Chapter 003

If one person changes everything

It wasn't that i didn't like to go to school. i hated it because i was so lonely. But was being at home better? I didn't think so, so what would it matter if i was at school or at home? Right, nothing!
I had a feeling no one really cared about me anymore. i just needed to stay strong. I dreamed that everything would changes. That my dad would love me again, that i had a better stephsister and mother. Or better i would still have my mom. 
My dream didn't change. Not even this night. I followed my daily routine. Step out of bed, get ready for school, getting coffee on my way,.... Or better saying my morning was still the same.
'Look who we have here, Lee Cho Hee'
This was what made this day so special. Someone paid attention to me. But not the people i wanted to. I turned around to look who called my name. 'Kwon Dong Sung.' I answerd. Not in a surprised way. More in a: i don't care- way. It was years ago since i've last seen him. He always had bullied me when i still lived in Mokpo. So i wasn't really happy to see him. 'Wow it has been years, hasn't it?' he laughed. His friends copied him. 'Yeah, it has.' I answerd coldly and turned around to start walking again. But he stopped me. 'i was really sad when you just left without telling me or anyone, no one knew where you where, i've been looking for you, i'm glad i finally found you.' He smirked and he ran his fingertips against my cheek. 'Yeay!' i said. 'You found me.' 'Yeah, indeed.' He looked at me from head to toe. 'I see we go to the same school, we'll be seeing each other again more often.' His smirk got bigger. 'I would just love that i've missed you so much. See you at school, sweetheart.' He left with his friends. The only thing that surprised me was that he called me sweetheard instead of loser or something. But he swould just had found anyother way to bully people. I thought. I sighed. that was just what i needed Dong Sun going to the same school as me. He who knew everything to hurt me. He would just start to make my life more miserable then it already was. I started to walk to school. Just as i arrived a big black van stopped before the gate and i saw the guy who asked me the other day if he could sit at my table stepping out of it. I looked at him. He was tall, slim, brown hair, brown eyes. But in some way very handsome. He noticed me looking at him and i looked away. I didn't want him to think wrong things. I acted like nothing happend and just wanted to walk right past him but he called me back by surprise. 'Hey!' I turned around to look at him. Did he really meant me? He walked closer. 'Hey.' he said again. I only looked at him curious. 'hey?'
'Euhmmm...I....' He didn't knew what to say. At first i thought he was going to make fun of me too. But he wasn't. 'I'm Kyuhyun.' He introduced Himself to me. 'Cho hee.' I answerd. He smiled. His smile made me feel a litlle warm inside and i was liking it. 'About the other day,....' He started to speak again. 'I didn't wanted you to ran away, i really wanted to sit with you at the table.' He treid to explain it. 'Oooh'. I said. 'I'm not used to that.' Before i could hold it in i started to smile a little. 'I see you a lot alone.' He spoke again. 'You wanna hang out with me instead of being alone?' I bit my lip. I wasn't used with hanging out with people and i didn't really trusted them. What if this was just an act. He saw me thinking about it. 'I really mean this, i really would like to know you better, what's wrong with being friends?' He asked nervous. I ran my hand through my hair. 'Okay.' I smiled at him. 'I can give you a chance.' 
Kyuhyun started to smile brightly. 'Really?' He asked like he couldn't believe what i just said. I nodded. 'So we're friends now?' 'Yeah kinda.' He smiled. 'Great so i see you after school?' 'Yeah sure.' I smiled at him and walked towards the building heading for my class.

Kyuhyun's POV

I just couldn't believe this had happend. The girl that i was depressed about the other day. Made me feel like the luckest guy on the world this day. I couldn't wait to see her again. I wanted to scream out loud, thanking the lord for the luck he gave me , the chance i got. I didn't know her, but i really liked her since the first time i looked at her. I couldn't believe this was what made me nervous all these days. I was so stupid for not asking her earlyer. 



it's been a long time since i updated, i'm so sorry ! i hope you all can forgive me? 
i also know my chapters aren't long, but i'm working really hard to make it fun for you guys, x;
I promise to keep working hard on it 
and again:
I'm so sorry !

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lulu88 #1
Chapter 9: Woooooow so romantic ^^
But better listen to Kyu and stay away from that girl , I don't feel good about it
Chapter 7: ur style of writing seems different on this chapter.....=(
Chapter 6: why?? why on earth Kyuhyun didn't encounter Dong Sun?? so that he can claim that Cho Hee was HIS GIRLFRIEND!!!!
Chapter 5: aww so sweet... I love how Eun Ji's thinking.. yeah.. its kinda tiring to keep distancing from siblings, even tho steps...

and the guy, what his name? i forgot, IS REALLY ANNOYING!!

He should see Kyuhyun and Cho Hee together, and Kyuhyun could show him 'WHO'S THE BOSS HERE!' ~~
Chapter 5: I need to see them kiss ^.^
Chapter 3: why is she always being alone...?? hmm
Chapter 3: hi.. ur story was really nice... but the fact u keep changing ur font annoyed me..

I enjoy this story and try to fix to one kind of font only, kay?
and update soon~