’t help but just smile.

“It’s been a long day for you, let’s go get some rest.” He holds out his hand.

She smiles at him and took his hand.

He gently pulls her up and the two walks hand in hand up to his apartment.

Being the gentleman that he is, he gave her the bed and he took the floor.

“MinSeok-ah,” she softly spoke.


“Would you ever go back to Seoul?”

He hesitated for a few seconds, “there’s no real reason for me to go back.”

There was a pause of silence between them.

“Are you… going back to Seoul… any time soon?” He hesitated about asking the question, afraid of the answer he will get.

She didn’t answer. He waited a few seconds before propping his head up to see her, but she had her back turn to him. He heaves a sigh as he lay back down and gradually closed his eyes.

Nicole turns back on to her back as she stole a quick glance at his sleeping face before staring back up at the ceiling. She was now in deep thought.


“Miss Jung, we final found you. We’ve been looking for you for the past two days.”

“I’m fine.” She gave the two men in suits standing in front of her a blunt reply.

“We need to take you back before…”

“Tell him I’ll go back when I’m ready.” She interrupts him.

“We’ve been sent to find you. We need to get you back to the hotel before we depart for Seoul tomorrow.”

“I’ll go back on my own accord, tell him he needs not to worry.” She was getting annoyed with their persistency.

“We’re sorry Miss Jung, but we’re just following orders.”

“Aren’t you two supposed to be my guards? Aren’t you supposed to listen to my orders?”

“We…”  He stutters. “Sorry Miss Jung, but his order comes before yours.”

She scoffs, “so hard to find loyal people these days.”

“We’re sorry Miss Jung.” He apologized genuinely.

She could sense the two men’s remorse for what they said and what they have to do. They are right. They are only doing their job, what they are hired to do. And the person that hired them was not her.

She releases a empathetic sigh and begins to walk away from them.

“Miss Jung…” One of them calls to her.

She stops, “I’m not going back to tonight, but tell him that I will be there at the hotel tomorrow morning before we have to depart.”

With that she left them behind.


She heaves a heavy sigh as she slowly closes her eyes.

MinSeok awoke to the sun rays beaming down on him through his window sill. He sits up from the floor and gives his body a tired stretch. The floor is not as comfortable as he thought. Getting up from the floor, he makes his way to his bathroom, washing his face and begins brushing his teeth. He walks out of the bathroom with his toothbrush still in his mouth.

His mouth foaming from the toothpaste as the toothbrush falls from his mouth to the floor. Realizing Nicole is no longer in his bed and nowhere in sight he quickly spits out his foaming mouth. He rush out of the apartment and runs down the stairs of the building, looking back and forth from both sides of the streets, running over towards the beach they were on the evening before. She was nowhere to be seen.

He rushes back to his apartment and begins to quickly change and search for her properly. As he was putting on his denim he notices a white plastic bag and a piece of paper beside it. He opens the bag to see a box of take-out food and a bottle of water. He reaches for the piece of a paper to see there was something written on it.

‘Thank you. Goodbye. Nicole.’

That was it.

He rushes out of the building once again. He begins to frantically search for her. He doesn’t even know where to begin. He was just blindly searching for her.

No matter what it took, he wanted and needed to find her.


Three months later.


MinSeok steps out of the arrival gates with nothing but the backpack on his back. Two years away from Seoul and it felt as if everything around him had changed. Even though he was home he still felt like there is an air of unfamiliarity. Was it still too soon to come back?

He exited the airport, trying to figure out the best way to get in to the city.

Train it was.

Standing in front of the sliding doors, his eyes were glued to the window as he watched the sceneries passing by. It has only been two years, but it feels as if there had been so many changes that had happened since he has been gone. He took in everything that he saw.

‘Next stop, Seoul station’

The announcement came through the speakers as it woke him from his deep thoughts.

It wasn’t like he was a foreigner in a different country, but he still felt like a stranger being back.

Stepping out of Seoul station, he took in his surroundings. Gazing up in to the sky as the sun beams down on him, a smile crosses his face. With determination written on his face, he made a promise to himself that he will find her no matter what. No matter how long it took, he will find her. The three months of saving to be able to get back here will not be in vain. After all, he had a reason now to come back to Seoul.

He just doesn’t know where to start his search. Seoul is quite a big city for him to just aimlessly search. And to top everything off, he didn’t really know much about her other than her name and that she’s now, or at least he hoped, is in Seoul.

Walking down the streets of Seoul with his backpack on his back, he begins his search. Every establishment he passed he would go in just to search around in hopes of seeing her. He might have looked like an idiot but he was determined to find her.

Passing an electronics store, the flat screen televisions in front were playing the evening news. He stops right outside when he notices someone familiar on the screen. As if luck was on his side, there she is the very image that he had embedded in his mind was right in front of him on the television screen.

Why was she on the news?

The headline on the screen surprised him. They were announcing her marriage.

He was in complete shock. Next to her picture was another picture of a handsome young man, her fiancé.

He took a step back seeing the two pictures side by side. Was this all worth it? Has he really thought this all through? What was he doing? He is searching for a girl that he didn’t even know. A girl he had saved in Bali and spent a day with, a girl who gave him the best day of his life, a girl who gave him a reason to come back to Seoul.

Night fell and he found a nearby motel to rest.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, all he could think about is her. What is he to do now? She’s engaged already, the rightful thing to do is to just let her go and get back to his life, but does that mean that he came back to Seoul for nothing?

He found himself standing in front of a high rise business building the next day, he had manage to find out who she is and what she does, this building is where she works. Even though it might not end as happily for him as he would hope, he still wanted to see her in person and confess to her. He doesn’t want to live with any regrets, no ‘ifs’ and or ‘buts’.

There were securities everywhere, at every entrance. Anyone passing through needed a pass. Everyone coming in and out were all in business attire, looking at himself, he knew he would never be able to get in even if he tries to make up an excuse for not having a pass. He had no choice but to wait outside at the main entrance, hoping that luck was still on his side and she will walk pass.

The day went by as he stood in front, glancing at every exit nearby. There was no sign of her anywhere. Looking at his watch, evening was drawing near but there was still no sign of her. Letting out a long disappointed sigh he turns away from the building and was about to walk away when he notices a black sedan driving up.

He stops, maybe it was her. He waits as the car comes to a stop at the front entrance. One of the securities runs up to the car and opens the backseat door. He waited with bated breath only to be disappointed with the passenger that exited. It was a man, in his slim tailored navy suit, looking dapper and handsome. He recognized the man though, he is Nicole’s fiancé.

Maybe she’s with him. He waited a bit more, hoping that there was someone else in the car with the man other than the driver. After a few minutes, no one else came out. He saw the man entering the building. He decided to wait a bit longer, in hopes of seeing Nicole.

Luck was definitely on his side again, exiting the main entrance was the man and just following behind was none other than the person he has been waiting for all day. She looks as beautiful as the day he met her. In her fitted flared, black skirt, her soft pink floral printed blouse neatly trucked in to her skirt, her four inch white heels, it was as if she is strutting down the runway, everything she had on fitted her beautifully. Absolutely struck by her presence he begins to smile idiotically.

“I told you not to stay so late.”

He wakes up from his idiocy when he heard the man’s stern voice.

“I had a lot of work to finish up. I told you that this morning already.”

Her voice was stern and uncompromising, but to him it is the most gentles voice he had ever heard.

“I told you we have dinner plans with my parents tonight.”

“And I told you to reschedule because of all the work that I still had to finish up.”

“Why are you being so difficult?”

“I’m being difficult?” She pauses, “didn’t I already tell you that I still had a few loose ends to tie up before our wedding?”

The man scoffs, “at least you still remember the wedding.”

She inhales deeply, “all the arrangements had been made. I thought we were in agreement already? Why are you suddenly being so…” she pauses, trying to find the proper word to describe the situation, “possessive LuHan? Didn’t we agree that this marriage was nothing more than us obliging to our parents’ request for the merger? You can continue to sleep around all you want and I won’t bother with your business, you live your life, I live mine. Remember?”

“After what happened in Bali, I need to keep my eyes on you until we are officially married,” a cynical reply from LuHan.

She glares at him, “do want you want LuHan, but I don’t have time to play with you right now.”

She turns her back to him as she begins to walk back towards the entrance.

He scoffs at her attitude, “I’ll see you at home sweetie.” He shouted out to her so everyone can hear.

She could sense the sarcasm in his voice, she chose to ignore his comment and continue on her way.

MinSeok stood on the side line as he watches the car drive by him. He was still surprise at what he had witnessed, surprise and at the same time elated. She didn’t love the guy who she is marrying it is just all an act. Maybe he has a chance. He has come to the realization that he has fallen deep and hard for her and he hardly even knew her. He doesn’t want to look obsessive or possessive or to a point in which she is scared of him, he just wants a chance to express himself to her and confess to her how much he cares for her. At least he won’t have any regrets.

Night fell and he was still waiting patiently outside the building, glancing back and forth at his watch the building. With the security guards still at the front entrance, he knew Nicole has yet to leave.

A little past nine and there were still no signs of her coming back down, he releases a yawn as he stretches his body. Contemplating whether or not he should continue waiting her, he answered his own question when he noticed the guards opening the door for someone exiting, it was her.

He straightens himself up, fixing his clothes and hair, he wanted to be presentable.  Hopefully she will still remember him.

Nicole exits the front the entrance as the two guards quickly follows from behind.

“Please wait here Miss Jung. I will bring the car around.” One of the guards runs off towards the parking lot.

The other guard was still with her as she looks through her bag for her phone.

“Nicole?” His voice was soft and sincere.

She slowly looks up at the whisper of her name. The guard quickly stood in front of her, his arm shielding her from any possible danger. Her eyes gazed at the man standing in front of her, an expression of surprise on her face. She gently lowers the guard’s arm in front of her.


A smile crosses his face at her voice speaking his name. She did remember him. A rush of elation runs through his body.

“The car should be coming around soon Miss Jung. I will deal with him.” The guard protectively stands in front of her.

“I know him. You can leave us alone.”

“But Miss…”

“I’ll be fine, just wait for me by the car.”

The guard was hesitant to leave, glancing over at MinSeok. He turns back to Nicole and gives a bow before obeying her orders.

“How… have you… been?” He stutters nervously.

She couldn’t help but smile at his innocence, “I’ve been good, how are you?”

“Better now that I finally got to see you.”

She chuckles sweetly at his answer, “have you been waiting out here this whole time?”

He nodded, “basically the whole day,” sheepishly admitting.

She chuckles some more as she made her way closer to him, “how did you know I was here?”

“I saw you on the news, you know, about your engagement and found out who you are.” He scratches the back of his head sheepishly.

She continues her laugh at his answer, but it slowly softens as her expression changed as she is reminded of her engagement. “So you know about my engagement.”

He chuckles nervously, “it’s pretty much everywhere right now. I didn’t know you were that famous.”

“Not famous, but just a public figure, my life is pretty much under the microscope.” She mused along with his anecdote.

“Are you… really… gonna… marry him?” He hesitantly ask, lowering his head feeling a bit too forward with his question.

She gazes at him for a few seconds before smiling at him, “would you like to get something to eat? I’m actually quite hungry. Let’s go sit somewhere and talk.”

Slowly lifting his head, he nods hesitantly.

She walks up to him and grabs his hand and pulls him along.

She stops and turns to her guards, “I’ll call you when I’m ready to be picked up.”

“But Miss…”

Before letting them plead for assurance, Nicole pulls MinSeok with her and the two runs towards the bus stop.

After a short bus ride in silence the two got off and Nicole continues to pull MinSeok with her. Not knowing where they were going, he didn’t care, as long as he got to be with her that was all that mattered to him at this moment.

Like how he took care of her in Bali, it felt as if she was doing the same for him right now.

“This is like your first time back in Seoul since two years right? You told me that in Bali right?” She ask as the two slows down their pace and begins to walk.

He was taken aback at her memory of what he had told her. He clears his throat, “yeah, I actually just got back yesterday.”

She stops and turns to him, “and you came to see me right away?”

He could feel his cheeks burning up, he quickly turns away from her gaze, “I… I came today… not right away.” He tries to excuse,

She couldn’t help but laugh at his blushing state, “I’m just kidding,” she nudges him. “You had to find out who I was first.” She added in a tease.

He coughs at her teasing, “I…”

“We’re here,” she interrupts him, seeing their destination, “you’re gonna love this place.”

She pulls him in to the restaurant. He finally realized that she had held on to his hand this entire time, even when they were walking down the street together. He smiles to himself at the thought.

“You haven’t had real Korean food in a long while right? Well, today is your lucky day, if I know anything well in this world, its food!” She smiles widely at him, “leave it to me, I will get you feeling like you’ve never even left Seoul!”

He couldn’t help but laugh at her expression. This was completely different from the girl he met in Bali. Gone away is the quiet, reserved, and what seems like someone cold. But he didn’t mind at all, he was actually enjoying her being all bubbly and talkative.

She closes the menu as she finished up putting in her orders.

“So, if you don’t mind me asking, what made you decide to come back to Seoul?” She asks out of curiosity.

He took a sip of his water, “you can say a life changing experience made me make my choice to come back.”

“Really, what was it? It must have been something really extraordinary.”

He chuckles at her reply, “you can say that,” gazing sweetly at her as he said so.

But she didn’t notice as she was too busy prepping the utensils for the food.


“Yes?” She answers him, continuing her table setting.

“May I ask about what happened to you in Bali?”

She stops, hesitantly turning her attention over to him. “What do you mean?”

“That day that I saved you,” his voice was soft and gentle, assuring her that he knew that it was a sensitive subject but he wanted to know because he cares.

There was silence between the two of them for a few minutes, their eyes gazing at each other. Hers’ searching to see if this is someone she can fully trust and confide in, his assuring her that she is safe in his graze and everything will just be between the two of them.

She took a deep breath, “I was just going through a few things and I thought that letting go of everything and leaving it all behind would be the best solution for it all. I felt as if my life was not worth the sum of its parts.”

The food came.

She took a few bites from the appetizers.

“Now that I think about it, it was pretty stupid of me to do what I did. I didn’t consider the consequences of my actions. I didn’t consider the people around me and how much it would affect them.”

Tears began to drip from her eyes. She looks at him.

His eyes expressed it all, he knew what she was going through, he understood. It spoke the world to her, the window to his soul revealed it all to her.

He reaches out to her cheek as he gently wipes away the fallen tears.

“Thank you MinSeok. Thank you for saving me.”

He slowly withdraws his hand from her cheek. “It’s good to see you smiling.” Smiling back at her himself.

“You never really told me why you left Seoul.”

“There was no real reason for me to stay here any longer. My family past away from an accident and I was the only one left. I felt like you did, I just wanted to end it all and just leave everything behind. I didn’t have anyone holding me back. My friends told me to be strong, get back to my life and keep on living because that was what my family would have wanted me to do, but I just couldn’t grasp the idea of being alone in this world.” There was no hesitation in his answer. He wanted her to know him, to know his secrets. He wanted to show her his soul.

“I began travelling to get away from all the memories and hoping to make a fresh start for myself. Each place I went to I would find myself being reminded of the past and I sometimes couldn’t handle it, I found myself putting myself in situations in which it could risk my life, but I didn’t care. To me, if I died, it wouldn’t matter, it’s not like anyone would know or cared.” He paused for a second, seeing the tears b in her eyes.

Noticing his stare, she quickly rubs off the tears streaming down her cheeks.

Displaying a comforting smile, he assures her he was fine. He continues, “I was wrong, there were people who cared. My friends cared, they would text me and leave me messages of encouragements, that was when I realized that if I did leave this world, how would it affect them, even if they would move on with their own lives, I would feel like I would be letting them down for giving me so much support through everything. That was when I decided to leave Seoul and rediscover myself. Travelling to Japan, to China, to Viet Nam, I found the peace I was searching for when I landed in Indonesia. Bali became my saving grace and I found myself enjoying its serene and majestic peaceful atmosphere.”


It was now midnight as the two continued their walk down the streets of Seoul after leaving the restaurant.

“You know I was really worried when you left that morning. I didn’t know what had happened to you.” He confessed.

She stops and turns to him, “sorry MinSeok, I really didn’t know what to say to you. I wanted to express my gratitude to you but I just couldn’t think of anything right or proper to say. I honestly didn’t think it would be so hard, since we hardly knew each other, but I don’t know why it was so difficult for me.”

He chuckles, “no need to be sorry, I know what you mean. Why would you need to give a complete stranger any type of explanation anyway?”

“But I’m truly thankful that you saved me that day. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have come to the realization at how much life meant, and how much it is worth to just be living.”

He gives a hearty laugh, “well I guess we’re both a couple of sappy people enjoying life and all that it has to offer from now on huh? Living life happily?”

She laughs along, “pretty much.”

“Will you be happy?”

His question brought silence between the two. A perplexed expression was evident in her face.

“What do you mean?” She asks.

“I overheard the conversation you had with your fiancé earlier today in front of your office building. Are you willing to go through with everything even if it means sacrificing your happiness?”

She turns away from him as she continues walking. She didn’t know how to answer that question, especially in front of him. She knew deep down within her what the answer was, but she just doesn’t have the courage to say it, especially when she thinks about those who will be affected by it.

He quickly grabs her wrist before she walked any further.

“I know you’re afraid to answer the question because of what the answer is, but you shouldn’t do something that will make you feel regretful for the rest of your life.”

“You wouldn’t understand.”

“Help me understand then, after what happened don’t you want to keep living life happily?”

“I will.” There was hesitancy in her answer.

“Don’t fool yourself Nicole. From what I saw, the interaction between the two of you, there’s nothing there. It’s all a business arrangement isn’t?”

“And what if it is, it’s really none of your business MinSeok.” Her voice was getting stern as she brush off his hand from her wrist and continues walking away.

He quickly chases after her, “why can’t you see that it’s not worth it. He doesn’t deserve you.”

He stands in front of her, blocking her from moving any further.

She shoots him a glare.

“It’s not about anyone being worthy of anyone. There’s more to it than just about having a happy marriage.”

“So you’re willing to give up what you want for the sake of your business?”

“Not just my business, it’s for the well being of my family as well MinSeok.”

“Your family is ready and willing to give up your happiness for their business?”

Nicole was getting tired of his constant badgering, “Minseok, just stop! Please, just stop! Who are you to give me advice about how I should live my life?”

He lets out a sigh, “why can’t you just be like everyone else and place yourself before others? What you want should always be at the forefront.”

“Is that how you’re living your life now?” She challenges.


“Then what have you done so far?”

His gaze on her became intense, this was it. “This.”

“What? What is ‘this’?”

“Me. Standing in front of you, telling you that I came back to Seoul just to find you, to tell you that that one day I spent with you changed my life, to tell you that you gave me a reason to continue living, to tell you that you’ve become my reason for everything I do and will do.”

Her eyes widens at his sudden confession.

Taking one step closer to her, “I can’t let this opportunity go to tell you how I truly feel. Engagement or not, you love him or not, I needed to let you know how I feel so I won’t have any regrets. I know I sound greedy for doing this to you but I don’t want to live my life with any regrets.”

There was still no response from her.

“Please Nicole I know you won’t be happy with him. Give me a chance to prove to you that I can be the one to make you happy.”

“MinSeok, I…”

Before she could say another word he boldly pulls her in to his embrace and their lips met.

Her eyes slowly begins to close as she found herself melting in to the kiss, but she quickly recovers from her momentary lapse of judgment and pushes herself away.

“I’m… I’m sorry MinSeok, I can’t.”

She turns away from him and runs off in to the distance. Not wanting to let her get away he quickly chases after her. To his surprise, she was faster than she looks. But he wasn’t about to give up his search. Running back to the restaurant where they ate, running to her office building, there was no sign of her anywhere.


Two weeks flew by and he still hadn’t found her. Waiting around her office building was a failure, even when he asked the employees coming in and out, everyone gave him the same answer, none of them have seen her for the past two weeks. Even going back to the restaurant they ate at, there was no sign of her or anyone seeing her coming back. He was blindly searching for her anywhere he could think of. Did she go through with the wedding? There wasn’t news on the cancellation of the wedding nor was there any news coverage on the actual event. Then why was it so hard for him to find her. If the wedding went on as planned then he could have at least find her there.

Was this the end of his search for her? Was this her answer to him? Was this worth not having any regrets?


Six months later.


After searching for her for another three months, he decided to finally let go and go back to his own life. Maybe this was the best choice for both. He wouldn’t have wanted to force her in to doing anything she didn’t want to. At least he confessed to her, now he won’t have any regrets about the ‘ifs’ and or ‘buts’ about what would happen between the two of them. He has his closure.

Standing on the sand of the beach in which he had rescued her, he gaze out in to the clear blue beach. This is the peace he needed. Taking in the sun rays beaming down on him he took in a breath, inhaling the fresh air.

A gentle breeze passes him as he closes his eyes to feel the breeze caressing his skin. He follows the breeze as it leads his gaze to a figure standing in the same position as he was, only a few meters away from him. His eyes widen at the figure standing in front of him.

He quietly approaches the figure in front of him, standing there alone. Standing only a few steps away, a smile crosses his face as he watches the gentle wind carry her dress in its path.

Her dress fluttering in the gentle breeze, her eyes were close as she tilts her head up towards the beaming sun. Her face was glowing.

“On your honeymoon?” He asks.

She lowers her head as she slowly opens her eyes, “you have to be married to be on a honeymoon.”

Her answer brought a smile to his face.

She turns towards his direction.

The two stood there in silence as their gaze locked on to each other.

There was nothing more that needed to be said. The smiles on their faces and the loving gaze towards each other were more than any words can say.



A/N: Ok, this shot took me the whole week to write. Why? I don't know. Well, it's because I'm really lazy and just dragged it out for this long. I'm not truly satisfy with this story, it just feels a bit rushed to me but I really wanted to put out something for all you readers out there. How do you like my pairings? I actually just started to get in to Exo, and so far XiuMin and LuHan are the two that caught my eyes the most, therefore they are whom I want to see with Nicole... hahaha... Maybe Kris too. But we'll see. Anyway, thank you and I hope you enjoy it.

So you guys already know about Kara's situtation by now, I'm still a Kara supporter but if you have all read my stories, you can pretty much tell that I'm more of a Nicole bias. Therefore I will turn this account in to more of a collection of one shots of Nicole and her pairings. But don't worry, I haven't abandoned the girls of Kara completely, they'll make special appearrances. These girls' sisterly bond will never be forgotten. I'm going to miss Kara5, I'm holding on the belief that after the two years they will all reunite together and continue as Kara5 once more.


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Chapter 9: Awww!!! Can i hug u?? haha honestly Xiumin is like my no.1 bias and Nicole is like on of my girl crush haha she is my bias in Kara as well and i will always support them ^^..oh and the story is AMAZING!!!!! ^^
low_star #2
Chapter 9: XiuCole is cuteee!! I totally love that scene where he takes a picture of her. Gaaahh!

I hope you do a Luhan and Cole fanfic.
alice7 #3
Chapter 9: thanks for the sweet story update :) Thanks so much for continuing your stories about Nicole despite of what has happened. Looking forward to your next updates!!
Jigooo #4
Chapter 9: OMFG THE STORY IS WRITTEN SO BEAUTIFULLY!! My dose of a XiuCole fic finally came!! Thank you very much for such a wonderful story. I was hoping you could write a full fic of this since a lot of questions remain unanswered. Looking forward to more EXO and Nicole stories figthing!! Update soon author-nim!! :)
trying something normal for once xD
Chapter 9: I love this pairing so much..
I don't know why but whenever I read your tragic love story I can only imagine the love between Nicole and Kris..
They do make a sad couple..
vinmya86 #7
Chapter 9: i loved this story :) Xiumin and Nicole pairings so new to me but i still love it xD well because its Nicole,she fit with everyone :)
i'm still support KARA,all of them even Nicole and Jiyoung too :) loved their sisterly bond makes me love them so much :)
thanks for update and can't wait next chapter :D
Chapter 9: Dude you have no idea how happy I was when I was reading it. Before you even "introduced" Xiumin and Nicole in the story, I was already picturing them in it in the beginning. (I'm shipping Xiumin & Nicole recently, totally needed this shot) The one shot is super cute and sweet!
Hope you update soon!~
Chapter 1: I need moreee of this chapter.....pleaseeeeeee write more about Gyuri&Myungsoo....
adgjmptw #10
Chapter 8: i love it so so much . can u write one about nicole and kris ? please