Dara's Diary

Dear Diary,


'Dara, please be okay! Stay with me, baby! Please!' I heard a voice constantly sobbing.

My eyelids felt so heavy and I couldn't feel any of my limbs. I exhaled sharply as an stab of pain went through my body. 

'Dara, are you awake?' The voice asked. 'NURSE!' 

Another stab followed, but this time much stronger than the first. This one caused me to open my eyes and sit up. 
'Dara, what's wrong?' JiYong asked me as my vision refocused. 

A nurse came running in at the same time as I felt another jolt of pain. They were now becoming more concentrated. My stomach area hurt the most.

The nurse checked a few things as I looked at my surroundings. A small hospital room with my bed and 2 chairs. Not much was around me, but how did I get here?

'Right, it seems like she's gone into a premeditated labour. We feared this Mr Kwon, so please follow the procedure you were informed of earlier.' The nurse said before running out of the room.

'Baby, stay strong! I'm here' he reassured me as I took deep breaths. *inhale, exhale* was all that was going on through my mind. 

'Right Miss Park we're ready for you' the nurse said, reappearing in the doorway. 

'Dara, I'm here for you! Let's bring our babies into this world' JiYong said, smiling at me tenderly.

I couldn't comprehend anything. The pain that was thumping in my mind, accompanied with the pain in my stomach, meant I couldn't feel anything. 

Well, all I know is to constantly keep breathing. *inhale, exhale*

'Mr Kwon, Mrs Park. Let's stay calm and listen to everything we say, okay?' Mr Choi asked.

'Yes, sir! Let's get her out of this pain.



A short chappy right now! Working on the next one, so a double update today hopefully!

I have missed you guys so much, so I had to use my free period to write this! I love you guys,

Continue to Comment&Subscribe&Recommend! Saranghae!

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I said the chapter was going to be up on Friday but my phone has died taking the drafts along with it... so I'm a bit behind! Mianhae!


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Sone4eva88 #1
Chapter 36: ^0^ happy ending for daragon and the kwon twins! Get whoever it is out of the happy kwon family! Grrr, daragon fan is out to kill@_@
lainane #2
.. kyaAAHhh !! DARA .. !! :))
Chapter 35: is that minho? O_O?
Chapter 35: Finally Finally Finally U Update!!! I freaking miss this story !!!

Why wooyoung is here again(>_<) wooyoung please stay away from them you are the father!!!
Authornim I know I always saying dis but please I REALLY REALLY wish dat Jiyong is the father of Dara daughter.
DARAGON fighting fighting YA YA YA (⌒0⌒)/~~

Thank you sooooooo sooooooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆
Tabiii #5
Chapter 34: Awww Jiyong is so sweet. More daragon moments please! And thanks for updating authornim! :)
Chapter 34: I'm very very very very Happy dat they together again with their daughters(^-^) dis chapter make my day \(^o^)/ DARAGON 4EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER fighting fighting YA YA YA (⌒0⌒)/~~

Authornim Thank you Thank you Thank you soooooo soooooo soooooo much 4 the double update (^з^)-☆
Chapter 33: Authornim moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee please please (^-^)
Tabiii #8
Chapter 33: Wow! Having yb there is a pleasant surprise! I want mooooore!!! :)
Tabiii #9
Chapter 9: Authornim, i just finished chapter 10 and i'm loving the whole concept especially the story. Please update more! Keep them coming!!! :)
Chapter 32: Authornim u update!!! Thank you soooooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ please please update moooooorrrrrrreeeeee (^-^)v fighting (^o^)/~~

The childs going to meet their father I really really hope dat Jiyong is their father I really really don't want it to be wooyoung.