A Birthday Surprise...

Simple Tales of Love...

A Birthday Surprise...


“Noona, wait up!” He shouted to her only to see her pace quickening.

He increases his speed as he dashes forward towards her. He stood in front of her with arms wide open, blocking her from continuing any further.

She really didn’t want to deal with him right now. She rolled her eyes at his childish behavior.

“MyungSoo, I’m really not in the mood to deal with your childishness today,” she was almost pleading to him, “I have to get to work right now, I’m late. So if you please move out of my way and let me be on my way.”

She attempted to move forward but was only stopped by him and his blockage.

“Please MyungSoo I’m pleading with you here.” She claps her hand together, pleading to him with an exasperated expression.

He couldn’t help but chuckle at her actions.

“I can’t let you go until you tell me what day today is.”

An exasperated sigh escapes her lips, “please MyungSoo I don’t have time for this right now.”

Once again she tried to move away from his blockage but to no avail.

“Noona!” He responded sternly as he stomped his foot to the ground and stared at her with his eyebrows furrowed and pouty lips.

His stomp caught her by surprise as she stares back at him wide-eyed.

She sighs in defeat, “ok let me think. What day is it that can have you all worked up.” She ponders for a few seconds before glancing back at him. With a snap of her finger she figured it out.

He smiles at her gleefully, excited to hear what she had to say.

“It’s your birthday!” She shouted confidently.

The expression on his face quickly changed the moment he heard her answer. There was confusion and disappointment in his expression.

“Noona, it’s not…” Before he could finish she had interrupted him.

“I’m sorry MyungSoo for forgetting your birthday was today, but I’ll make it up to you ok? I’ll take you out to celebrate it tonight ok? But I really have to get going right now.” She rushes through her words when she noticed the bus was coming. She flash him her sweet smile before dashing off for the bus.

“But it’s not my birthday,” he manages to mutter out as she ran off, “it’s yours.” And his voice trailed off as he let out a long sigh.




“Park GyuRi!” She shot up from her desk at the shrieking of her name.

Everyone turned their attention to her as she stood there looking at where her name was being shouted from. Her eyes widened at the sight of her manager storming in to their department.

“Come in to my office right now!”

GyuRi hesitantly and nervously made her way to her manager’s office. She knocks on the door gently.

“You wanted to see me sir?” Her voice could barely be heard, she was too nervous to speak any louder.

Her manager stares at her with seriousness.

“What the hell is this?” He throws a file that landed right in front of her feet.

She slowly knelt down, picks it up and begins to read through it. She looks up at her manager with a regretful expression.

“Sir, I can explain this,” she tries to reason.

“I honestly don’t want to hear it GyuRi,” he let out a disappointed sigh as he got off his seat and made his way over to her. He stood in front of her, inches away that he could smell her scent, “how many times has this happened already?”

GyuRi was getting a bit uncomfortable with the distance between them as she took a step back.


“More than once that’s for sure,” he answers for her with a smug smile on his face. He advances towards her.

Each step he took forward she took another step back.


She was finding a hard time to explain herself. It wasn’t helping that he kept coming closer and closer to her, that smugly smile was still on his face.


“You what?” He whispers seductively to her as he grazed his hand over her cheek.

GyuRi didn’t know what to do as she froze at his touch. He had cornered her against the door. She didn’t know what to do as she gripped the doorknob.

He smirks mischievously noticing her tense body, “I could bypass the mistakes you’ve made if you do one thing for me.”

She didn’t answer, still frozen in her state of nervousness.

He chuckles at her frozen state, “one night, just one night together and everything will be smooth sailing for you from now on.”

Her grip on the doorknob got tighter as she felt absolutely disgusted and offended at his offer. Was that how he saw her? Someone who would sleep around just to keep her place at work or in the world? She was boiling with anger and disgust at his words towards her.

She glares at him, “one night?” She manages to speak.

He smirks at her response, “just one night, but if you enjoy it, I’m willing to have a go as many times as you want.”

“As many times as I want?” She was feeling more and more disgusted with this conversation, her tone becoming straight and cold.

“Well, until I get tired of you, whichever comes first, but most likely the latter,” he chuckles at his own arrogance.

“Until you tired of me,” she repeated after him, leering at him with rage burning in her eyes.

“So what do you say?” He teases her once more as he grazed his hand over her cheeks to her chin.

She smirks smugly at him, glaring at him. He withdrew his hand the moment he saw her expression. She steps up to him.

“I. Quit!” She shouted to him. She turns her heels and opens the door.

She stops.

“One more thing,” she turns back around to face him. She flashes her famous goddess smile.

The door slams as she made her way back to her desk and grabbed all her things and made her exit.

All the employees were alarmed at the slamming of the door as they noticed GyuRi entering the elevator with her bag and a box of her belongings. They quickly rushed over to their manager’s office. One of the employees slowly turned the doorknob only to have their manager quickly opening it and limping at the door, one hand over his left eye and the other on his manhood.

All the employees stood there, shocked to see what had happened, they were trying their best to hold back the laughter.

“What are you all looking at? Get back to work!” He shouted to them.

They all bowed and quickly ran back to their desks. Their laughter could now be heard.

GyuRi stood in front of the building with her back to the place she used to call work. With a box of her things in her hand she releases a sigh of relief. She did the right thing. She knows she did. There was no way she would let anyone talk to her the way he did or treat her the way he did. She was proud of herself.

She sat on the bus, glancing back and forth from the window and the box of her belongings from the office. She let out a long sigh, finally realizing that she was now out of a job. What was she to do? She quickly shook off the thought.

Don’t pity yourself!

You made the right choice!

Things will get better!

You’re not one to give up so easily Park GyuRi, you can do this!

She begins to comfort and encourage herself. That’s the best thing she can do right now.

She made her way up the hill towards her apartment when she stops. It finally dawned on her that she had completely forgotten about MyungSoo’s birthday. She quickly turns around and rushes towards the nearest supermarket.

She grabbed the nicest cake she could find, candles, and a bouquet of colorful balloons with a few saying ‘Happy Birthday’. She smiles confidently at her choices as she made her way back up towards her apartment. She stops again once she realized she didn’t get him a gift. She turns back around again but before she could run off again her phone begins to ring.

Juggling with all the things in her hand she manages to reach for her cell phone. It was MyungSoo.

“Hey MyungSoo,” she greets him happily.

“Noona, where are you?”

“I’m…” she was struggling to hold on to everything, “I’m in front of my… No!!!!” She shouted.

“Noona, what’s wrong?” His voice was full of urgency.

GyuRi let out an exasperated and annoyed groan, “MyungSoo, I’ll call you back.” Her tone was filled with remorse.

The box of her belongings had fell over and what was worse was her cake for MyungSoo had fallen to the ground and smashed to pieces, it was ruined.

She quickly picked up her belongings and places them back in to her box with one free hand as the other one was still holding tightly on to the balloons. The moment she was done she glances over at the cake that was now smashed on the ground, she hunches over it with a pout.

“Sorry MyungSoo,” she mutters to herself as she begins to collect the cake from the ground to throw it in the trash.

“Sorry for what?” She hears a voice from behind her.

She turns around to see MyungSoo coming towards her direction.

“MyungSoo, what are you doing here?”

“I came to pick you up.”

“Where were you?”

“I was waiting for you in your apartment,” he smiles at her. “What’s wrong?” He asks, noticing her box and the smashed cake.

She let out sigh, “this was supposed to be for you,” she held up the cake to him before throwing it in to the trash.

“What for?”

“Your birthday, didn’t you say it was your birthday today? I told you that I would celebrate it with you, but now it’s all ruined.”

He nodded between his chuckling, “and the balloons?”

She held out the balloons to him, “this is the only thing left. So, happy birthday,” she smiles at him sheepishly.

“Thanks noona,” he laughs at her attempt and took the balloons, “c’mon, I’ll help you bring your stuff up.”

He took the box from her. He took a quick glance inside the box and notices that they were her belongings from work.

“Why did you take these things home from work?”

She let out a sigh, “I quit today.”

He stops and looks over at her, “why?”

She smiles at him with an assuring expression, “I was done with that place. I felt it was time for me to move on to something better.”

“What happened?” He was suspicious of her reason.

“Nothing,” she laughs, just thinking back to how she handled the situation she couldn’t help but laugh. She was absolutely proud of herself for it.

“Did something happen to you?” He questions again.

“Nothing happened to me. I just made my decision to leave,” she turns back towards her apartment, “it’s all for the better. I was over working myself anyway. I mean I forgot your birthday MyungSoo.” She was a bit regretful for doing so.

He laughs at what she said. “Yes, my birthday. C’mon noona, let’s hurry.”

He quickly picked up his pace and GyuRi followed suit.

They stood in front of GyuRi’s apartment door as she punched in the code. She opened the door to nothing but darkness.

“I thought you were in my apartment?” She asked as she reached for the light switch.

“Surprise! Happy Birthday!”

GyuRi was in complete shock to see all her friends standing in front of her. She was completely surprise to say the least. She looks over at MyungSoo with a confused expression.

He smiles cheekily at her, “today is your birthday, not mine. Pabo.”

She was still confused until she took a look over at her calendar. It was indeed her birthday. She couldn’t believe it, she was so preoccupied with everything around her that she had completely forgot today was her birthday.

“Happy Birthday unnie!” Nicole, Hara and JiYoung came rushing up to her to give her hugs.

“MyungSoo oppa planned this all for you.” JiYoung whispers to her.

“He knew you would forget.” SeungYeon chimes in as she gives GyuRi a hug.

GyuRi smiles at them as she turns her attention towards MyungSoo who was now busy greeting all their guests.

The party continues through the night, GyuRi finally got the chance to pull MyungSoo aside in private.

“I can’t believe you did this for me. Thank you MyungSoo.”

“I knew you would forget. It’s so like you to do so. And you thought it was my birthday too. See? You’re always thinking of other people before yourself.”

She couldn’t help but laugh at his assessment.

He glances at her, “pabo.” He mutters as he chuckles along.

“Yah, I’m your noona ok?” She gently punches him jokingly.

“GyuRi,” he turns to her, his face turns serious.

She turns to him and she knew what he wanted to say. Each time he said her name like that she knew.

“MyungSoo,” she replies.

He knew what the answer would be, it was always the same answer, but he didn’t mind, he knew better, but he was willing to wait, for however long she needed, he was willing to wait.

They stood there on the balcony in silence. She slowly reaches for his hand as they intertwined their fingers together. They didn’t need to look at each other.

They understood each other. She knew how he felt about her and he knew how she felt about him. They had an understanding of each other and that was all that mattered. There was no need to explain it any further. When the time comes, they will know what to do.

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Chapter 9: Awww!!! Can i hug u?? haha honestly Xiumin is like my no.1 bias and Nicole is like on of my girl crush haha she is my bias in Kara as well and i will always support them ^^..oh and the story is AMAZING!!!!! ^^
low_star #2
Chapter 9: XiuCole is cuteee!! I totally love that scene where he takes a picture of her. Gaaahh!

I hope you do a Luhan and Cole fanfic.
alice7 #3
Chapter 9: thanks for the sweet story update :) Thanks so much for continuing your stories about Nicole despite of what has happened. Looking forward to your next updates!!
Jigooo #4
Chapter 9: OMFG THE STORY IS WRITTEN SO BEAUTIFULLY!! My dose of a XiuCole fic finally came!! Thank you very much for such a wonderful story. I was hoping you could write a full fic of this since a lot of questions remain unanswered. Looking forward to more EXO and Nicole stories figthing!! Update soon author-nim!! :)
trying something normal for once xD
Chapter 9: I love this pairing so much..
I don't know why but whenever I read your tragic love story I can only imagine the love between Nicole and Kris..
They do make a sad couple..
vinmya86 #7
Chapter 9: i loved this story :) Xiumin and Nicole pairings so new to me but i still love it xD well because its Nicole,she fit with everyone :)
i'm still support KARA,all of them even Nicole and Jiyoung too :) loved their sisterly bond makes me love them so much :)
thanks for update and can't wait next chapter :D
Chapter 9: Dude you have no idea how happy I was when I was reading it. Before you even "introduced" Xiumin and Nicole in the story, I was already picturing them in it in the beginning. (I'm shipping Xiumin & Nicole recently, totally needed this shot) The one shot is super cute and sweet!
Hope you update soon!~
Chapter 1: I need moreee of this chapter.....pleaseeeeeee write more about Gyuri&Myungsoo....
adgjmptw #10
Chapter 8: i love it so so much . can u write one about nicole and kris ? please