You ruined the feeling...!

Boyfriend Boyfriend

You heard a loud knock at the door which caused you to wake up "Ngh.." You rub your eyes.
"Come in!" you say.
"______!!!" Jeongmin barges in. "We have something schedualed right now and we'll have to leave the dorm" "Will you be okay alone?" he asks.
You nod, "Yeah I'll be fine." but as you try to tuck yourself back in he grabbed the blanket. "_______-ah I'm worried if you're alone." He looked at you
and just when you look up you saw he was wearing the necklace he bought you, your hands travel to your neck but you're still wearing yours, "Two?" You asked him "Oppa you bought two necklaces?"
" know like a couple necklace thing, since you're not really with Minwoo, but-but don't g-get me wrong I don't mean I like you. I mean i d-do like you just not like like you, you know?" He stuttred
You just giggled "Yeah I know" you smile at him.

"ARGH" You both hear someone yell from outside the room.
"Kwangmin-ah?" Jeongmin looks wide eyed at the door. "Let's go check" You said.

You both walk out only to find Kwangmin flat on his face, You couldn't move. You were so scared.
"Kwangmin-ah" Jeongmin runs over to him, and Minwoo rushed from his room. "What happened?" Minwoo asked. "We don't know we just got here" Jeongmin replied.
"Agnh..." Kwangmin tried to get up but couldn't. "Gwenchana?" Jeongmin asked. "I think I hurt my leg" Kwangmin panted. "I was- I- unh.. I was trying to run down the stairs quickly to catch up with you guys but tripped..." He continued
"No big deal though I can still-"

"No" Jeongmin cut him off. "You can't even walk let alone dance" Minwoo added.

"______ah" Minwoo looked at you. "Get me something to wrap up his legs with, and a bowl with hot water and a towel."
You just nodded and went to get the things he ordered you to get.

Meanwhile, Jeongmin and Minwoo carried Kwangmin to the couch and helped him lay his leg on the table, placing a pillow underneath it to support it.
Youngmin, Donghyun ans hyunseong came out of their rooms. "Kwangmin-ah, you alright?" asked Youngmin.
"Yeah just hurt my leg" He looked at his twin.

"Guys the car's outside we have to go" Donghyun said "Get well soon dongsaeng~" He winked at Kwangmin and walked outside. "atleast _______ won't be alone" Hyunseing smiled at Kwangmin. "C'mon Minwoo, Jeongmin hyung, we have to go" Youngmin added."Hyuuungs wait for me" Minwoo ran out.
"take care of her Kwangie, no cheesy stuff kay?" Jeongmin laughed. "Shut up" Kwangmin growled. "Hahaha bye." Jeongmin waved as he walked outside.

"Minwoo oppa" You yell. "Huh?" "Where are they?" You ask looking at Kwangmin.
"Umh, they went out. Do you know how to do this?" Kwangmin asked. "It'll hurt though" You tell him. "It's alright it doesn't hurt that much really" He tells you


you roll your eyes

You went closer to him and grabbed his knee with both hands, one on the top and the other on the bottom. then picked up the gauze and wrapped it around his knee.
"UNH!" He yelled and pulled his knee away. "It hurts!" He looked at you. "Well if you had stayed still it wouldn't have hurt!!!" You yell back.

he stayed quiet through out the whole time you were wrapping the guaze. "there" you scoffed. "Done." You were really angry at him. he's so mean

sorry for trying to help, you

"Are you on your period or something?" he laughed "Why are you so angry?"
"Shut up" You went to open the TV for him and walked away.
"_______." He called your name, god his voice was so deep and y. You ignored him. "________" He calls you again. "What?" You look at him rub a spot on the couch "Sit with me" He looked at you. "I don't want to watch it alone."

"Fine! you sit next to him but at the very end of the couch. "closer" He looks at you. but you don't look back.

You move just half an inch closer. "No, not like this" He pulls you closer untill you two looked like you were attached to the kidney. He brings your head closer to his chest.
"Just lay down here, and if you feel sleepy it's alright I'll be your pillow" He caressed you hair
"what the hell?" you exclaim but just as you tried to lift your head up he didn't let you. "Kwangmin, l-let me go.."

"No" He said "This feels comfortable" He said as he tangled his hands though your hair and played with it.

"Sorry I'm mean, I can't comunicate my feelings so well" He layed his hand on your head. You grab his hand and play with his fingers "It's okay. give it'll get used to telling people how you feel and what you want."
"without being mean" you laugh as you empasize the 'mean' part.

"shhhush" he covers your mouth and giggles. You can't help feeling that you two have become like a couple. You smile and thank god that he can't see your face. you smiled like the dorkiest dork on earth.
"So ________, Who confessed first? You or Minwoo?" He asked

I paused and stopped playing with his hands. My heart felt almost crushed, How can he ask me that? I don't have any feelings towards Minwoo but then again he doesn't know that. Do I love him? The hell!? I've just met him? 

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I read 10 chapters in one shot! :) this is my first boyfriend fanfic and i like it! ^^ awww my poor minwoo :((( its okay, he has me ♡ kekeke. Update soon okay!!! ^^ i cant wait to read more! Hwaiting ♡ (*^﹏^*)
craziiazian123 #2
love kwangmin in this! I dunno why! Haha.
Update again soon please!~
monsterbubble #3
Please update~! =D
koreanchibi #4
HeartGold426 #5
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I like it.
monsterbubble #6
.....I wonder what's gonna happen during the wedding!!!!

Good luck on your finals!
tinecrust #7
awwww! I hate it when the 3mins are fighting over for one girl. haahahaha
update pleasse ^_^
ajdkwlajelkwjalkdjawwkla updaaate pleasssseeee D: