Dara's Diary


Dear Diary,


Headlines. Headlines everywhere.

'The return of Omma Dara'
'Introducing The Kwon Twins'

Ever since I stepped foot in Seoul, I've been the centre of attention. I can't even show the girls around with being attacked by a swarm of paparazzi.

The biggest headlines? 'JiYong finally reunited with his family?', 'The Kwons: a happy family?' 
How could I be stupid enough not to check the date BigBang returned from their Japan concert? How?

'Dara! Open the door!' I could hear the door being banged on.

'I'm coming!' I shouted back, as I walked towards the door.

I was currently staying at a motel near the YG building. Its a safe place with a reasonable price, so I don't mind.

'Yes?' I asked, as I let Bom in.

'Gosh, you sure are getting popular' she said as she came inside.

'What do you mean?' I asked closing the door.

'Where are the girls?' She inquired whilst looking around. Completely ignoring my question.

'Sangie took them out with MBLAQ' 

'Ohh' she replied

'Anyways, what's up?' I asked sitting across from her.

'This is up,' she exclaimed looking through her bag. Several seconds later she pulled out a newspaper.

'Look at the headlines, Miss Dara' 

I did as she said, and my eyes nearly popped out.

'Jang WooYoung to take Sandara Park to court' I exclaimed snatching the paper from her.

'Dude! What is this?' I shouted.

'Apparently, WooYoung feels he is still the dad. So he wants his right.' She said looking at me with soft eyes.

'What the heck?' I yelled; skim reading the context of the article.

'Mr Jang's representatives have been in communication with Miss Park's party since her arrival in Seoul. A court hearing is scheduled for the 26th November.' I read.

'Oh my god! That's 2 weeks from now!' I whispered in disbelieve.

'I'm sorry Dara. Just know that the YG family is always behind you.' She smiled. 

'Bommie! Oettokae?' I cried as I sat down on the sofa, allowing the news to sink in.

'I'm sorry DongSaeng. But you should do this. For the girls' she replied looking at me with sympathetic eyes.

But she was right. YuRi and YunJi deserve to know who their father is. Maybe this isn't too bad. Maybe this would be a good thing.


‘Earth to Dara!’ Bom exclaimed as she smacked me with the newspaper.

‘What?’ I asked, snapping out of my thoughts.

‘Do you want to grab something to eat? The girls are out after all.’ Before I could decline she already made her way towards the door. I guess I’m going out.

Honestly Diary, hanging out with Bommie was amazing. But the thought of the court case was always in the back of my mind. After a couple of hours, we decided to head to the park near our first dorm.  It was exactly how I remembered it.  The equipment looked as tattered as they did 3 years ago, but that didn’t really bother me. It was nice being back.

‘OPPA! JUST LISTEN TO ME!’ I heard a girl scream. She sounded like she was crying.

‘Dara, did you hear that?’ Bom whispered as she stood up from the swings. ‘Lets go investigate’ she said before running off into the direction of the screaming.

‘Ae Jung. All you had to do was get WooYoung out of the picture. You couldn’t even do that?’ A male snapped. From what I could see he was tall but thin. He wore a huge coat and a cap, so it was difficult to make out his features.

‘Min Oppa listen! Ri Oppa told me to stop. He asked me to go after Ji instead’ the girl cried as she dropped onto the floor.

‘listen Ae. I’m sorry! It’s just... we need to sort out the Parks before they beat us. I hate how Dara and SangHyung walk around like they’re better than us. The Lees are just as amazing as them. No we’re better.’ He paused as he bent down closer to the female. ‘That’s why hyung is going to eliminate the girls. As soon as the twins are out of the picture, the Parks will be no more.’ They both laughed in contentment. I looked at Bom who was looking at me with a look of pure and utter shock.

‘Dara...’ she began, looking at me straight in the eye. ‘Who was that?’ 




I hope you guys are starting to pick up on the hints... They're getting more and more obvious! Leave me a comment to tell me what you think! I want to hear from you my lovely Subbies! Saranghae <3

I'll try to update more over the christmas break... But I got my exams the first week back so I'm in full study mode! I'm sorry guys... But my grades are lacking at the moment! But I'll try to update!



Thank you for bearing with me! & I'm sorry that i'm letting you down!

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I said the chapter was going to be up on Friday but my phone has died taking the drafts along with it... so I'm a bit behind! Mianhae!


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Sone4eva88 #1
Chapter 36: ^0^ happy ending for daragon and the kwon twins! Get whoever it is out of the happy kwon family! Grrr, daragon fan is out to kill@_@
lainane #2
.. kyaAAHhh !! DARA .. !! :))
Chapter 35: is that minho? O_O?
Chapter 35: Finally Finally Finally U Update!!! I freaking miss this story !!!

Why wooyoung is here again(>_<) wooyoung please stay away from them you are the father!!!
Authornim I know I always saying dis but please I REALLY REALLY wish dat Jiyong is the father of Dara daughter.
DARAGON fighting fighting YA YA YA (⌒0⌒)/~~

Thank you sooooooo sooooooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆
Tabiii #5
Chapter 34: Awww Jiyong is so sweet. More daragon moments please! And thanks for updating authornim! :)
Chapter 34: I'm very very very very Happy dat they together again with their daughters(^-^) dis chapter make my day \(^o^)/ DARAGON 4EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER fighting fighting YA YA YA (⌒0⌒)/~~

Authornim Thank you Thank you Thank you soooooo soooooo soooooo much 4 the double update (^з^)-☆
Chapter 33: Authornim moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee please please (^-^)
Tabiii #8
Chapter 33: Wow! Having yb there is a pleasant surprise! I want mooooore!!! :)
Tabiii #9
Chapter 9: Authornim, i just finished chapter 10 and i'm loving the whole concept especially the story. Please update more! Keep them coming!!! :)
Chapter 32: Authornim u update!!! Thank you soooooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ please please update moooooorrrrrrreeeeee (^-^)v fighting (^o^)/~~

The childs going to meet their father I really really hope dat Jiyong is their father I really really don't want it to be wooyoung.