You trust me?

Strong against pain


"Oppa, where are we going?" you asked.

You were hoping to just stay there at that position, hugging onto Woohyun till morning. You were comforted by his touch and didn't want the embrace to end. "To my favorite place." He smiled at you, continuing to pull you beside him along the streets.  There was no one, the streets were quiet and the streetlights glowed dimly. Along the row of shops, there was only one shop open. Cafe Chocolatte.

"My favorite shop." He directed you in and held the glass doors open for you.

You waved to the girl at the counter who was your coworker, she worked the late night shifts from 2am to 8am. 

"Welcome, Song Eun shi and Woohyun shi." She greeted the both of you and bowed 90 degrees. 

You were surprised at her greeting and her bow. 

"Morning." Woohyun greeted back. 
"I'll have two iced mochas." You were about to walk to the counter to help when Woohyun pulled you back.
"You don't have to do it." he pulled you across the seats to the one at the secluded corner.

Just when both of you took your seats, the drinks came.
"Enjoy your drinks." she bowed again and backed away back to the counter.
You were silently drinking your iced mocha, taking small sips and staring into the space behind Woohyun who sat across you.
"Song ah.." Woohyun looked up at you.
"Hmm?" you said with the straw still in your mouth.
Your hands were holding onto the cup of your iced mocha. He held onto your hands and you stopped sipping the drink. He leaned forward to you, coming over to more than half the table.
"Do you trust me?" He suddenly asked.
You looked at him with an innocent look. Yeah you trusted him. Why did he ask?
"Yes." you answered, as a matter of fact.  
"Can you tell me about your family?" He asked with pleading eyes.
"Oh." you slouched. 

You had always been avoiding that topic. So well that he realized you never spoke about your family. He had told you about his before, but you always managed to not talk about the problems at home. You still wanted to avoid that topic. You were looking down at the table top hoping he would change the subject.
"Song Eun ah, I really want to know more about you. And I want to know why you end up crying in the park 3am the morning." he looked genuinely worried for you. Yet you just didn't want to talk about it. You just wanted to feel comforted and at ease with Woohyun around. 

"Anniya.." You were about to pull your hands out of his grasp but he held on tighter.

He let go of your hands and reached to his head as if to nurse a headache. 
"I just.. I'm just worried for you. I want to be always there for you and protect you.." 
You stopped him, got hold of his hands and looked right into his eyes.
"I know you care Oppa. You don't have to worry about me." You gave a weak smile.

You trusted him. It was just, you always thought you were strong. You managed to take care of DongJung all this time, avoiding your drunkard father and the absence of your mother. You always depended on yourself. You never had anyone to lean on. And now, Woohyun was here, with genuine sincerity and concern for you, yet you still couldn't tell him your troubles.
"I'm alright." You assured him, also as if to assure yourself. 
You leaned in, trying to convince him that you were really fine. He leaned in too and at once, the small round table just became too small. Your lips were just inches apart and you felt his breathe on your chin. You stayed frozen in that position as he slowly let his forehead meet yours. He looked down as he whispered, "I'll always be there for you." then his lips moved forward and crashed into yours, as if to seal that promise with a kiss.
He slowly leaned back, still looking in your eyes, still hoping he got your trust to let him know about your problems. But you just wouldn't tell.

He walked to your side and took the space beside you, allowing you to lean onto him. It was nearing dawn as you lay your head on Woohyun's shoulder and fell asleep. The safety in his arms made you unaware of your surroundings and totally secure.

You stirred awake from the sound of a bell. You felt a weight on your head as you turned to realize Woohyun laid his head on yours.  Woohyun sat upright and cracked his neck.
"uhh.." His neck was stiff from the uncomfortable position he slept in.
You looked at him and smiled at how he tried to loosen his stiff back and neck.  You looked around, adjusting to your surrounding and remembered how both of you fell asleep leaning on each other just a few hours ago. Looking up, you caught sight of school girls entering the cafe and immediately panicked .

". We're gonna be late for school." You exclaimed.
You were running out of the cafe and onto the streets and Woohyun chased after you.
"I'll meet you in front of your house in 10 minutes." And he ran the opposite direction from you.
You ran into your house, kicking off your shoes and raced up the stairs to get changed. 
"Noona, where were you?" Dongjung asked.
"Junggie, can you walk to school alone today?" You said panting.
There was no time to get to Junggie's school and then to yours.
"Neh.. " He replied sulkily.
You knew he was disappointed so you tried to make it up to him.
"I'll pick you up and bring you to drink hot chocolate after school!" You shouted behind you and continued rushing to get changed.

You managed to slip on your school uniform and grabbed your schoolbag. You rushed out the door, putting your feet into your sneakers and sliding your way out the gate. You opened the gate and saw Woohyun leaning on the wall beside the gate, dressed neatly in school uniform and his bag slung over his right shoulder.
"Omo. How did you change so fast?" You looked up at him as you tried to squeeze your feet into your sneakers.
He shrugged "I'm a guy." and gave you a smirk before he reached his hand open to you signaling you to hold his.

Your hand reached for his and he held on tightly to yours.
"Ready?" He asked.
"For what?"
"Run." he pulled you along as his legs ran with such speed you felt you were going to fly. Your legs would barely match up to his as you let yourself get pulled by him.

The both of you reached the hall way as you let out a laugh and panted heavily.

"Yah, Nam Woohyun and Lee Songeun. Late, detention!" The monster yelled.
Woohyun stood in front of you while you timidly hid behind him. He held out and reached to yours to lead the way to both your seats. The class let out an "oooohh" as the both of you were late together.

Suji gave you a wink.
You tried to mouth to her in exasperation that she was thinking wrongly as she quietly giggled to herself and your face turned red with embarrassment .  Woohyun let out a smirk, as if satisfied with the attention he earn.
"What have you been doing?" Sunggyu questioned him.
"Running around." He answered, giving Sunggyu a cheeky look.




Hi Readers! Just a little thank you note for reading and subscribing to my story! :)
Since I'm still a rookie author, I hope you'll excuse my lack of imagination and not so fantastic vocabulary. I'll try my very best to always make my chappies longer, with more detailed descriptionof actions and feelings. I hope you'll continue to read even though I don't update as often!

Thank you all ^^


Photo credits to tumblr user piggy68gal

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This is so good! &the pictures you post...ugh x) end of chapter 11:if you're cold ,you can always hug me,LOL greaaaasy woohyun <3
Update soon please~!
Justbe_utiful #2
Thanks! And, I'll still try my best to update, though I won't be writing from the computer but from my phone. I'll do final edits on the computer so I hope you'll excuse any weird mistakes here, and the missing story pictures too..
so sweet!
gud luck in ur exams! fighting!
minhee_hong #5
Ahh! They're together now! So happy ^o^

Update soon~
omg..i fell in love with ur ff. i love woohyun's character.. warm and nice.. ;) nice job author
Justbe_utiful #7
Hey, thanks for reading! I'm a new author too, nice to meet you! ^^
minhee_hong #8
Ahh! Woohyun is so cute and sweet! >w<

Update soon! Btw, new reader ^^ Nice to meet you, author-sshi
Justbe_utiful #9
Thanks! I'll try to update as frequent as possible :)
this ff is nice! update soon! i'll be looking forward to le next chappie ;)