Chapter 5.

Please Stay With Me.

Please Stay With Me | Chapter 5

Is confessing your love to the one you like a wrong thing to do?
One of the hardest things to do in life, is to decide whether you should walk away or keep on trying.
For two whole weeks, I've been wondering whether what I did was right or wrong. For two whole weeks, I've been trying to find ways to explain to Jaejoong, to work things out. For two whole weeks, Jaejoong had been ignoring and avoiding me. For two whole weeks, I've felt how painful love can be, how stupid someone can be when they're in love.
Should I keep on trying to maintain our friendship? Or should I just move on...
I finally came up with a conclusion, this time it's not a stupid one. I'll stop thinking about Jaejoong, I'll stop annoying him and try to fix everything up. I'm going to focus on my upcoming soccer match, which is in less than ten days. My team needs to train more, we've been pushed by our coach for quite some time. But the hard work was worth it, we've become more stronger and can control the ball pretty well. I've chose to move on.
Mr. Park blew his whistle.
"Jessica, Yuri, Jennifer, Yoona, Tiffany, Sooyoung and Seohyun!" he called us over.
We all ran over to the side of the field, where Mr. Park was. We gathered together into a circle and listened clearly as Mr. Park make his announcements.
"Okay girls. As you all know, the match is in seven days, that's next Friday. So we're gonna train as much as we can. We'll win this, right?"
"YES!" the seven of us shouted in unison.
"So next week, we'll be training on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, during your lunch breaks and after school. You can have all the rest you want on Thursday, okay?" he said.
We kinda hesitated but in the end, we all agreed. For the sake of the States Championship trophy, we'll just have to sacrifice our lunch breaks and our leisure times after school for three days in a row.
Seconds later, the bell rang for lunch break to end. Mr. Park dismissed us and we went to the change rooms and got changed into our school uniform before we each went our separate ways to class.
I hesitated to go to class, because I know I've got English. I dragged myself into the classroom, and was glad he wasn't in class yet. I walked to the corner of the room, where my seat was, and sat down. Seconds later, Jessica walked into the classroom and sat beside me. We started talking about how excited we were about our soccer game next week. I was so into the conversation that I didn't realise Jaejoong had walked into the classroom.
"Hello Jennifer," someone said.
To my disappointment, I knew for sure that that voice didn't belong to him, it was Donghae.
"Hey Donghae," I said softly.
I didn't want to turn around to look at him, I was scared that I'll have to see Jaejoong, I was scared that our eyes would meet. If I don't turn around, it'll seemed like I'm a spoilt brat who had no manners. So in the end, I turned around anyway.
I smiled towards Donghae, and my eyes drifted to his right, where Jaejoong was. He didn't seem to care about anything, he looked outside the window calmly, like as if he had no worries in his mind.
The class continued and it was boring. I couldn't concentrate and kept yawning. I rested my arms on the table, and my head nested on my arms. I was really sleepy and I was in the urge of falling asleep, but I couldn't. I got frustrated because nothing seemed right, I felt really uncomfortable and wanted to scream.
I checked the time on my watch and realised bell was about to ring in a minute or so. One more class then school will be over and I can go soccer training. I checked my planner on the table and realised my last class is sport. Great, sport will keep me wide awake and ready for training after school.
I don't have sport with Jessica, so I'm going to be a loner once again. But I've got Donghae and Jaejoong in my class. Jaejoong doesn't talk to me anymore... but lately, Donghae have kept me accompanied during sport classes.
During sport, we were put into pairs to do this activity where the male partner piggy backs the female partner around the oval. First to finish a lap, wins. Thankfully, I was paired up with Donghae. We hi fived each other and I looked around the room to see who Jaejoong was paired up with, it was Tiffany. I faked a smile, although no one saw.
My sport teacher began to blow the first whistle, telling us that we should get ready. Donghae carried me onto his back and waited for the whistle.
"I know, I'm heavy."
Suddenly, the whistle blew and Donghae started running. We weren't leading, nor were we last. We were somewhere in the middle. Donghae started sweating, and I pulled down my sleeves and wiped his forehead.
"If you're tired, we can start walking," I told him.
After Donghae ran for a few more minutes, he started walking and we talked.
"Are you tired?" I asked him.
"I'm fine," he assured me. "Hey, Jennifer..."
"Yeah?" I titled my head to the side, so I could see part of his face.
"What happened to you and Jaejoong?" he asked out of the blue.
The sudden mention of Jaejoong's name shocked me, but thank god Donghae couldn't see my expression. I quickly thought up of a smart reply.
"Nothing," that was really smart indeed.
"Well, you guys don't seem to talk anymore."
His words made me sad. Won't you be hurt to know that you can't talk to the person you truly love? I started to tell Donghae everything.
I told him how I confessed to Jaejoong and his reaction, his words. I told him how much I missed Jaejoong. Although I said I don't regret telling him, deep down, I know I do. I want our relationship to be like how it used to be. Even though we do nothing but argue, I was happy with that. At least I know we can have a conversation going, not like what's happening right now.
"Did you try talking to him?" Donghae asked.
"Yes... but he's trying to avoid me," I said softly.
For almost three weeks, Jaejoong wouldn't talk to me. Even if I said hi or whatsoever, he'll just walk right past me without a reply. He doesn't know how much it hurts. My eyes started to get watery and a tear escaped my left eye, luckily Donghae didn't notice. I wiped it away with the back of my left hand.
I took a deep breath.
"So now, I'm just going to focus on my soccer match next week and forget everything for the time being," I said proudly and loudly.
"Oh yeah, when's your soccer match?" he asked.
"Next Friday."
"Same as our basketball game! What time is yours at?"
"Um, I think 10 in the morning. What about you?" I asked him back.
"Probably half past ten or 11. I don't think I can watch your game," he said sadly.
"Don't worry. I think I'll make it in time to watch your basketball game. You guys will win this year!" I said cheerfully. "Donghae..."
"What happened to Jaejoong at last year's match? He seemed really... weak."
Donghae said it was all because of a girl. He said he didn't know her name, but I'm assuming it's Taeyeon. Donghae said she left Jaejoong with another guy, and that guy was the leader of the other team, Domokuro Lions.
I raised an eyebrow. It must be the guy that gave Jaejoong the thumbs down...
Donghae continued. Saying how every time Jaejoong sees that guy, he'll become frustrated and can't concentrate on the game, that's why they lost three years in a row.
"Oh... okay," I said softly.
Before we know it, we reached the end and finished our lap. Donghae slowly let me down of his back and we laughed, realising that we walked and talked during the last half of the lap. We were one of the last people to finish. I turned around and looked out the oval to see who still hadn't finished, and to my surprise, Jaejoong and Tiffany started walking towards us, just finishing their lap.
They were... behind us the whole time?!
Jaejoong started walking up towards my direction with his eyes onto me. Was he gonna come up to talk to me? Or was he looking for Donghae instead? To my surprise, as soon as we're only half a metre apart, his eyes drifted away from me and just like that, he walked straight past me, causing our shoulders to bump against each other.
Luckily it wasn't that hard, I didn't lose my balance.
Soccer training was so tiring but luckily, it finally came to an end. After we were dismissed, I went to take a quick shower in the change rooms. It was really refreshing. After I was done, I quickly dried myself and slipped into my school uniforms. As I left the shower, I realised that there was no one in the change rooms. They all ditched me, and I can't believe Jessica did too.
I quickly packed up my clothes into my bag and left the change rooms. I started to freak out to see no one in the corridors. Where are the cleaners at this time? I wanted to go to my lockers to get some books out, but I didn't.
I rushed out the building. As soon as I stepped outside the building, someone grabbed me by the wrist and threw me against the brick built building, causing the upper part of my back to crash hard onto it. It ing hurts.
"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!" he shouted out loud.
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Chapter 20: Wohooo!!!!
great job!
Chapter 20: Really enjoyed this story of yours and also the side story that I was able to finished reading it for about 2 hours straight :) continue on doing good stories like this :)
Chapter 19: So that's what happen before their confrontation for Jaejoong and how Jaejoong told Taeyeon about him gaining back his memories? will read the last Chapter now :)
Chapter 18: So that's how he gains back his memories? Really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)
Chapter 17: Was surprised that there is a side story of this story that got me curious & interested so will read it also :)
Chapter 16: So Jaejoong finally remembered everything & sadly Jennifer choose to leave? But thankfully, Kikwang let her realized that it'll be a mistake if she'll go back & convinced her to find Jaejoong :) Their meeting together was really sweet & also happy for Kikwang & Jennica for their wedding! And also thankful that Jennifer's arranged marriage was canceled by both parents & they were happy on their both partners :) really like the ending :)
Chapter 15: Sad for Jennifer because her friends are not treating her how they treat her back then & Jaejoong can't still remember her :( Who called Jennifer? Is it Jaejoong? I'm guessing it's him after how she reacted but I'm not sure if I'm right so will continue reading :)
Chapter 14: So it was them who called her? I don't think it's right for Jessica to be mad at her since it's not like she's taking away Donghae when Donghae just comforted her. And also what Taeyeon had done is wrong so fortunately, Kikwang come to rescue her. By the way, I was really surprised with Taeyeon's revelation that Jaejoong had just use her to move on but he failed at it. And I can say I was kinda disappointed with Jennifer agreeing to not seeing Jaejoong anymore but I can say her reasons are also right but I think why can't she tried to fight for her love before giving up? I guess she knows it'll be hard since Jaejoong can't remember her. Really sad for Jennifer :( will continue reading :)