Dara's Diary


Dear Diary,

'Okay Mr Kwon and Miss Park. I'll examine the results and get back to you in a few days time' Mr Choi said as he walked us towards the exit.

'How long is a few days?' Ji asked.

'Erm, I'd say around 3 max. But I'll make this a priority so maybe 2.' He smiled at us. 

'Thank you soo much Mr Choi.' I said whilst bowing to him. He can't begin to understand my gratitude towards him.

'Oh no problem Miss Park. Don't hesitate to come see me if you have any problems or questions'

That was it. That one sentence he said made me sure that I had to go see WooYoung. Tonight. 

But getting away from Ji was a mission. I had to lie and say that I was going to meet MinHo for a 'quick catch up'. 
I think he bought it, as he reluctantly bid me farewell and we went separate ways.

So many things went through my mind as I walked towards the meeting place. I mean I know what this guy is capable of and now I'm going to go see him... Alone.

The what should have been a 5 minute walk felt like a 5 mile marathon. Time just dragged and my steps were never ending. 

'Dara?' I heard a deep voice call from behind me. A voice I recognised. Slowly, I turned to face the young man. 
'WooYoung?' I replied. What happened next shocked me. He... Embraced me into a hug and began sobbing into my shoulder. 

'I'm soo sorry' he cried again and again. 'I've put you through soo much trouble, so much pain' he continued to sob. 

Like the idiot I am, I stood there motionless. I mean, I couldn't bring myself to comfort him. I just couldn't. 

'Dara please forgive me' he said as he got onto his knees. 'I'll get out the picture. Just you and JiYong. How it shouldve been from the start' he took my hands into his.

'But Dara, before you leave.' He got back up and held a strong eye contact with me. 'Is there any chance that they could be mine?'

I was shun into silence. Wasn't he just asking me to forget about him? To forgive him?

'WooYoung...' I began

'No, they can't be yours WooYoung' a voice said from behind us. A voice I could recognise anywhere. My panda's voice.

'What?' WooYoung said turning to face SeungRi. 'And how would you know?' 

'I told her to take the morning after pill. It kills all the germs you left behind' SeungRi spat in reply.

'Is this true, Dara? WooYoung asked looking back at me. I nodded in response. Why I did, I don't know. But its easier this way. At least now, he's out of the picture.

'Well if its like that then, I hope you live happily' and with that he left. That easily.

I turned to SeungRi. He wore a blank expression and just looked at me.

'Complicated.' He said and walked towards a bench chair. 'That's what you are Dara.'


Right.... I know the layout of this story is quite complicated... but i dont know whether you guys understand or are also lost... so do you want me to use the next update to just summarise what has happened and to explain the layout before continuing? Comment below please because I dont want any lost readers

Anyways, what did you think of the chapter? Did you enjoy it? Next update is comming..... Soon-ish hopefully

SIDE NOTE: I'm considering adding a story line for SeungRi... I already have a good(?) one in mind that NONE of you will see coming! So stay tuned!

Comment&Subscribe&Recommend! I LOVE YOU ALL!

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I said the chapter was going to be up on Friday but my phone has died taking the drafts along with it... so I'm a bit behind! Mianhae!


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Sone4eva88 #1
Chapter 36: ^0^ happy ending for daragon and the kwon twins! Get whoever it is out of the happy kwon family! Grrr, daragon fan is out to kill@_@
lainane #2
.. kyaAAHhh !! DARA .. !! :))
Chapter 35: is that minho? O_O?
Chapter 35: Finally Finally Finally U Update!!! I freaking miss this story !!!

Why wooyoung is here again(>_<) wooyoung please stay away from them you are the father!!!
Authornim I know I always saying dis but please I REALLY REALLY wish dat Jiyong is the father of Dara daughter.
DARAGON fighting fighting YA YA YA (⌒0⌒)/~~

Thank you sooooooo sooooooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆
Tabiii #5
Chapter 34: Awww Jiyong is so sweet. More daragon moments please! And thanks for updating authornim! :)
Chapter 34: I'm very very very very Happy dat they together again with their daughters(^-^) dis chapter make my day \(^o^)/ DARAGON 4EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER fighting fighting YA YA YA (⌒0⌒)/~~

Authornim Thank you Thank you Thank you soooooo soooooo soooooo much 4 the double update (^з^)-☆
Chapter 33: Authornim moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee please please (^-^)
Tabiii #8
Chapter 33: Wow! Having yb there is a pleasant surprise! I want mooooore!!! :)
Tabiii #9
Chapter 9: Authornim, i just finished chapter 10 and i'm loving the whole concept especially the story. Please update more! Keep them coming!!! :)
Chapter 32: Authornim u update!!! Thank you soooooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ please please update moooooorrrrrrreeeeee (^-^)v fighting (^o^)/~~

The childs going to meet their father I really really hope dat Jiyong is their father I really really don't want it to be wooyoung.