
Strong against pain


Lessons started to bore you out and a migraine was setting in. You held your head with your hand and leaned against the wall.(You were seated right at the side of the classroom with Woohyun behind) You shut your eyes, hoping the migraine would just slip away. You raised your hand for permission to go to the washroom and stood up to leave. Just when you were standing, you became dizzy and fell backward. Woohyun got up immediately and grabbed onto you by the waist before pushing you upright.

"I'll bring her to the nurse" Woohyun told the teacher.

He held onto you by the waist, supporting you incase you fell again. Both of you left the classroom and headed down the halls to the Nurse's. You and Woohyun entered the Nurse's office and she left in a hurry saying she'll be back in 15 minutes. Woohyun led you to the bench and helped you sit down gently. You rested your head on your hand and closed your eyes. Exposure to light made you dizzier and you covered your eyes with your hands. Woohyun couldn't bear to see you being in such discomfort as he stood there, not knowing what to do. He sat down beside you.

"You can rest your head on me"

You turned to him slowly and saw him tapping his shoulder, gesturing for you to lean on him. You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes. The nurse came in and took a look at you. She asked you how you were feeling.

"Headache, but it's just a migraine, I get them all the time." You said while leaning onto Woohyun.

You didn’t exactly want to get out from this position even if it meant you had to have a permanent migraine.

The nurse then gave you two painkillers and a glass of water. You popped them in your mouth swallowing them and taking a gulp of water. Woohyun took the cup from you and placed it on the table.

"Both of you have to get back to class now, but you are given permission to sleep in class." The nurse told you.

"Thank you" You and Woohyun said in unison.

The painkillers wasn’t taking effect yet so Woohyun helped you get up, hands holding your hand and supporting you as both of you walked back to class.

As the both of you entered the class, you realised it was already break time and the class was empty.

"Do you wanna go to the cafeteria?" Woohyun asked

"I think I'm just gonna sleep here" You said as you went to your seat and laid your head down on the table.


Then Woohyun left the classroom, leaving you there, alone.

You were feeling kind of lonely, having hoped he would stay there beside you as you took a nap.

"Stop being so selfish." You chided yourself.

You drifted in and out of sleep until you felt cold air against your cheek. You opened your eyes to see Woohyun blowing at you. You sat up straight quickly, slightly shocked as his face was so close to you. You immediately regretted sitting up straight too fast as a headache came to pound at your head.

"Ahh" You massaged your temples.

"I bought you a sandwich!" Woohyun gave you one as he held another and took a bite in his.


Woohyun pulled a chair beside you, taking a seat and ate his sandwich. You took small bites out of your sandwich, having no appetite but eating because Woohyun gave it to you.

"You know, I was at the playground because I was bored yesterday. And feeling kind of lonely.." Woohyun said.

You looked to him with a questioning look.

"You go to the park late at night when you're bored?"

Woohyun smiled. "Yeah, I live alone so I feel lonely all the time."

"Ohh.. Why?" You said, looking at him with eyes wide open.

"I didn’t want to live with my Appa."

"What about your Omma?"

"They kind of divorced when I was three and I didn’t really get to know her.."

"Oh.." You said, looking down at your lap.

"But I like the freedom of living alone" Woohyun gave you a smile.

"So, now that I've told you about my life, what about yours?" He leaned toward you and raised his eyebrows.

"What about my life?" You asked.

"Why were you at the park last night?"

"Oh.. I was feeling bored too."

Woohyun gave you a 'really?' look and waited for you to tell him the real story.

"My Appa.. He kind of gets drunk, and likes to hit.. You know.." You said as you slowly tilt your head down, not wanting to meet his eyes.

Woohyun lifted your chin, so your eyes would meet his.

"Song eun, can I tell you something?" He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at you in the eye

"I like you, and I want to make sure that you're okay, and that you're not hurt."

You didn’t know how to reply him so your stood there, staring at your sandwich.

"I'm sorry for overloading you when you have a migraine.. But can you tell me whether you like me, when you're ready." And he got up and left, feeling too awkward after confessing.


You sat there in your seat, regretting just sitting there and not giving him a reply.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." You said to yourself.

"Should've told him something. Maybe like 'I've liked you for so many years now', but I'll sound desperate.. Or maybe 'I like you too Oppa'. Anything would be better than just ignoring him. Oh gosh, I feel so stupid now.."


Before school ended, you wrote a post-it note to Woohyun.

"I'll meet you at the park tonight"


You tucked Dongjung's to sleep and went to change into some decent clothes. You pulled your hoodie over and dabbed on some lip gloss before you left the house to meet Woohyun at the park. You snuck down the stairs, peeping through to check if your Appa was there. Thankfully, he wasn't home yet and you locked up the gate and crossed the street toward the park.

You strolled along, planning what to say to Woohyun after today's confession. you twirled your hair as you smiled to yourself, replaying the scenes today in your mind. You put your hands in the pocket of your hoodie and walked toward the same bench you were at the other night.

While waiting, you were humming to a song. (try imagining time by Woohyun) Woohyun sneaked up behind you.

"Boo" his hands grabbed onto your shoulders from the back.

"Why didn't you scream?" he asked, unsatisfied by your reaction.

"Your footsteps are kind of loud."

"Pfft" He sat down next to you and looked at the sky as he asked

"So, have you thought of answer?" You turned to face him

"Oppa, actually.. erm.." you twirled twirled your hair as you looked at your shoes.

Woohyun lifted your chin up and looked you in the eye which caused you to blush. 

"Wae? Why are you so shy?" he asked.

"Oppa, I.. I like you too" you said softly.

"what's that? Can you say it again?" he teased.

"I like you Oppa" you said and immediately he got up and ran around the bench.

"YESSSSSS!" he ran and jumped up. 

He ran up to you "Chincha? Your not lying right?" You smiled at him and shake your head.

He ran around and around shouting "Song Eun likes me!"


"Yah! Shut up.. Everyone can hear you.." You said as you tried to shush Woohyun in his overexcitement.

He ran up to you and grabbed your hand to make you stand up. He pulled you close to him and he looked down at you, tilting your chin up so you would face him (this is like his signature move in this story, I guess).

"Song Eun ah, you really really like me right?"

"Yes Oppa" You said, biting onto your bottom lip to stop yourself from smiling too much.

"Nan chongmal chuwahae (I really like you)"

Woohyun hugged you tight, snuggling his head onto your shoulder while your hands wrapped around his waist and your head fit onto his chest perfectly.


"Now you're my girlfriend." He said while hugging you.

"And you're my boyfriend." You giggled at the thought of you guys, strolling the school halls together.



Both of you walked hand in hand, strolling slowly, not wanting to reach the destination and part with each other. He turned to look over at you and let out a smile which then became a giggle.

"Yah" You said, pushing onto his arm.

"Why are you laughing at me?"

"Nothing." He gave you a grin and smiled to himself.

This made you smile also and you bit on your  lower lip, trying to control the laugh that was building up inside.




Hey guys, I'm sorry for those random hyperlinks in my chaps, I really don’t know how they got there.. 

I was going to add in a father scene but I didn't want to ruin the romantic mood so, hope the ending wasn't weird..

And I really hope you like this chapter! It's gonna start to get really fluffy because they are finally a couple! WHEEE~

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This is so good! &the pictures you post...ugh x) end of chapter 11:if you're cold ,you can always hug me,LOL greaaaasy woohyun <3
Update soon please~!
Justbe_utiful #2
Thanks! And, I'll still try my best to update, though I won't be writing from the computer but from my phone. I'll do final edits on the computer so I hope you'll excuse any weird mistakes here, and the missing story pictures too..
so sweet!
gud luck in ur exams! fighting!
minhee_hong #5
Ahh! They're together now! So happy ^o^

Update soon~
omg..i fell in love with ur ff. i love woohyun's character.. warm and nice.. ;) nice job author
Justbe_utiful #7
Hey, thanks for reading! I'm a new author too, nice to meet you! ^^
minhee_hong #8
Ahh! Woohyun is so cute and sweet! >w<

Update soon! Btw, new reader ^^ Nice to meet you, author-sshi
Justbe_utiful #9
Thanks! I'll try to update as frequent as possible :)
this ff is nice! update soon! i'll be looking forward to le next chappie ;)