Be safe

Strong against pain

"Thanks for walking us home." You told Woohyun.
Dongjung had his share of chocolate drinks at the cafe and now it was your  night shift. Woohyun walked beside you as his fingers intertwined yours. He smiled at you as an answer, strolling slowly with you to the cafe. 

Both of you were in front of the. It was late at night but you still had to work.
"Why can't you work earlier?" Woohyun asked.
"We have school, there's no other time." You said
"Aishh.." Woohyun was frustrated that he couldn't spend more time with you.
You slowly let go of his hand and waved goodbye.
"Oppa, annyeong"  Woohyun was disappointed but he smiled at you anyway, then he pulled your hand again.
You were pulled close to him, against his chest. He got hold of both your hands as the both of your foreheads touched.
"I'll miss you." He said.
Your head tilt down, hiding your embarrassed face.
"It's only for one night Oppa. You'll see me again tomorrow." 
"Still.." he said.
Slowly, you looked up in his eyes and he took the chance to lower his head and let his lips meet yours. Both your lips interlocked and the kiss was sweet. 
"Be careful when you walk home later. And call me immediately if anything happens." Woohyun told you.
He slowly pulled away, knowing he had to leave you.
"Arra, don't worry Oppa. Now go home and sleep!" You gave him a last wave and stepped in the cafe.

After putting on the Chocolatte uniform, you went to clear cups from the tables and counted the stocks left. That was basically your job there since there wouldn't be many customers at night. You sat at a window seat, looking out to face the empty streets as your sleepy eyes tarted to close.

*bzz bzz*
Your phone vibrated which stirred you up from your half asleep state. You checked to see you received a message.

From: Woohyun Oppa <3
Chagiya<3, Remember to be careful later and go to sleep immediately arrasoe? 

You smiled, since when did he start calling you Chagiya? Well, it was Nam Woohyun, your greasy Nam Woohyun.
You texted him back.

To: Woohyun Oppa <3
Ne, Oppa. Don't worry about me, you should be sleeping now!

You sent the message then went back to clean up the kitchen.

*bzz bzz*

From: Woohyun Oppa <3
I can't sleep knowing that my Chagi<3 is still working. Do you want me to come over and accompany you? ^^

That was a sweet offer, but you didn't want another episode of sleeping in the cafe and being late for school again. 

To: Woohyun Oppa <3
Greasy Oppa, just close your eyes an try to sleep. I'll be fine here, and my shift will be ending soon. Stop worrying about me Oppa, we still have school tmr. Goodnight! <3

You started to change out of your uniform, ready to handover the shop to your coworker. 

From: Woohyun Oppa <3
Alright I'll sleep now since you told me to.. Can't wait to see you tmr ^^ I'll be outside your house in the morning and be careful when you're walking home! Goodnight, my Song Eun <3 :*

Oh gosh, how greasy could he get, sending kisses over text.. But you knew you loved it, someone was there for you 24/7, worrying about you, taking care of you. It was a nice feeling to have.

You walked home and noticed that your front gate was opened slightly.
"Stupid drunk Appa." You muttered.
You walked quietly in the house, trying not to draw attention from your Appa. You silently walked up the stairs and toward your room. Just when approaching the top of the stairs, you saw broken glass outside your room door.
You quickly opened the door and walked in while avoiding broken glass to see Junggie still awake, sobbing to himself. 
"Junggie ah, kwenchana?" You tried soothing him as you cradled him in your arms. 
"Appa didn't hurt you right?" You checked his arms and legs for injuries.
Thank god, your Appa was too drunk to turn a door knob.
"Noona.. I'm scared.." Junggie cried in your arms.
"It's okay, Noona is here, I will protect you, just go to sleep okay?" You laid him on the bed and his hair as he quickly fell asleep.

Then, you went outside to clean up the broken glass on the floor, picking the pieces one by one with your hands.
"Ouch!"  You were cut by a glass piece and blood started to trickle down your hand. You continued to pick them all up and disposed them before taking a first aid kit. You slowly put plasters over the many cuts you got on your hand.

Then you went up to sleep. As you tossed and your bed, you looked at Junggie, now sleeping peacefully. He must have felt really scare just now.. You started to feel guilty for leaving Junggie alone in the house with your drunk Appa. You needed to take care of him, and this wasn't a very good place.



Have you guys seen the pics from the SBS Hope TV Children’s Day Event? Woohyun might as well not have worn a shirt.. 

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This is so good! &the pictures you post...ugh x) end of chapter 11:if you're cold ,you can always hug me,LOL greaaaasy woohyun <3
Update soon please~!
Justbe_utiful #2
Thanks! And, I'll still try my best to update, though I won't be writing from the computer but from my phone. I'll do final edits on the computer so I hope you'll excuse any weird mistakes here, and the missing story pictures too..
so sweet!
gud luck in ur exams! fighting!
minhee_hong #5
Ahh! They're together now! So happy ^o^

Update soon~
omg..i fell in love with ur ff. i love woohyun's character.. warm and nice.. ;) nice job author
Justbe_utiful #7
Hey, thanks for reading! I'm a new author too, nice to meet you! ^^
minhee_hong #8
Ahh! Woohyun is so cute and sweet! >w<

Update soon! Btw, new reader ^^ Nice to meet you, author-sshi
Justbe_utiful #9
Thanks! I'll try to update as frequent as possible :)
this ff is nice! update soon! i'll be looking forward to le next chappie ;)