Day 24: 9 January 2024

50 poems a day

On this day, a bitter gust of words did blow,

You embraced another, and my tears did flow.

Out of spite or pain, a choice made in haste,

Jealousy and stress, emotions interlaced.


I never sought to burden your heart with despair,

Yet here we are, entangled in a web of wear.

I'm sorry for the hurt, unintentionally sown,

Just wished to be decent, to you, I've known.


In the tapestry of time, your past unveiled,

Reasons for choices, in whispers detailed.

One love at a time, a devotion so pure,

To focus solely, a sentiment to assure.


You're a gem, a woman of grace untold,

In the chapters of love, new stories unfold.

I hope you find the happiness you seek,

In the arms of one whose love is unique.

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