Chapter 9.

Please Stay With Me.

Please Stay With Me | Chapter 9

I waited outside the departure hall's gates with my friends while my Mum and Nicole went to check in and hand in our luggages. I'm glad there wasn't too much people with me at the airport, I only need Jessica, Jaejoong and Donghae. There was an awkward silence between the four of us, and I can't determine why.
"Want to come to the bathroom with me?" Jessica asked.
Jessica and I went to the bathroom for a while. I've never felt awkward with her before. Is she trying to clear a few things before I leave?
"Why didn't you tell me?"
I paused. I stared at her cluelessly, not knowing what she's referring to. I tell her all my secrets unless she's talking about...
"You like Jaejoong, don't you?"
Why am I so smart? Should I tell her or should I not. What if she hates me just before I leave? This isn't the end of our friendship, I know Jessica wouldn't blame me. I know her too well to know that she wouldn't take it to heart.
"I didn't tell you because I was afraid th—"
Jessica cut me off with her adorable giggles. I stared at her blankly.
"Why are you so serious? I won't hate you," she assured me. "I think he likes you too."
I wanted to laugh but I didn't. I didn't reply to Jessica and told her that we should head outside, back to where the boys were waiting for us.
Seconds later, Mum and Nicole came back and gave Donghae and myself our tickets. I checked the time on my watch, it was directly 12:30am. My plane is leaving in half an hour.
"We're gonna go in first, you can have a chat with your friends. Don't take too long," my Mum instructed.
I watched as they left to the departure hall. I turned around to be facing two of my friends, standing side by side against each other, staring right back at me. I couldn't help it, my eyes started to get teary as I look at all two pairs of eyes. One pair got my attention most.
"I guess we should be leaving now," my voice croaked, and I started to tear.
I hugged Jessica first, I noticed she was crying and I softly patted her back. I didn't want to let go, I don't want to leave her. As I hugged Jessica, from the corner of my eyes I saw Donghae hugging Jaejoong. They whispered something to each other, but I couldn't hear what.
"Goodbye Jessica, I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you more," she stuttered while crying.
I softly unwrapped my arms around her and went to stand in front of Jaejoong. He looked down into my eyes, and I suddenly felt really short. I couldn't help it and I didn't want to hide my tears, it just kept spilling. Suddenly, Jaejoong wrapped his arms around me. It shocked me a little, but I still hugged him back around the waist, tighter than ever.
"Goodbye Jaejoong..." the two words finally came out.
I slowly let him go. I took a step back and stood next to Donghae, his right hand slowly grabbed onto my left. My eyes kept locking with Jaejoong's, I didn't want to turn around and leave. I don't know when's the next time I'll be back at Korea, but I hope it's soon.
"Take Jessica home safely," I told Jaejoong.
He slowly turned to Jessica then back to me, and softly nodded a few times. I forced a smile at the two of them and took a deep breath. It was time to leave. It was time to leave everything behind in Korea, and start anew at San Francisco with that so called fiancè of mine.
"I'll be back, I promise."
With that, Donghae and I turned around hand in hand, and started walking towards the departure hall. I didn't want to turn around, because I know it'll only make it harder for myself to leave. I wanted to run back into Jaejoong's pair of arms. Because of this stupid leaving thing, I had to let Jaejoong go. If I wasn't leaving, we could be together already.
I hate all this.
As soon as we stepped into the hall and out of the others' sight, I let go of Donghae's hand and cried harder. Everyone that walked passed us looked at me like I'm retarded. Donghae patted my back and we slowly made our way to Mum and Nicole. I wiped all my tears away and hid my pain from them.
We got our bags and tickets checked. After going through all the stages, we finally boarded the plane. I sat by the window with Donghae, Mum and Nicole was sitting at the seats behind us. I stopped crying. Apparently, I cried so much that I'm starting to run out of tears. My eyes was red and swollen, my cheeks were dried from all the tears. My whole face was dead.
Suddenly, I felt Donghae's hand above of mine. I slowly turned towards him and he gave me a reassuring smile. I forced a smile to him and turned back to the window, the plane was slowly moving. I watched as every little object outside the window move. I'm leaving.
I sighed and pulled the shutter down, so I'll stop looking at the buildings outside. I turned back to Donghae.
"Thank you for putting up an act with me," I said softly.
"It's the least I can do for you."
I smiled. This time the smile is real, it wasn't forced or fake. I'm really thankful that Donghae decided to accept my stupid favour and act like as if we're a couple in everyone's eyes. I felt the plane starting to take off, I felt myself in mid-air. I suddenly opened the shutter and looked out the window. I don't know what was wrong with me. I can't help but wonder whether Jessica and Jaejoong is watching the plane take off.
'Wait for me,' I said to myself.
As soon as we arrived in San Francisco's airport, there was a car waiting for us. The car ride wasn't long, so I guess we don't live too far away from the airport. We arrived at a rather huge double story house, probably two times bigger than the one Nicole and I live in at Korea.
The driver helped us take out our luggages from the trunk, and I took mine and started dragging it into the house. Inside was more beautiful than the outside. Almost every part of the house was white, most of the things were made of glass. The tables and the walls. Surprising how almost all the walls were clear glass.
The staircase was also made of glass, it would be so deadly if anyone was to fall down from the top. Mum said she already chose our bedrooms for us. Donghae helped me carry my luggage upstairs to my room. After he was done, he went back downstairs to get the other luggages for my Mum and Nicole.
I looked around my room. It was plain yet breautiful. The bed sheets were white with a huge green flower on the bottom corner of it. My desk was made of glass too, and I spotted my walk in closet. It was huge! I never expected to have my own walk in closet in my room. There was a small bathroom too, but that didn't surprise me very much.
I opened the door the to the balcony, the view was wonderful. I saw a beach not too far away. To have such a nice house, I guess my Mum is pretty much a successful fashion designer at San Francisco.
"Jennifer, go get a shower and put on a rather formal dress. We're going to meet your in-laws for dinner," Mum said out of no where.
I went back into my room and sighed. I opened up my luggages to look for a proper dress. I wanted to wear the white dress I wore on the last night I was at Korea. I took it out and softly sniffed it, it smelt like Jaejoong. I sat on the floor and hugged it, reminiscing the last moments I had with Jaejoong.
Under my white dress, I spotted another dress. It was the exact same one as the white one, but black. I also noticed the pink bow on it was on the right side of the dress, not left. I wonder what else colours my Mum bought. She really has good taste in clothes, no wonder why she's a fashion designer.
I decided to wear the black dress.
After I finished shower and changed, I applied a little bit of make up. I took out the pair of white heels I wore last night and slipped into it. I took my phone in my hand and headed downstairs. Donghae and Nicole was waiting there. Mum wasn't ready yet.
It's lucky that Mum gave Donghae permission to stay with us, since he's my friend. He won't be with us long, just for a month then he's going back to Korea. This is considered as a vacation for him.
After everyone was ready, we headed outside and a car was waiting for us. It was the same car and driver that took us home from the airport, I guess he's our family's butler. Probably half an hour later, we arrived at a house. I took a deep breath and got out of the car.
A few seconds after Mum rung the doorbell, it opened and a maid lead us into the living room. There was an old couple sitting there waiting for us. They welcomed us and told us to have a seat. We sat down opposite them, I guess they're my future in-laws. They wouldn't stop looking at me.
"Jennifer, say hi to your future in-laws," Mum said.
I stood up and did a ninety degree bow while saying hello, then I sat back down between Nicole and Donghae. I suddenly felt my phone vibrating in my hands. I checked the caller and it was Jessica. I was too scared to answer the call, it'll be rude if I do. I was about to excuse myself to answer it, when someone started entering the living room. At the same time, my phone stopped vibrating.
Everyone's attention was on him. He was in a full black suit, which kind of reminded me of Jaejoong last night but Jaejoong looked better in his suit. This young man wasn't as tall as him, but at least he was taller than me. He had redish-brownish hair, and he's got a cute smile.
He was good looking, I couldn't get my eyes off of him. Could he be the man I'm going to marry? Well, even though he's good looking, my heart is already taken by Jaejoong. No matter what, I'm not going to marry another person apart from Jaejoong. Even if I have to sacrifice everything, I'm going back to Korea no matter what. He bowed towards us and took his seat beside his parents.
"Introduce yourself," his mum said.
"Hello everyone, I'm Lee Kikwang."
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Chapter 20: Wohooo!!!!
great job!
Chapter 20: Really enjoyed this story of yours and also the side story that I was able to finished reading it for about 2 hours straight :) continue on doing good stories like this :)
Chapter 19: So that's what happen before their confrontation for Jaejoong and how Jaejoong told Taeyeon about him gaining back his memories? will read the last Chapter now :)
Chapter 18: So that's how he gains back his memories? Really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)
Chapter 17: Was surprised that there is a side story of this story that got me curious & interested so will read it also :)
Chapter 16: So Jaejoong finally remembered everything & sadly Jennifer choose to leave? But thankfully, Kikwang let her realized that it'll be a mistake if she'll go back & convinced her to find Jaejoong :) Their meeting together was really sweet & also happy for Kikwang & Jennica for their wedding! And also thankful that Jennifer's arranged marriage was canceled by both parents & they were happy on their both partners :) really like the ending :)
Chapter 15: Sad for Jennifer because her friends are not treating her how they treat her back then & Jaejoong can't still remember her :( Who called Jennifer? Is it Jaejoong? I'm guessing it's him after how she reacted but I'm not sure if I'm right so will continue reading :)
Chapter 14: So it was them who called her? I don't think it's right for Jessica to be mad at her since it's not like she's taking away Donghae when Donghae just comforted her. And also what Taeyeon had done is wrong so fortunately, Kikwang come to rescue her. By the way, I was really surprised with Taeyeon's revelation that Jaejoong had just use her to move on but he failed at it. And I can say I was kinda disappointed with Jennifer agreeing to not seeing Jaejoong anymore but I can say her reasons are also right but I think why can't she tried to fight for her love before giving up? I guess she knows it'll be hard since Jaejoong can't remember her. Really sad for Jennifer :( will continue reading :)