Chapter 10

Dara's Diary

Thursday 7th December

Dear Diary,

Well, things were going good. I was getting to know my band members and we were actually making progress towards our debut. Nothing much happened after the party. Me and Sanghyun moved to Seoul to make it easier to practise with our bands. The girls were really talented and made me feel so welcome. I was working on how to be older than both Chaerin and Minji. We had to work all day, every day because we were behind schedule.

Before I knew it it was March. Pressure was beginning to build as Mr YG announced our debut to the world. People were looking forward to us and internet speculation began. Its ironic, people thought that we had to be female clones of BIGBANG.


With all the pressure mounting and everything happening so fast, it was easy to get caught up in the moment. That's what happened to me. Let me tell you about the day I met Mr Perfect.


                                                                             -29th March 2009-


It was getting really late when we were finally allowed to return to the dorms. I knew for a fact that there wasn't any food there since Chaerin ate it all last night. I decided as the '2nd oldest member' I would go shopping for the girls. It was about 11pm and the 24hour store down the road would still be open. As I made my way there, still wearing my tracksuit, it began pouring with rain. That's the one thing I love about the night. When it rains. I love how the street lights become blurred in the droplets that plummet from the clouds above. As the mad person I am, I took my time walking to the store, taking in the coldness of the rain and just thinking about the group and our potential future. When suddenly something was stopping the rain reaching my body. I looked up and was greeted by a navy blue umbrella. I was startled and as a result I stood still.

'Yah, you can catch a cold from the rain, and you're only wearing a t-shirt' said a deep masculine voice, one I'm certain I never heard before. I turned my head and was greeted by one of the most handsomest men I have ever met. He must've sensed my shock as he flashed me a bright smile and extended his arm. 'Choi Minho, its nice to meet you' he said.

'Hi,' I replied, still in shock 'Sandara Park, its nice to meet you too' I answered. I could feel myself blushing.

'So Miss Sandara Park, where are you heading this late at night?' He asked.

'The supermarket' I answered in a matter of fact sort of way.

'What a coincidence, so am I' he said smiling again.

That's how I met him. A rainy night on the way to the supermarket. He was perfect in every way. The way he talked, the way he walked even the way he said my name sent shivers down my back. *Is this what love at first sight is?* I asked myself. We spent hours just talking and getting to know each other. Turns out MinHo is a trainee at SMentertainment. This sort of makes him my rival but I didn't care. He was perfect in my eyes. He walked me back to my dorm because he refused to let me walk through this rain. *What a gentleman* I thought to myself.


Well when I got back that night it was about 3:30am and yes the girls were there ready to yell at me. When I opened the door with the shopping I was greeted with yells, swear words and anxious hugs. I loved these girls and in such a short space of time we got really close. They were like the sisters I never had.


'Yah Dara-ssi were have you been?' Chaerin asked, 'you went to the store 4 hours ago, and the store is down the road' she yelled. She was really intimidating and I was actually scared by her. 'Chaerin Unnie, I... Sort of...' I stuttered as I thought of what to say. 'Well Unnie' I began.

The door slammed open and there stood Seungri Oppa with the widest smile I had ever seen. Not a happy smile but a mischievous smile.

'Dara.. Yah! You know its rude to run away from your Oppa for 4 hours!' He yelled grabbing me by the shoulders, 'do that again and I won't give you any more tips, arraseo!?' He asked. I nodded my head and apologies. I was confused and so were my unnies. 'Yah, you should've said you were with Panda. I could've been sleeping by now' Minzy moaned, heading to her room. 'I'm too tired to care' Bom added, retreating to her room. 'Whatever Dara, don't do that again' Chaerin said heading out too. That left me and Seungri. His devious smile returned and I was getting worried. 'Dara...' He teased, ' I know something... I saw something' he sang dancing around the room. 'What are you on about Oppa?' I asked, but I already knew, deep down I knew. 'You know, and I know and you know that I know what I know and you know I have pictures' he said. 'What?' I asked. Genuinely confused. 'Good night Dara' he said, kissing my forehead, and he was gone.


A/N: Sorry for not uploading in such a long time! I'm soo sorry! I'll try and upload more today! Thank you to all the subscribers! :D Keep Subscribing and Commenting! Its all appriciated!

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I said the chapter was going to be up on Friday but my phone has died taking the drafts along with it... so I'm a bit behind! Mianhae!


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Sone4eva88 #1
Chapter 36: ^0^ happy ending for daragon and the kwon twins! Get whoever it is out of the happy kwon family! Grrr, daragon fan is out to kill@_@
lainane #2
.. kyaAAHhh !! DARA .. !! :))
Chapter 35: is that minho? O_O?
Chapter 35: Finally Finally Finally U Update!!! I freaking miss this story !!!

Why wooyoung is here again(>_<) wooyoung please stay away from them you are the father!!!
Authornim I know I always saying dis but please I REALLY REALLY wish dat Jiyong is the father of Dara daughter.
DARAGON fighting fighting YA YA YA (⌒0⌒)/~~

Thank you sooooooo sooooooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆
Tabiii #5
Chapter 34: Awww Jiyong is so sweet. More daragon moments please! And thanks for updating authornim! :)
Chapter 34: I'm very very very very Happy dat they together again with their daughters(^-^) dis chapter make my day \(^o^)/ DARAGON 4EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER fighting fighting YA YA YA (⌒0⌒)/~~

Authornim Thank you Thank you Thank you soooooo soooooo soooooo much 4 the double update (^з^)-☆
Chapter 33: Authornim moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee please please (^-^)
Tabiii #8
Chapter 33: Wow! Having yb there is a pleasant surprise! I want mooooore!!! :)
Tabiii #9
Chapter 9: Authornim, i just finished chapter 10 and i'm loving the whole concept especially the story. Please update more! Keep them coming!!! :)
Chapter 32: Authornim u update!!! Thank you soooooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ please please update moooooorrrrrrreeeeee (^-^)v fighting (^o^)/~~

The childs going to meet their father I really really hope dat Jiyong is their father I really really don't want it to be wooyoung.