One Last Whisper...

Simple Tales of Love...

One Last Whisper...


He held her hand tightly as he guides her in to their apartment. Her eyes were blindfolded as to keep the surprise. He closes the apartment door behind her as he kneels down to take off her shoes. She follows as instructed, her eyes still blindfolded with the silk bandeau. She stood barefoot by the door as she hears his steps moving away from her. She hears rustling from a distance, she became a bit anxious at the environment around her. Suddenly her surrounding became silent.

"You can take off the bandeau." She hears his voice.

She raises her hands up to her eyes as she unties the bandeau covering her eyes. As she slowly uncovers her eyes she could see the candles glimmering around her. Her eyes search the apartment to see the darken apartment lit up with candles everywhere. Her eyes reaches his as she could see him standing in front of her with that tender smile of his, in his hand a bouquet of one hundred red roses. She moves towards him but stops the moment she took her first step. She felt something underneath her foot, she looks down. To her surprise she sees rose petals covering the floor of the apartment. She continues her steps as she looks around the apartment floor, rose petals were scattered everywhere.

She made her way to him, her soft smile still on her face as she stood in front of him. His sweet, tender smile welcomes her as he leans in to kiss her forehead. She tilts her head up to look at him as a tear escapes her left eye. He gently wipes the tear off as he leans in closer to softly kiss her lips. She tightens her eyes shut to feel his warm, gentle lips on hers as tears roll down her cheeks.

- Flash -

"Excuse me!" She shouted. "Hold the elevator!"

He sees her running towards the door as he presses the close button on her. He didn't have time to wait around for these kind of things. She runs with all her might as she reaches the door as it was about to close. She places her heels in to the door to stop it from closing on her. She squeezes herself in to the elevator as he looks at her with disgust, rolling his eyes.

"Oh my god, that was a close one. Thank you." She said, breathing heavily as she pats him on the shoulder.

He rolls his eyes at her once again. The two stood in the elevator in silence. She would steal glances at him as she observes him. He stood with a prominent stance, his navy pinstripe suite was tailored perfectly for his body, a handsome man with his strong features, there was a powerful and confident aura about him that had her attracted to him right at first sight. She stood a few steps away from him as she fixes herself, after all that running she needs to fix herself before making another embarrassment of herself.

The two got off the same floor as she watches him walk away. She makes her way towards the receptionist desk, introducing herself to informed them of her appointment. The secretary at the desk leads her towards where her appointment will take place. She took her seat as she begins to prepare for what she needed. As she finishes organizing her things there came a knock at the door. She stood up from her seat as she sees the man entering the door. To her surprise it was the same man that she was in the elevator with. Her face began to blush as she felt the embarrassment rushing back once again.

- End -

He holds her close to him as they lay on the sofa together. Her petite body nestle in his arms. The silence in the room added to the mood as the two enjoyed each others' company. Nothing was needed to say as they lay together, holding each other. His chin rested on her temple, he leans in as he took a slight sniff of her hair. The scent just brought back little memories of the times that they were together. He love that smell, knowing so she would only use that type of shampoo because he said he liked it on her.

- Flash -

"My shampoo ran out!" She pouted to him.

"What do you want me to do? It's too late for me to run out to get shampoo for you."

"But I don't want stinky hair." She pouted again.

"Just use mine, it's all the same anyway."

"Um... Excuse me?" She looks at him with a strange expression. "I don't think so. Each shampoo is different. I need my shampoo!" She demanded.

"Well you're not getting it tonight." He retorts as he marches in to their bedroom.

She glares at him as he walks away, she shuts the bathroom door and stares at his bottle of shampoo. She let out a long sigh and grabbed the bottle and begins using it.

She crawls in to the bed as she pulls the blanket over her. Their backs were to each other as he begins to turn over to her side. He wraps his arms around her waist as he pulls her closer to his body. She turns to face him as she nestle her body against his chest. He leans down to her temple and accidentally sniffs her hair. He opens his eyes the moment the scent got his attention.

"You smell y." He whispers to her. "What is it?"

She let out a giggle hearing his comment. "It's yours."

- End -

She begins to cough a bit. His hold on her tightens a bit more the moment he heard her cough. Tears begins to form in his eyes as they continue to lay there. She could feel the tears rolling down his face as they drip on to her temple. Her eyes flutter open as she felt the tears. She holds on to his hands as she wiggles out of the embrace. She sits up on the sofa and gaze at him. He sits up with her, feeling her body parting his. They stare in to each others' eyes as she smiles at him. She reaches her left hand to his right cheek as she gently wipes off the stream of tears from his eye.

"Dance with me." She utters sweetly to him.

The two stood up as she walks over to the CD player and press play. Kara's 'Lonely' came on as the two held each other in each others' embrace. She rests her head on his chest as he holds her tightly against his body. This is one moment he does not want to end. He doesn't want any of this to end, nor does she.

- Flash -

"I'm sorry, but there isn't much time left for her." The doctor finalized.

He sat there, still in shock of the news. He falls back against the back of the chair. His eyes still in disbelief. He drags himself back to her room as he looks in through the door glass panel, gazing at her sitting by the window with her legs tucked against her chest. His eyes begins to swell up with tears at the mere thought of losing her. He turn his gaze away, his hands became fists as he struggles to suppress his emotions facing her. He composed himself as he walks in to the room.

She gaze up at the night sky as she watch the stars appear before her. She turns her gaze back to the room when she heard his steps towards her. A weak smile appear on her pale face. She knew what was coming, she already knew that it was bad news, she knew what was happening to her. She knew that he was trying to be strong for her, for the both of them. She looks at him with loving eyes, as if to tell him that everything is alright, that she has accepted her fate and that she would be strong through it all no matter what.

He couldn't help but smile with her the moment he saw that weakling smile of hers. He knew she was trying to stay strong. It pained him to see her like this. He walks over to her as he looks down at her with that weak, gentle smile on her face. Through the suppressed pain and anger that he was feeling, he forced out a smile for her. He pulls her close to him as she leans her head on his body. He bites his lip to restrain himself from crying but he couldn't control the tears that began to stream down his face.

She could feel the tears dripping down from him. They dripped down to her cheeks as she smiles at the love that she felt from him. She held his hand tightly, letting him know that it was alright, just cry, just let it all out, she is still here for him no matter what.

- End -

They continue to dance as she begins to feel her body weakening. He could feel her body weakening from his hold on her. She stood with her head still resting on his chest as her eyes gradually became heavy. Her hold on him begins to loosen as her body begins to give up on her. He holds on to her tighter as he encourages her to keep dancing with him.

"Dance with me. The song isn't over yet." He whispers to her, fighting back the tears.

She suddenly stops. She let go of her hold on him. She gaze up at him with a weak smile. He looks at her with pleading eyes.

"Can you take me there." She utters softly to him.

He nodded, knowing exactly what she meant.

- Flash -

"Isn't it beautiful?" She proudly claims as she stretches her arms out as they watch the sun rise.

"It is." He said, glancing over at her.

She smiles as she turns over to him. He quickly looks away in the direction of the sun rise. She giggles at his reaction. The two sat down on the blanket on the ground. They watch as the sun continues to rise. She begins to slowly tilt her head to the side, without notice she lays her head on his shoulder. He glances down to see her head on his shoulder, a smile appears on his face as they continue to watch the sun.

- End -

They got in to his car and drove off to the cliff in which they had their first date. He pulls the car up to the cliff. They got out of the car and sat on the hood of the car. She sat between him as he holds her tightly in his embrace.

"You're gonna watch the sun rise with me right?" She ask him sweetly.

"I will watch every sun rise with you." He answers her tenderly, holding back his tears.

"You know I love you right?" He nods. "I will always do." She adds as she felt his nod.

"I love you too. Always and forever." He softly whispers to her as his voice begins to shake.

A weak smile appears on her face as she slowly begins to shut her eyes. Her body begins to weaken as her grip on his hand begins to loosen. They sat there as the night sky begins to disappear and the morning horizon began to appear. The moment he saw the horizon he held her tighter against him.

"The sun is rising." He whispers to her.

There was no response.

Her hand was still tightly held in his grip.

He leans over to look at her, his grip on her hand loosen the moment he saw her eyes shut. Her hand slips out of his grip as it falls to her side. The smile on her face still present. His body begins to shake as he pulls her closer to him, he wraps his arms around her as he tilts her head up to face his. He looks down at the beauty in his arms. The uncontrollable tears streams down his face as he presses his lips against her's for one last time.

"I love you." He whispers to her.

He cradles her in his arms.

"I love you." He whispers for one last time.



A/N: I wrote this one shot years ago, and when I say years I mean years... When I first got in to writing fanfics. I left the characters anonymous for the purpose of allowing the readers to place their own OTP in there for their own enjoyment. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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Chapter 9: Awww!!! Can i hug u?? haha honestly Xiumin is like my no.1 bias and Nicole is like on of my girl crush haha she is my bias in Kara as well and i will always support them ^^..oh and the story is AMAZING!!!!! ^^
low_star #2
Chapter 9: XiuCole is cuteee!! I totally love that scene where he takes a picture of her. Gaaahh!

I hope you do a Luhan and Cole fanfic.
alice7 #3
Chapter 9: thanks for the sweet story update :) Thanks so much for continuing your stories about Nicole despite of what has happened. Looking forward to your next updates!!
Jigooo #4
Chapter 9: OMFG THE STORY IS WRITTEN SO BEAUTIFULLY!! My dose of a XiuCole fic finally came!! Thank you very much for such a wonderful story. I was hoping you could write a full fic of this since a lot of questions remain unanswered. Looking forward to more EXO and Nicole stories figthing!! Update soon author-nim!! :)
trying something normal for once xD
Chapter 9: I love this pairing so much..
I don't know why but whenever I read your tragic love story I can only imagine the love between Nicole and Kris..
They do make a sad couple..
vinmya86 #7
Chapter 9: i loved this story :) Xiumin and Nicole pairings so new to me but i still love it xD well because its Nicole,she fit with everyone :)
i'm still support KARA,all of them even Nicole and Jiyoung too :) loved their sisterly bond makes me love them so much :)
thanks for update and can't wait next chapter :D
Chapter 9: Dude you have no idea how happy I was when I was reading it. Before you even "introduced" Xiumin and Nicole in the story, I was already picturing them in it in the beginning. (I'm shipping Xiumin & Nicole recently, totally needed this shot) The one shot is super cute and sweet!
Hope you update soon!~
Chapter 1: I need moreee of this chapter.....pleaseeeeeee write more about Gyuri&Myungsoo....
adgjmptw #10
Chapter 8: i love it so so much . can u write one about nicole and kris ? please