Chapter 2.

Please Stay With Me.

You Complete Me | Chapter 2

I spent the next hour looking for Jennifer everywhere. I went to her house to check if she was home but surprisingly, no one was there to answer the door. I was somehow expecting that Kikwang guy to be in there.. but I guess I was wrong, they don't actually live under one roof. Or maybe they both went out together or something.
I was driving my car around her neighbourhood, hoping that maybe she'll be near, but she was no where to be seen. Suddenly, my phone started ringing in my pocket. I stopped the car in the middle of the road and hoped that it was Jennifer or anyone who knows where she is, is calling me. I read the caller ID and was slightly taken aback to see Donghae's name appear on my screen.
"JAEJOONG! Jennifer was just at Jessica's house. She popped up out of no where when I was trying to tell Jessica that you regained your memories," he said in a rush.
I paused.
"Is she still there? Did she leave yet? Where is she now?" I bombarded him with questions. "DON'T LET HER GO!" I shouted.
"...She's gone," he said softly.
I groaned and quickly hung up. I quickly rushed towards Jessica's house and rung the doorbell countless times. Seconds later, they opened the door and both of them stood in front of me. Before I could even say a word, Donghae started pointing towards the north, telling me that she walked towards that direction. I smiled at him and ran off.
I decided to not drive around the city because it's rather big and crowded, I might lose her in the middle of all these pedestrians walking around the road. I scanned across the streets and even went into some stores just to check if she's in there. I looked across the road and realised where I was. I was in front of my old school, where I graduated alone without Jennifer.
I stared blankly at it and all these memories started rushing back at me. The more I remembered what happened two years ago, the more I missed her, the more I want to see her, the more I want to hold her in my arms and tell her I love her. Right now, I really need to find her. I took another glance at the tall building before me then ran off.
Hours passed and before I know it, it was getting almost getting dark.
Maybe she went home... I thought to myself.
I started walking back to her house at a normal pace. I rung the doorbell twice when I arrived at her front porch. I had a feeling that I should just give up. Maybe that's why even after seven years, we still can't be together because we aren't meant for each other. I turned around after waiting for another minute, and decided to go to Me Ice-cream, that was a few blocks away.
I kept my head low as I continued walking, I don't want to accept fate yet. I looked ahead of me and let out a heavy sigh. I saw the shop's sign from a far, the lights were still on. I noticed a girl walking out from the store, I walked slightly faster so I could her face clearer. I was hoping that it was...
It is.
I started running towards her direction and I realised that she noticed me, she kept her eyes on me. I stopped running when we were just metres apart, my heart wouldn't stop pounding and I couldn't help but softly smile at her. She looked at me with her eyes wide opened. Neither of us broke the silence. I took a small step.
"Jennifer..." I called out to her softly.
Suddenly, the ice-cream she was holding fell flat onto the ground. Her hands were in the same position, she was shocked to see me standing in front of her. I looked at her expression and I wanted to laugh, but it wasn't the right time. I was in a serious situation. She ignored me and I decided to take a few more steps, getting closer to her.
To my disappointment, as I take each step forward, she'll take a step backwards. My heart was stabbed. I sighed and stopped trying to get closer. I looked at her for another second, her eyes were shining brightly and sparkling under the moonlight. She looked the same as two years ago, only prettier because her hairstyle completely changed, making her look more attractive.
"I'm sorry," I whispered under my breath.
"Um... I gotta go," she said out of the blue.
Before I know it, she turned around and started walking off to the opposite direction from where her house is. That's when I knew for sure that she's avoiding me, the thought only adds on to the pain in my heart. I swear it mentally died inside.
Don't leave me.
"Jennifer!" I called her name once again.
Straight after I called out to her the second time, she started running. I stared blankly at her back as she ran further and further away. I snapped back to reality and realised how far she was to me. I started running as fast as I could after her, I have to explain. I have to tell her that I remember everything, including her.
I started catching up to her, I was getting closer. She lead me to the park.
"JENNIFERRR!" I shouted on top of my lungs.
 I scanned around on the spot to look for her, but I couldn't see her. There were heaps of trees around the playgrounds and I know she was behind one of them. If she doesn't want to see me, that's absolutely fine with me.. I just hope that she'll at least listen to me. I started speaking, I know she was around me somewhere.
"Can you come out...?" I asked softly. "I know you're here some where, can you please let me see you?" I pleaded.
I waited for a while, waiting for her to come out and show herself. It was silent for a while till I heard some leaves of a tree shuffling, I guess it was just the cold wind. It was getting really cold and I was starting to get worried about her. What if she didn't wear enough clothes? I stood there on the spot, waiting for a reply but nothing was said.
"I'm sorry... Jennifer, for not recognising you earlier. I remember everything now, I remember all the things we've been through. Most of all, I remember you. Can you pleaseee come out?" I emphasised the word please. "You don't know how hard it's been for me for the past two years. Even though I lost all my memories, deep in my heart, I've always knew that I was missing someone in my life."
Suddenly, I heard a little whimper. My lips slowly curved upwards a little, I knew she was listening.
"That someone is you..." I whispered, hoping that it was loud enough for her to hear. "You came back for me, didn't you?"
I'm sure she did.
"Two years ago, I was stupid enough to watch you leave me. I was stupid enough to let you walk away, without trying to pull you back. Two years later, I will not let the same thing happen again. I won't let you leave me."
I was also so stupid that I tried dating Taeyeon to move on from you, it was the biggest regret ever, the worse mistake I've ever made. If I confessed to you four years ago before I dated Taeyeon, everything will be completely different right now. If only I thought positive and accepted other people's words when they said you had a thing for me, I wouldn't be standing here.
I was so naive.
"Donghae explained everything to me, you guys never dated two years ago. You were only putting on an act, why Jennifer? Did you hated me that much that you wanted me to get out of your world?"
The thought hurts. The fact that she used my best friend to play an act on me, hurts even more. It was exactly the same when Taeyeon left me for Jaebeom, my stupid enemy that I kept losing to in basketball. But thankfully with Jennifer's cheers, my team won the championship shortly before we graduated.
Jaebeom stole Taeyeon away from me, like how I thought Donghae stole Jennifer away from me. The two differences is, I love Jennifer and never felt the same to Taeyeon; one relationship was an act and the other was just to insult me. Although I felt like I was being played with by Taeyeon, it didn't hurt as much.
"Jennifer, I miss you..." I said softly. "I really do."
Slowly, I turned around and started walking out of the park. I don't know where my legs were taking me, all I know is that I just want to get out of this heartbreaking place. I've got no where else to go, I only have one destination, that's to be back in her arms.
We all know it's impossible now...
I slowly arrived at home. I stood at my front porch and looked at the front door, sighing. I took out my keys from my pocket and weakly unlocked the door. I took off my shoes and started walking down along the hall way to get to my room, but I stopped when I heard someone calling out my name. I turned to my left, where the living room was. There she was, staring straight ahead to me.
I frowned when I met her pair of guilty eyes. She softly smiled, rather gratefully to see me home. I rolled my eyes and started continuously tossing my keys into the air, before it landed back into my palms. I started walking towards her ever so slowly, closing the gap between us. I stopped when we were just a metre apart. I forced a smile.
"Where were you?" she asked. "I was looking for you."
I didn't know what got into me, but I wanted to tell her the truth. I was looking for Jennifer because I've regained my memories. Before I know it, everything came spilling out from my mouth.
"I was looking for Jennifer," I replied honestly.
Her smile dropped and her eyes widened immediately as soon as Jennifer's name came out of my mouth. I watched as her expressions started changing every five seconds. From smiling to surprised to frowning. I let out a soft sigh.
"W—Why...?" she stuttered.
"I've regained my memories, Taeyeon."
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Chapter 20: Wohooo!!!!
great job!
Chapter 20: Really enjoyed this story of yours and also the side story that I was able to finished reading it for about 2 hours straight :) continue on doing good stories like this :)
Chapter 19: So that's what happen before their confrontation for Jaejoong and how Jaejoong told Taeyeon about him gaining back his memories? will read the last Chapter now :)
Chapter 18: So that's how he gains back his memories? Really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)
Chapter 17: Was surprised that there is a side story of this story that got me curious & interested so will read it also :)
Chapter 16: So Jaejoong finally remembered everything & sadly Jennifer choose to leave? But thankfully, Kikwang let her realized that it'll be a mistake if she'll go back & convinced her to find Jaejoong :) Their meeting together was really sweet & also happy for Kikwang & Jennica for their wedding! And also thankful that Jennifer's arranged marriage was canceled by both parents & they were happy on their both partners :) really like the ending :)
Chapter 15: Sad for Jennifer because her friends are not treating her how they treat her back then & Jaejoong can't still remember her :( Who called Jennifer? Is it Jaejoong? I'm guessing it's him after how she reacted but I'm not sure if I'm right so will continue reading :)
Chapter 14: So it was them who called her? I don't think it's right for Jessica to be mad at her since it's not like she's taking away Donghae when Donghae just comforted her. And also what Taeyeon had done is wrong so fortunately, Kikwang come to rescue her. By the way, I was really surprised with Taeyeon's revelation that Jaejoong had just use her to move on but he failed at it. And I can say I was kinda disappointed with Jennifer agreeing to not seeing Jaejoong anymore but I can say her reasons are also right but I think why can't she tried to fight for her love before giving up? I guess she knows it'll be hard since Jaejoong can't remember her. Really sad for Jennifer :( will continue reading :)