
Boyfriend Boyfriend

You just bought everything you needed from the store, clothes food..ect

You walk into the elevator listening to I'm a Loner by C.N Blue on your IPod


The elevator opens for you to see a gorgeous looking boy, you stare at him... god he looks like a lion, no..  a baby lion? his pump lips are so beautiful.." 
"you gonna get in? i can't hold t forever, you know" He smiled

"O-oh, right sorry" you stare at your feet and walk in

"I'm Minwoo by the way" said the boy

"_____." You said and looked back at the elevator door, because you were nervous not because you were mean; you really hoped he didn't think you were rude.

"Oetoreya Oetorya" you sang to yourself without realising, your voice wasn't high but enough for him to know what you were singing. "daraderi daraduuu~" He sang while sticking his face to yours.

"heheh" He giggled. "Mind if I listen too?"
"Sure, here you go" you say. You take one of your headphones out and give it to him. the headphone wires were a bit short so he had to squish his body next to you. He put his hands on your shoulders. "Ah!" you shiver at his yell, Is he OK? "My favourite part" He smiles innocently. Just then the elevator stops.

your eyes widened. "no no no no no no..." you kept saying at a faster pace each time. "not thisss, not nowww" with a shaky tone

Minwoo looked at your scared face then let go of the headphones and went straight to the phone he tried to dial "Hello? yes...uhm, we are stuck here in this elevator..uh-huh, yeah..mmhmm. okay, alright, yes thank you.. thank you, mm bye" He looked back at you, your face was so flushed and you were so close to crying, your eyes were a tad bit wattery no tears came out just blurry vision. "______." He said with a serious yet husky tone. "yeah.." you look at him. "You sound like you're gonna cry.. don't worry help is on the way" He put the headphones back in your ears and played the song. "in the mean time relax okay ____?"

"Okay" you coughed to clear out your voice from it's shakiness.

within half an hour the elevator starts to open it's doors. "Oh my god" you were glad, so glad that you started to cry a little. you wiped you tears with your scarf. Minwoo held your hand, thanked the people who helped and walked you outside.

"you alright? you seem like you've had a hectic day, why don't you come to my place?" he suggested. "Oh no sorry I ca-" He jumped infront of you and stomped his feet on the ground before you could continue. and said "_______~~~" with a cute tone. Dear lord his voice was so cute you just had to agree.

you nodded and he ran with you to their dorm "Don't worry our dorm is quite close to this store we'll be there in 5 minutes" he smiled.

He rang the bell and yelled "Yah guys open uppp!!"
A guy with golden locks opened up he looked handsome and cute, his smile..you could swear, was so damn contagious.

Minwoo then jumped right next to the boy and introduced him

 "This is Young min, ______." He said. "Nice to meet you ________." Young min bowed. you bowed in return.

"well don't keep us out here in the cold weather hyung, quickly move~"  Minwoo said & pulled you in.

"Aish Minwoo-ah lower your voice, hyungs are asleep" Young min scolded him.

"Mehronnnggggg~" Minwoo teased.
"______. there is a room on your very left, you can go sleep there okay?"

"Okay" You smile not even looking at the direction hes pointing.

"goodnight ______" said Young min.

"good night oppa" you smile and bow.

"umh where did Minwoo oppa say I should go?" I think he said right?"

you open the door slightly to find an empty bed. "Oh good this is the right place" you think to your self.


or so you though......

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I read 10 chapters in one shot! :) this is my first boyfriend fanfic and i like it! ^^ awww my poor minwoo :((( its okay, he has me ♡ kekeke. Update soon okay!!! ^^ i cant wait to read more! Hwaiting ♡ (*^﹏^*)
craziiazian123 #2
love kwangmin in this! I dunno why! Haha.
Update again soon please!~
monsterbubble #3
Please update~! =D
koreanchibi #4
HeartGold426 #5
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I like it.
monsterbubble #6
.....I wonder what's gonna happen during the wedding!!!!

Good luck on your finals!
tinecrust #7
awwww! I hate it when the 3mins are fighting over for one girl. haahahaha
update pleasse ^_^
ajdkwlajelkwjalkdjawwkla updaaate pleasssseeee D: