Only You...

Simple Tales of Love...

Only You...


He shot up from the bed; beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. His heavy breathing can be heard as he tries to control his body, another nightmare, the same reoccurring one for that matter.

He glance over to his right side, his lips curves up in to a smile as he gaze upon the beauty lying next to him, sound asleep and completely unaware of the commotion that was going on in his head.

She stirs under the protective cover of the blanket, turning her body towards him, still sound asleep.

His adoring gaze on her continues as he gently eased his body back under the blanket, lying next to her as he faces her sleeping position, his loving smile for her never fading. Inching closer to her as he gently graced her nose with a sweet peck.

She wrinkles her nose at the surprise touch, reaching a hand up to scratch the sudden brush of kinship, her eyes remained closed.

A soft chuckle escapes his lips at her reaction to his touch. His gaze continues as his eyes begin to get heavy.

The rays of the morning sun pierces through the window pane as he raises his hand up to block the light from hitting his face, waking him up from his slumber. He sat up to find his sleeping beauty was no longer beside him, an alarmed expression flank his face as he shot up from his bed and races out of the bedroom and in to the apartment.

A sigh of relief escapes his lips to see her busying herself inside the kitchen.

Seeing him at the bedroom door a smile appears on her face as she waves him over. He smiles at her action and made his way towards the kitchen counter. Sitting on the high stool at the kitchen counter he continues to gaze at her lovingly with his chin cupped in his hands. She happily brings a plate of scrambled eggs with sausages and tomatoes, and a glass of orange juice and places it in front of him. A proud smile illuminated from her expression, signaling him to try it.

He obliged. She stood there gazing at him with her chin cupped in her hands as her elbows rested on the counter, watching him as he tasted her attempt at making him breakfast. Her wide-eyed expression conveys nothing more than purity and innocence as she gaze at him waiting for some sort of reaction.

He took his first bite and scrunches his face as if he was in pain. Seeing his reaction she stood up straight and begins to pout. Opening one eye to see her reaction, he chuckles at her pouty lips. Straightening out his scrunched up face he smiles adoringly at her as he continues to eat his breakfast she had made for him. It was his way of joking with her. How could he hate or dislike anything that she does for him, there’s not enough time in the world for him to show how much he appreciates her so why waste his time not liking anything from her. Her pout disappears and a smile appears on her face seeing him enjoying his breakfast she made for him.

Sipping down his final drop of orange juice he faces her with a smile which slowly turns in to a pair of pouting lips, hinting to her at something else he wanted. She giggles at his action and approaches the counter, leaning in closer to him. The two faced each other, staring eye to eye. Pouting his lips even more at her close proximity to him, she smiles and gave in to his request, but a quick peck was all he got.

She ran back to their bedroom and closed the door behind her. A wide smile plastered his face as he excitedly squeals at her obliged of his request.

She helps tighten his tie as she gaze up at him lovingly, a smile pursed her lips. His eyes met hers’ as he gazes down at her, his lips curving in to a smile as well.

“When did you get so handsome?” She whispers to him.

He chuckles at her efforts to belittle him. He replies with an attempt at kissing her nose which she quickly pulls away with a chuckle.

“I’ll see you later tonight.” He kisses her cheeks before grabbing his briefcase and heading off to work.

Throughout the day he couldn’t control the smile on his face. Never has he ever felt such happiness and joy to be alive. Having her in his life was a godsend and she has made everyday worthwhile for him. His colleagues and everyone around him would look at him strangely, seeing him smile so widely and happily. After all the events that had gone on in his life and especially these past few months, he understood why they were confused at why he was so happy. But the simple answer to that was her.

Sitting at his desk he would constantly glance over the clock to see what time it was, even during his business meetings he would steal glances at his watch to see if it was time to go home. Every hour, every minute, every second away from her was making him anxious and impatient, but the thought of getting home and seeing her, to hold her in his arms again makes the day go by faster and worthwhile.

“Hey, a few of us are going out after work for drinks, you should come with.” His coworker offers.

He smiles appreciatively but politely declines, “I can’t she’s waiting for me at home, maybe next time.”

His coworker looks at him with a quizzical expression. “She’s waiting for you at your apartment?”

“Yeah, we have plans tonight. We’ll go out next time and I’ll bring her with me, it’ll be on me.” He offers happily.

The confused expression was still on his coworker’s face when he grabs his briefcase and made his exit.

He sped down the streets of Seoul, glancing over at his watch every so often. The smile on his face never fading, his excitement to see her was evident as he parked his car in his spot and rushes up to his apartment.

He opens the door with a smile, ready to greet her but to his surprise she was nowhere to be seen. He threw his briefcase on to the couch as he races in to his bedroom, she wasn’t there either. He began to worry as to where she was, he rushes towards the front door and was about to run out to find when he heard the bathroom door open. A relief expression cascaded his face to see her exiting the bathroom.

She turns to him and notices his expression. She smiles at him to reassure him that she was ok.

“Are you ok?”

He rushes up to her and cups her face, their eyes met, his of adoration and love, hers’ of puzzlement and innocence. Their lips met and she could feel the tingle of excitement pulse through her body. He couldn’t help but kiss her at that very moment, he couldn’t be happier to see her in front of him.

He pulls away from the kiss and smiles at her lovingly.

“I missed you.” He utters a whisper.

She giggles at his admittance.

“I missed you too.”

The two walked down the streets of Seoul together with her linking her arms to his, smiling and happily joking with each other. Strangers and passerby would look at him so strangely and with wondering expression. How could someone be so happy? He didn’t care what they were thinking or how they were looking at them, he was happy to have her by his side and enjoying his time with her. He didn’t care how idiotic or lovey-dovey they looked, he just wanted to show the world how happy and in love with her he is. Nothing in the world mattered. They were in their own little world, forget reality.

They sat at their regular table in her favorite restaurant.

“What can we get you tonight?” The waitress asked.

He smiles at the beauty sitting across from him, “our usual please.”

“For two?” The waitress asked for assurance.

He chuckles at her silly question, “of course.”

The two continued their walk down the streets of Seoul hand in hand after their dinner. Once again they were receiving stares from passerby on the street. To him, they were just jealous at the happiness that the two of them shared together. Envious of what the two of them have together.

The night sky blanket the city as the stars began to make their appearance. The two sat on a bench at a nearby park as they gaze up at the starlit sky.

“Such a beautiful night,” she whispers to him, “one day I’ll be one of those stars up there.”

“And I’ll be right there next to you.” He added adoringly, kissing her forehead.

The two headed back to their apartment. She went straight in to the bedroom to change out of her clothes as he sat on the couch flipping through the channels on the television.

A knock came at the door.

He got up and made his way towards the door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me,” was the simple reply.

Recognizing the voice of his coworker and friend, he opened the door.

“Wassup?” He asks casually.

“We need to talk.”

“About what?”

Walking back in to the living room, he signals for his friend to enter.

“About what’s going with you these past few months,” his friend reply, following him in.

He chuckles at his friend’s reply, “what do you mean?”

“Seriously, this is getting too much for all of us to handle,” the tone of his voice full of seriousness and urgency.

“What is?”

“This.” He points to the apartment and at him, “you’re all dressed up and going out.”

He looks at his friend with puzzlement, “what’s so strange with me dressing up and going out?”

“You keep saying that you’re going out with her.”

A chuckle of annoyance escapes his lips, “what’s wrong with me going out with my fiancé?”

“Are you serious?!” His friend was beginning to lose patience as well.

“What the hell are you going on about? I’m spending my time with her before our wedding. What is so wrong with that? I really don’t know what you’re talking about?!”

“Do you even hear yourself?”

“Do you?!”

“Stop telling yourself that you’re spending time with her!”

“What the hell are you talking about?!” He was losing his patience with his friend. “She’s in the bedroom right now getting change.”

His friend let out a long sigh. “No, she’s not.”

“Yes she is!” He walks over to the bedroom and opens the door.

The door opens and a gust of wind blows pass the two of them.

“She’s not here.” His friend softly comforts him.

“Yes she is! She just walked in here to get change. We just came back from our date and she went in to get change.” He reasons.

His friend let out another sigh of understanding, “sorry, but you were just by yourself.”

“No I wasn’t! We had dinner at our usual restaurant, sat at the park gazing up at the stars, took a walk down the streets of Seoul. She was right beside me.”

“I’m sorry, but you did all those things on your own.” His friend began to feel sympathy and pity towards him.

“No I didn’t! She was right beside me!”

His friend held his shoulder and twisted him around to face him. “Look at me!”

The two stared intently at each other.

Silence covered the room.

“I’m sorry but she’s gone.”

Another gust of wind passes them.

The silence thickens.

“She died two months ago.”

His eyes widen with confusion and shock.

“No! She’s not dead, she can’t be! She was right beside me. The whole day, the past months, she was right beside me!”

It was more of him trying to make sense for himself, assuring himself that it was all real, rather than trying to convince anyone else.

“Please wake up from this fantasy world of yours and come back to reality. Your family and friends can’t handle you being like this anymore.”

He pushes his friend away as he took a few steps backwards. His whole body was shaking at the realization. Weakened at the realization his body broke down and he fell to the floor.

He shot up from his bed, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. Once again it was the same nightmare. He glances over to his right to see if she was there beside him but she was not there, not this time. He got up from his bed and rushes out to the living room. Maybe she’s in the living room watching television, or in the kitchen making him breakfast, or in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Checking each room but there was no presence of her, not today.

“Please wake up from this fantasy world of yours and come back to reality. Your family and friends can’t handle you being like this anymore.”

His friend’s words of concern echoes his mind.

Deep down he knew she was gone, but he didn’t want to accept the facts. He loved her too much to let her go so easily. He remembered crying continuously during her funeral, he remembered crying over her as he watched old videos of the two of them together, he remembered crying over her when he found the letters she wrote to him when they were still dating, and he remembered crying over her when he found the engagement ring he had proposed to her with. He remembered so many things now but back then he didn’t want to accept the fact that she was no longer with him, sleeping beside him, walking next to him, making breakfast for him, holding his hand, or joking around with him.

He stood in front of the mirror in his charcoal suit, the suit that she had bought for him and one that she loved seeing him in. He picked out the soft pink tie that she had always favored every time he wore this suit. As he begins to tie the knot on the tie he pause, his lips begins to quiver at the memory of her doing it for him. The tears began to flow down his cheeks.

“A man doesn’t cry while he dresses.” She teases him as she begins to help him with the tie.

He glances over at her as she took hold of the tie and begins to tie the knot for him. She glances up at him and smiles at him sweetly. That loving and adoring smile that always made his day. The smile that made him realized how much of an angel she is in his life.

“You don’t always need me to help you with this do you?” She asks teasingly.

He took hold of her hands and held it against his heart softly.

“Can you feel it?”

Her eyes blurred as tears began to form. She stares at the position of where her hands were on him and glance back up at him, their eyes met and she nodded slowly.

“It’s beating for you. No one will ever make it beat like this but you,” the tears in his eyes continues to flow.

“I’m sorry.” She said through her sniffles, “I’m sorry.”

The tears cascaded down her cheeks as she tightens the tie to his shirt.

Glancing up at him one last time, their eyes met; tears still apparent on both their faces as they smile meekly at each other.

“I love you.” She whispers softly to him.

He forces a smile on his face as he stares at himself in the mirror. The suit she loved seeing on him with the tie she loved to couple the suit with. She was gone. She was gone. She was truly gone.

“I love you too.” He whispers.



A/N: Another tragic one shot... hahaha... I don't know why I like these type of tragic love stories. Once again I left the characters anonymous for you guys to fill it in with whoever you preferred. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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Chapter 9: Awww!!! Can i hug u?? haha honestly Xiumin is like my no.1 bias and Nicole is like on of my girl crush haha she is my bias in Kara as well and i will always support them ^^..oh and the story is AMAZING!!!!! ^^
low_star #2
Chapter 9: XiuCole is cuteee!! I totally love that scene where he takes a picture of her. Gaaahh!

I hope you do a Luhan and Cole fanfic.
alice7 #3
Chapter 9: thanks for the sweet story update :) Thanks so much for continuing your stories about Nicole despite of what has happened. Looking forward to your next updates!!
Jigooo #4
Chapter 9: OMFG THE STORY IS WRITTEN SO BEAUTIFULLY!! My dose of a XiuCole fic finally came!! Thank you very much for such a wonderful story. I was hoping you could write a full fic of this since a lot of questions remain unanswered. Looking forward to more EXO and Nicole stories figthing!! Update soon author-nim!! :)
trying something normal for once xD
Chapter 9: I love this pairing so much..
I don't know why but whenever I read your tragic love story I can only imagine the love between Nicole and Kris..
They do make a sad couple..
vinmya86 #7
Chapter 9: i loved this story :) Xiumin and Nicole pairings so new to me but i still love it xD well because its Nicole,she fit with everyone :)
i'm still support KARA,all of them even Nicole and Jiyoung too :) loved their sisterly bond makes me love them so much :)
thanks for update and can't wait next chapter :D
Chapter 9: Dude you have no idea how happy I was when I was reading it. Before you even "introduced" Xiumin and Nicole in the story, I was already picturing them in it in the beginning. (I'm shipping Xiumin & Nicole recently, totally needed this shot) The one shot is super cute and sweet!
Hope you update soon!~
Chapter 1: I need moreee of this chapter.....pleaseeeeeee write more about Gyuri&Myungsoo....
adgjmptw #10
Chapter 8: i love it so so much . can u write one about nicole and kris ? please