Recipe #1

Sugar, Romance, and a dash of Luck


“Please!” Taemin bows in front of the girl with curly brown hair. “Go out with me!” The girl stares, speechless.

“We’ve only gotten to know each other for 2 weeks…” The girl protested. Taemin looks up, his face desperate. “I know it’s so soon! But I really like you and if you would kindly give me a chance… I’ll make you happy, I promise!” He bows again.

The girl hesitates, and Taemin gives a quiet sigh. “If you don’t want to-“

“Sure.” The girl agrees. Taemin looks up in surprise. “Really?” She nods. Taemin claps happily. “Thank you so much! You won’t regret it I promise.”

The girl smiles back. “So… Shall we say 11 AM tomorrow? Meet me at Sangmin Park. Be sure to get there early. I don’t like waiting.” She crosses her arm playfully.

Taemin nods quickly and memorizes the time and date. The girl gives one last smile before waving goodbye and walking back to her friend. Taemin does a mini victory dance. He wasn’t going to fail this date like all the other ones. He was sure of it.


“Hyori! What took you so long?” One of her friends asks when she comes back to them.

Hyori flips her hair. “Nothing, just talking to one of my classmates. It seems he wants to go on a date with me.” She said, like it was no big deal.

Her friend’s eyes widen. “Lee Taemin asked you out?!” She asks loudly, but goes into a whisper when she receives a glare from Hyori.

“Really Hyori?” Her friend tries to confirm. Hyori nods. “You can ask him if you want.” Her friend glances at Taemin, who was still celebrating with himself. “Taemin is one of the hottest guys in school. Too bad he’s such a dork… I feel bad for all the girls who had to date him.” Her friend whispers.

Hyori nods. Her friend looks at her suspiciously. “Aren’t you going out with him now?”

Hyori scoffs. “You actually think I’m going out with that guy? Please… I am so ditching him to go shopping tomorrow.”

Her friend stares at her in disbelief. “Don’t you think… That’s kind of mean?”

Hyori looks back at her friend like she just went crazy. “Would you rather take my place?” Her friend shrinks back in answer. “I didn’t think so.” Hyori rolls her eyes. “Anyway, you wanna come with me?” Her friend nods happily and they both walk back into the school.


Taemin straightens his hair in the mirror and checks his clothes for any wrinkles. He wanted this date to be perfect. After doing the finishing touches, he checks his watch. “10:35… She said to get there early so I guess I should probably go now.” He takes his bag and bouquet of flowers and walks out the door, eager for his date.

Once he arrives at the park, the sun was bright and many people were hanging out. Taemin decides to wait by the shade of a tall tree.

He leans against the trunk and waits patiently for his date. He looks at his bouquet of roses. “Is this too cheesy?” He thinks, but shakes the thought away.

After awhile, he looks at his watch. “11:00…” He looks around but doesn’t see Hyori anywhere. Taemin decides not to worry too much about it. “She’s probably busy getting all dressed up for our date.” He chuckles to himself.


Meanwhile, Hyori was out with her friend at the mall. She chatted happily and ate ice cream.

Her friend suddenly stops. “Are you sure it’s okay to be leaving that Taemin kid all by himself?” Hyroi rolls her eyes in annoyance. “I’m sure it’s fine. It’s not like he’s going to wait the whole time, right? Come on, let’s go there.” She points to a makeup store and drags her friend inside.


Taemin looks at his watch again. “11:30…” He starts to get worried. “Did something happen?” He shakes the bad thought away and continues waiting anxiously.

After what seemed like a long time, he checked his watch again. It read 1:26 PM. Taemin looks around, but still doesn’t see Hyori.

He decides to call her cell. Getting out his phone, he dials her number and waits for her to pick up.






A woman’s voice picks up.

“Sorry, the number you have dialed is currently unavailable. Please call back-“

Taemin hangs up. He looks around, now REALLY worried. He takes in deep breathes. “It’s okay Taemin… I’m sure she’ll come.” He reassures himself. Clutching onto the bouquet, he decides to wait a little longer.


Afternoon soon turned to night. The sky was dark and people were starting to go home. Taemin was still waiting next to the tree. He was clutching onto the bouquet so hard his hands were shaking.

The reality hit him long ago; he just didn’t want to acknowledge it. Now it came back and slapped him in the face.

Taemin throws the bouquet to the floor, in anger and disappointment. He starts walking back, feeling bitter and hurt.

He laughs weakly to himself. “Lee Taemin you’re such an idiot… Of course this was going to happen, what did you expect?” His lower lip quivered as he walked. “It’s not like… It’s ever going to work… Anyway.” He wipes the tears away from his eyes and starts running aimlessly, trying to forget everything.

Once he opens his eyes, he didn’t recognize where he was. He was surrounded by large trees and he couldn’t find any presence of other people.

“… Just where did I run to?” Taemin looks around frantically.

He sighs and crouches down, burying his face in his knees. “It doesn’t matter anyway… I can just rot here. No one needs me…

He continues staying in that position before an aroma enters his nostrils. He snaps his head up and sniffs the air. It smelled like a mixture of sugar and strawberries.

Taemin slowly stands up, continuing sniffing the air.

He looks at the direction he thinks the aroma is coming from and decides to follow it. He takes slow steps, taking a sniff once in a while to make sure it’s still there.

Before he realizes it, he comes face-to-face with, what looks to be, a small house. The smell was definitely strong now. Taemin sees a window and decides to peer into it out of curiosity.

He creeps over to the window and ducks down so the person inside can’t see him, before slowly raising his eyes to look into the window.


Inside, he sees pots and pans hung on the wall. There was a large oven placed on the left wall along with a refrigerator next to it. Taemin slowly averts his eyes to the center.

There was a large table in the center of the room and behind the table was the most gorgeous boy Taemin had ever seen.

He was tall and lean, his chef apron wrapped around his waist. His hair was dark brown and flowed down to his shoulders. His eyes were large, almost like a frog’s.

Taemin was finally able to break free from his appearance to look at what the person was doing.

The boy seemed to be frosting a cake on a cake stand. The cake, by itself was beautiful. The layers looked perfectly stacked together and white cream was puffing out of it along with slices of strawberries.

Taemin continued observing as the boy proceeded to frost the top of the cake, spinning the cake stand in the process. Once it was completely layered, he took a plastic bag, cut a small corner of it and spooned some whipping cream into it. He tested it first to get all the air out, before gently decorating the cake with whip cream.

After that, he took a box of strawberries from the bottom of the counter and opened it. Taemin tried to control his drool as he watched a box of PERFECTLY shaped and coloured strawberries emerge.

The boy got some strawberries and gently placed them on top of the whip cream layer. Once he finished, he stepped back to take a look at his work.

Suddenly, Taemin’s stomach decided to let out a dying walrus sound.

The boy jerk’s his head up to look at the window, just as Taemin ducks. Taemin felt his cheeks turn red in embarrassment. “… I didn’t have anything to eat all day.” He whispers to himself.

He looks around hesitantly, before deciding to check if the chef heard him. He slowly raised his head up to the window and came face-to-face with the chef.

Taemin froze. The boy stared back, his eyes larger up close and filled with confusion.

Taemin finally regained his ability to move and staggers back. “S-Sorry! I’ll leave.” He was ready to run thinking the boy could would the cops, when he stopped him.


Taemin looks back at the boy. “Eh?”

The boy smiles, his face radiant. “Why don’t you come in?”

Taemin was about to protest before his stomach let out another groan. He blushed and nodded.

The boy led him to the front door and Taemin walked in. He was amazed at how large the shop was. The walls were peach coloured with white stripes.

Tables and chairs were neatly scattered in the room. Taemin was greeted by the chef again.

Taemin clears his throat nervously. “D-Do you work here?”

The boy smiles in answer. “Why don’t we have a seat first? You can have some of the cake you were drooling over.”

Taemin stutters. “I-I wasn’t-“

He was cut off by the boy’s laughter. “I’m kidding. Follow me.”

Taemin obeys and follows the boy as he leads him to a table. The boy motions for Taemin to sit. He obeys and slowly sits on the chair in front of the table.

“Wait here.” The boy said before leaving to go back into the kitchen.

Taemin clasps his hands nervously as he looks around the room. It seemed like something from a manga.

The boy comes back with the cake he made and placed it on the table in front of Taemin. He stared at it in shock. The boy got a knife and proceeded to cut a slice of the cake out.

Taemin was amazed at how no cream fell from the cake and the strawberries stayed glued between the layers.

The boy placed the cake slice on the plate in front of Taemin.

“Strawberry Shortcake. Have a taste.” The boy said.

Taemin took a minute to stare at its wonder before picking up a fork and taking a piece of the cake slice. He slowly put it into his mouth and chewed. His eyes widened when the taste of fresh strawberries, sugar, and soft cream entered his mouth.

It felt like going to heaven. He was brought back by the boy’s voice. “How is it?”

Taemin nods quickly in approval and gives two thumbs up.

The boy smiles. “Eat more if you like. You don’t have to hesitate.”

Taemin tilts his head in confusion. He swallows the last pieces of cake in his mouth before speaking. “Are you sure? Should you really be wasting ingredients?”

The boy shakes his head. “I never get customers.”

Taemin’s eyes widen in surprise. “Eh? Why?”

The boy chuckled. “No, No. I never intended to in the first place.” He saw the confused face on Taemin and explains more.

“This is my own personal workshop. I make pastries for my dad’s company which isn’t too far.”

Taemin continues staring in confusion. “Isn’t that kind of unfair?”

The boy shakes his head again. “I wanted to do this in the first place. I love baking and making pastries. My dad pays for the supplies and ingredients so I never have to worry.”

Taemin got the idea that the boy must be filthy rich. “But… Don’t you ever get bored?”

The boy smiles brightly. “Nope. Baking is my passion. I love working with sweets and seeing people’s smiling faces when they eat it.” He rubbed the back of his head. “I guess that’s a little cheesy.”

Taemin shakes his head. “No it’s not.”

The boy looks up. “What’s your name?”

Taemin hesitates but answers, “Taemin. Lee Taemin. You?”

“Choi Minho.”

Taemin smiles, glad he was finally able to know the boy’s name.

The two boys spent the rest of the night chatting happily and eating cake.

Taemin wonders if he finally made a friend…



Sons of es  I did so bad on this =_= ASDFGHJKL;

I still hope you enjoyed it <3 It’s hard work describing things… Anyway, what do you think of the first chapter? Let me know in the comments and I’mma go. PEACE!

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Made a little Christmas special to this story, if you wanna check it out.


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Chapter 16: I see someone was inspired by kitchen princess ;D
MezzoPiano #2
Love this story~ (Also love pâtisseries, haha)
Love_Cute1648 #3
This story is the most sweetest story that I have ever read. So cute.
Your a really good writter ;)
I love all the gifs you use at the end of the chapters!! And I'm reaallyyy looking forward to when Minho and Taeminnie finally get together :3 This is so cuutee!!!
Aw, the last recipe was Taemin making something for Minho, how sweet ^_^, I guess Minho can do the sweet and Taemin the savoury. I'm going to miss it too
so cute t.t
it was so fluffy ;3;
sjdjkxjx i srly loved it
I loved the ending!
jabbers23 #8
aweee!~ this story is so sweet (haha, see what i did there......nvm) you should definitely continue writing stories like this! i love how you made Taemin do the last recipe! AHHH loved it
imjustadreamer #9