Day 17: 2 January 2024

50 poems a day

In the twilight of New Year's Eve, hearts tangled, emotions heave.

A love once bright, now shadows cast, vows shattered, moments passed.


As midnight chimes in cold despair, resolutions crumble in the air.

Promises broken, dreams dispersed, two souls adrift, emotions reversed.


Yet, on the dawn of New Year's Day, a subtle shift, a different way.

Echoes of laughter, tears wiped clean, friendship born from what had been.


No longer entwined in love's cruel dance, they found solace in a second chance.

A bond reborn, now free and light, the dawn of friendship, a soothing sight.


Through the twists of fate, love's demise, they discovered strength in friendship's ties.

In the chapter turned, a tale to mend, a New Year's story, a broken love to friend.

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