Chapter 2.

Please Stay With Me.

Please Stay With Me | Chapter 2

"You," he said calmly and took a few steps forward, closer to me.

I raised an eyebrow as his single word reply kept echoing inside my head. At first, I didn't understand what the hell he was talking about and what he meant by you, then it hit me. I finally understood what he meant. My jaws dropped.


It went silent all of a sudden, you can hear nothing from the two of us, the only sound heard was the cars driving past and the sound of the rain hitting different kinds of surfaces as it makes contact. I try to look at anything except Donghae who was standing before me, I could feel his gazes, his eyes were still on me.
I have to face him, don't I? I took a deep breath and looked up at him and to my surprise, he was closer than he was from before. I didn't even notice him coming closer to me. I tried to calm down and took a small step back, so we're not too close nor far.
"Listen to me first Jennifer," he cut me off. "I'm afraid I won't have the courage or the chance to confess to you."
I kept quiet, waiting for him to continue.
"I like you."
The three words were driving my mind crazier than ever. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and my head was starting to hurt.
"Donghae, I..." I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to hurt him whatsoever.
"I've always wanted to confess to you, and get your attention but I failed. Because for some reason, I always had a feeling that Jaejoong captures your attention more than I ever could. You always seem to be arguing with him and I get jealous. I get jealous because I wish I was him, I wish I was the one fighting with you. Because seeing you two argue, makes me think that you two are closer than I could ever be with you..."
"I—I'm sorry Donghae... I never realised how you felt towards me, I—" I didn't know how to continue the sentence.
"Do you w—"
"I already have someone that I like."
For like two minutes straight it went all silent again before Donghae started laughing out of no where, a fake laugh. The more he faked it, the more I felt guilty about everything that I have said.
"I kinda knew that," he said in a joking manner and laughed. "Is it Jaejoong?" his voice suddenly turned serious.
For ten seconds I hesitated and argued with my mind on whether I should tell him or not. They're best friends, what if I tell Donghae and he passes my confessions onwards to Jaejoong? What if Jaejoong starts to ignore me after he finds out? Even though we do nothing but argue, joke and play around with each other, I'm happy with our current relationship. I don't want things to change, at least, definitely not for the worse.
"Yes," the reply came out while I was still thinking whether I should tell the truth or not. My mouth wasn't working along with my mind. I couldn't do anything to change what I said, it's the truth anyway.
"Oh," he sniffed.
I couldn't tell whether he was crying or not. His face was already covered with droplets of rain, you can't determine whether they're tears or not... He suddenly turned around, I thought he couldn't face me anymore, but then he started to take a few steps and picked up my umbrella. He held it above me.
"You can't stay under the rain for too long, I don't want you to get sick."
"Don't be so nice to me, Donghae..." I whispered his name softly.
"It's the least I can do for you. You should head home now," he faked a smile. "Here, take your umbrella."
He slowly reached for my right hand which was lying on the side of my body, he pulled it up to the handle of the umbrella. I softly gripped on the umbrella and from my hand, I looked up to meet his eyes. I felt bad, really bad. So bad that I wanted to cry, but I told myself I couldn't.
I slowly turned around with my back facing him, I inhaled and fought with the tears so they won't slide. I continued making my way towards the bus stop. Half way there I turned back to look at Donghae, he was still standing at the same spot, watching me as I walk to the stop. I sighed.
He smiled and just waved. I sighed heavily just looking at him from a distance.
"Stupid boy..." I whispered softly and shook my head.
I made my way back to where he was and stood in front of him, he had a shocked expression. I took his left hand and gave him my umbrella but he refused to accept it, I glared at him and forced him to take it.
"Take it or I'll get worried."
He smiled. Maybe I said the wrong thing. Immediately after those six words came out of my mouth, I regret it and wished I hadn't said it. I would've got his hopes high.
"Go home," I added.
At that moment, I realised my bus was coming and I had to run to the bus stop before the bus leaves me behind. I waved goodbye to Donghae and ran for my life. Luckily, I made it in time. Before the bus was about to take off, the bus driver noticed me running and stopped the bus. I hopped into the bus and found a seat.
"I already have someone that I like."
"Is it Jaejoong?"
Without knowing, my lips curved upwards and I smiled like a stupid five year old kid that was given candy to.
The next day at school was normal like the other days, the usual where I would argue over the most stupidest matters with a classmate of mine, Kim Jaejoong.
"I ordered it first!" I shouted at him in the school's cafeteria.
Everyone was crowding around us and I felt so embarrassed fighting over the last bottle of orange juice, but it's my favourite drink and I need a bottle at least once a day. I shouldn't be feeling embarrassed, Jaejoong should be. Fighting with a girl over an orange juice bottle, some gentleman he is.
"No you did not, we ordered it at the same time," he retorted back.
Jaejoong's eyes widened then it softened after a few seconds, I'm guessing he realised that my eyes were starting to get teary. He sighed.
"Okay. You can have it," with that, he left the cafeteria without another word.
I exhaled and paid the lady behind the counter and left with my orange juice bottle. I happily untwisted the lid and took a big sip of the juice, it felt so good. I feel the liquid sliding down to my stomach, cooling all my organs. It felt too good.
I started walking around the school alone because I'm a loner, my best friend had gone somewhere and I have no one to hang around with. Without knowing, I started walking towards the school's main hall. Suddenly, I started thinking back to the previous day. How Jessica and I were late for school and how we pushed the door open, then all the eyes were on us.
I smiled. I played backed the moment when Jaejoong smirked at me, after I poked my tongue out at him. With my right hand, I started pushing the two doors open. I entered the hall and realised the basketball team was practicing.
I slowly and quietly closed the door behind me and sat on the highest and furthest bench on the side of the hall, and watched as the five players started practicing. I didn't need to scan around the room to look for him, he stands out no matter what. All the girls were cheering for him, but then the coach told them to be quiet or they'll have to leave. I laughed.
I'm so evil.
I continued to watch Jaejoong play his basketball, why is he so breathtaking when he sweats? Why is he so attractive all over, no matter what he's doing? I started to smile as I remembered the first day I met him.
My first day in high school at Seoul High School. I was walking down the corridor with my dearest cousin, Jessica, heading towards our first classroom. Out of no where, students started charging towards the opposite direction from where we were walking to. Someone bumped against my shoulder, so hard, too hard.
"I'm sorry," he apologised softly and smiled.
He held onto my arm to stop me from losing my balance. I looked up into his eyes and it was indescribable. I couldn't describe how angelic he looked, he was nothing like a human. Humans can't be that handsome nor attractive.
Before I could say it's okay, he had walked off leaving me dumbfounded as I watched his back disappear into the crowd.
"What are you smiling at?" someone asked.
I turned to the direction from where the voice was coming from; my left. Donghae was making his way towards me. My smile immediately dropped and I panicked for a second there, but I should start to learn how to face these problems. Everyone experiences this situation at least once in their lifetime.
"Nothing," I smiled at him.
He made his way to me and sat down on the seat beside me. He was sweating like crazy and seemed really tired, but thank god, he didn't seem to be sick or anything.
"What are you looking at?" he asked.
"Are you sick?" I asked him back.
"No, I'm feeling better than ever."
What a big fat lie. Suddenly, another voice came by from my right. A voice that I was waiting to hear, a voice that I'll never forget. Straight away after I heard his voice, I knew who it was and I was desperate to see his face.
"Donghae, coach has something to tell us. Get back down there," he ordered Donghae.
"Okay," Donghae sighed and stood up. "I'll see you later in class," he said and ruffled my hair with his hand.
Jaejoong started walking past and he purposely rested his hand on my right cheek. As he passed, his hand brushed passed my cheek. I shivered, they were one cold hands! He smirked as he walked off. I frowned and rubbed my cheek, but inside, I was smiling like crazy. I love it when he touches me.
I guess he wasn't angry at the fact that I stole his orange juice.
During our lunch time break, the girls soccer team that I was in, had practice. We went into a little game with the senior's team and we were losing bad. Even though our coach, Mr. Park, didn't count the scores, it was obvious that the seniors were winning. They played for a long time and we just made a team this year.
No wonder why we lost last week, we were all weak and knew nothing much about soccer. Yet, we're trying to win the States Championship? We're so pathetic but we're going to train hard for the trophy next year, we won't lose again.
The basketball team was watching us play on the side. Yes, Jaejoong was there watching me play. I couldn't concentrate and kept turning towards his direction and to my disappointment, every time I look at him his eyes were somewhere else. But another pair of eyes were on me, the whole time.
I thought to myself, if Jaejoong doesn't look at me this time, I'll give up trying to get his attention. Since the ball was no where near me, I took my time. I slowly turned to Jaejoong's direction and my heart skipped a beat, he was looking at me.. smiling!
Once again, that idiot called me a dummy! I suddenly wanted to run up to him and punch him on the arm. Then his words struck me and I looked around the field and noticed Yuri was coming towards my direction with the ball. She kicked it to me.
While I was dribbling with the soccer ball on the side of the field, my heart suddenly felt like something was grabbing onto it and I found it hard to breathe. It was like as if a rock that weighed a tonne was squashing on top of it. At that moment, I knew for sure that my asthma was getting back at me.
I fell down to the grass and breathed heavily, I could hear my own breaths. Suddenly, I was carried into someone's pair of arms and I felt my whole body shaking. I tried to open my eyes to look at who was carrying me. I tried to ignore the pain my heart was giving me, I tried to calm down and take deeper breaths.
...It was Jaejoong.
"Jaejoong..." I whispered weakly.
"Hang in there!" he said in a rush.
I looked up at his face, his eyebrows were all crunched up together and I weakly smiled to him, which he couldn't see.
"I don't want to fight with you anymore..." I said softly before I became unconscious.
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Chapter 20: Wohooo!!!!
great job!
Chapter 20: Really enjoyed this story of yours and also the side story that I was able to finished reading it for about 2 hours straight :) continue on doing good stories like this :)
Chapter 19: So that's what happen before their confrontation for Jaejoong and how Jaejoong told Taeyeon about him gaining back his memories? will read the last Chapter now :)
Chapter 18: So that's how he gains back his memories? Really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)
Chapter 17: Was surprised that there is a side story of this story that got me curious & interested so will read it also :)
Chapter 16: So Jaejoong finally remembered everything & sadly Jennifer choose to leave? But thankfully, Kikwang let her realized that it'll be a mistake if she'll go back & convinced her to find Jaejoong :) Their meeting together was really sweet & also happy for Kikwang & Jennica for their wedding! And also thankful that Jennifer's arranged marriage was canceled by both parents & they were happy on their both partners :) really like the ending :)
Chapter 15: Sad for Jennifer because her friends are not treating her how they treat her back then & Jaejoong can't still remember her :( Who called Jennifer? Is it Jaejoong? I'm guessing it's him after how she reacted but I'm not sure if I'm right so will continue reading :)
Chapter 14: So it was them who called her? I don't think it's right for Jessica to be mad at her since it's not like she's taking away Donghae when Donghae just comforted her. And also what Taeyeon had done is wrong so fortunately, Kikwang come to rescue her. By the way, I was really surprised with Taeyeon's revelation that Jaejoong had just use her to move on but he failed at it. And I can say I was kinda disappointed with Jennifer agreeing to not seeing Jaejoong anymore but I can say her reasons are also right but I think why can't she tried to fight for her love before giving up? I guess she knows it'll be hard since Jaejoong can't remember her. Really sad for Jennifer :( will continue reading :)