Dara's Diary


Dear Diary,


*Why am I doing this? Why? Why? Why? I've lost it. Dara, you've officially gone mad! 2years and you go back to the craziness! Its too soon! Too soon!*

That’s all I could think as we boarded the plane to Korea. My mind was filled with negative thoughts. That feeling of uncertainty and regret sat heavily in my stomach. It wouldn't leave.

The past 2 weeks have been crazy. My mother and brother seemed so eager to get me back to Korea. The girls drove me up the walls with their constant yapping. They're all so happy about the move.

But all I can think about are the questions. The unanswered questions that are constantly plagued my mind.

'Umma, I want to sit next to the window!' Yu-Ri shouted as she ran.

'No! I wanna sit there! Umma you promised' Yun-Ji said as she chased after her sister.

The worst thing about losing two 2year olds is losing them in a crowded place. And I consider a plane of them.

'It says 21B. That's our seats' Yun-Ji exclaimed.

'NOO' Yu-Ri retaliated, 'it’s 21C, dummy'

'Umma! Yu-Ri called me a dummy'

I dodged towards the area the conversation was taking place. 

'Girls, what have I told you about running away?' I asked in my stern parent voice.

'Dara. Sandara Park?' a male voice asked from behind me.

Automatically I shot up and turned around. 


'Long time, No see,eh?' He smiled as he pulled me into a hug. A familiar hug. 

He pulled away and smiled at me. 
'Wow! You've changed!' He said with a teasing smile.

'How so?'

Completely ignoring my question he turned to my girls, 'and you must be Yu-Ri and Yun-Ji' he asked as he squatted down.

'Yesh! I'm Yun-Ji. Who are you?' 

'I'm your sam-chon' he said looking up at me and winking.

'Sam-chon? You know my appa?' Yu-Ri exclaimed.

'Neh!' He answered. 'Where are you sitting?' He asked

'21C' '21B' the girls answered simultaneously. Confused Bae looked to me for an answer. '21A' I mouthed to him.

'Awesome, I'm your seat mate' he smiled as he led us to our assigned seats.

They were in the middle aisle, so neither of the girls could get a window seat. 

2hours into the 4hour flight the girls fell asleep. This allowed me to move Yu-Ri so Bae and I could catch up on lost time.

'Bae' I started after sitting in a comfortable silence. 

'Hmm?' He replied, taking off his headphones.

'Do you know a Lee TaeMin?' I asked

'Lee TaeMin? As in SHINee's Lee TaeMin?' He asked turning to me.

'SHINee?' I echoed staring at him.

'Yup, MinHo's SHINee. They're really big nowadays. TaeMin is their maknae' 

'Interesting' I whispered. 

'Why?' He inquired, searching my eyes.

'Has he got anything to do with Lee SeungRi?' I tried to make it sound as light hearted as possible but I think Bae picked up on the seriousness of my question.

'I'm not too sure. Our Panda knows a lot of Lees' He answered.

'Do you know anything about his childhood?' 

'SeungRi's? Not really, all I know is he grew up in care.' Bae snuggled into his chair. 'He doesn't talk much about his past' 

'Hmm,' I replied. A lot more information to process and use to piece together everything I already know.

'D?' TaeYang suddenly asked. 


'Why'd you run away?' He adjusted his seating so that he could see my face.

'I just did' I replied looking away.

'What are you hiding Dara?' 

'What do you mean? I'm not hiding anything?' I replied looking him straight in the eyes. 

Before he could reply, Yun-Ji stirred in her sleep causing her to wake up. This meant that Bae had to swap places with her.

*this is going to be a long journey*



AYO PEOPLE! Look what's up!? A new chappy! Sorry it took forever.... 

Erm... the next chapter is written up so will be up tomorrow. 

I just wanted to hear your opinions on the story so far. What do you like what don't you like.

Please comment&Subscribe&Recommend!


Oh, I included Bae in this chap... because he hasn't been in the story much... neither has Dae or Tabi... hmmm *plots in the corner*



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I said the chapter was going to be up on Friday but my phone has died taking the drafts along with it... so I'm a bit behind! Mianhae!


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Sone4eva88 #1
Chapter 36: ^0^ happy ending for daragon and the kwon twins! Get whoever it is out of the happy kwon family! Grrr, daragon fan is out to kill@_@
lainane #2
.. kyaAAHhh !! DARA .. !! :))
Chapter 35: is that minho? O_O?
Chapter 35: Finally Finally Finally U Update!!! I freaking miss this story !!!

Why wooyoung is here again(>_<) wooyoung please stay away from them you are the father!!!
Authornim I know I always saying dis but please I REALLY REALLY wish dat Jiyong is the father of Dara daughter.
DARAGON fighting fighting YA YA YA (⌒0⌒)/~~

Thank you sooooooo sooooooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆
Tabiii #5
Chapter 34: Awww Jiyong is so sweet. More daragon moments please! And thanks for updating authornim! :)
Chapter 34: I'm very very very very Happy dat they together again with their daughters(^-^) dis chapter make my day \(^o^)/ DARAGON 4EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER fighting fighting YA YA YA (⌒0⌒)/~~

Authornim Thank you Thank you Thank you soooooo soooooo soooooo much 4 the double update (^з^)-☆
Chapter 33: Authornim moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee please please (^-^)
Tabiii #8
Chapter 33: Wow! Having yb there is a pleasant surprise! I want mooooore!!! :)
Tabiii #9
Chapter 9: Authornim, i just finished chapter 10 and i'm loving the whole concept especially the story. Please update more! Keep them coming!!! :)
Chapter 32: Authornim u update!!! Thank you soooooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ please please update moooooorrrrrrreeeeee (^-^)v fighting (^o^)/~~

The childs going to meet their father I really really hope dat Jiyong is their father I really really don't want it to be wooyoung.