Meeting again

Fighting For You



Chaerin had thought long and hard within the hour that had passed since Seungri had left the studio. It had taken her an hour to realise he was right. She had to speak to him herself. She didn’t want him believing the rumours which were now circulating about her.




She recognised the voice without even having to look up. He would have come because his anger wouldn’t hold anymore. Even when they had been together his jealousy was always something that would manage to get the better of him. It was something he just couldn’t help when it came to her. In Chaerin’s opinion he was a hypocrite. He would complain if he ever had to do a shoot with a guy but when he did a shoot with a girl and she said anything he always told her she was complaining for nothing. She knew that he grew up in a place where the differences for guys and girls were massive but to her it didn’t matter she was her own person.


“Hi” Chaerin replies simply only briefly looking up to his face to assess what feelings she thought he was having, when she saw his face was fairly calm she continued. “I was just coming to find you now”



Jiyoung felt he hadn’t thought long and hard enough about his decision to come to her before he arrived. If there was one person he knew more then he knew anyone in the whole wide world it was Chaerin. He knew she didn’t like Seungri and knew it was just the work of a nosy netizen but it hadn’t stopped his jealousy from coming out. It had taken all his strength to rather then take his anger out on Seungri be a man and go and talk to CL about it. One thing he hadn’t expected was CL to calmly greet him and allow him in to talk to her.


“How have you been?” Jiyoung asks starting small talk. “I heard YG sunbaenim wanted to speak to the both of you this morning”

“I’m okay” CL replies. “It took some convincing to get him to understand that the whole situation had been nothing more then a misunderstanding but in the end he listened. I guess he knows that me and Seungri are nothing more then really good friends.”


Jiyoung could see the nerves coming off Chaerin. Chaerin was never like this unless she was nervous someone was misunderstanding something or she if she thought she was going to be in trouble. In this case Jiyoung guessed she must have felt both. He knew he didn’t have the right to grill her about who she was with or even have the right to ask her to stay away from anyone. But for some reason he felt like he should. He felt like he should tell her to stay away from everyone. He knew why he felt like this even throughout everything that had happened he was still in love with her and there wasn’t a chance of him falling out of love with her. In his eyes she was his soul mate and there was no way you fall out of love with your soul mate. That was how Jiyoung knew Chaerin was still in love with him. There was no way that he was going to give up on getting her to come back to him. Even if he had to fight hard for the rest of his life, there was no way he would be with someone else and no way he could let her be with someone else.


“Oppa what did you come to say” Chaerin asks without looking Jiyoung in the eye for to long.


Jiyoung’s heart skipped a few beats hearing her call him Oppa, it had been a while since she had called him that especially in the way in which she had just said it. His Chaerin always had away of showing off her charms without meaning to do it.


“I don’t actually know” Jiyoung admits. “I guess I just needed to hear you say that there was nothing between you and Seungri. I know it’s none of my business anymore but that doesn’t mean that my feelings don’t hurt when I see you with another guy. I can’t let you go, I won’t Chaerin. Even if you were to beg me to there is no way I can be without you. Chaerin I just really…”


Jiyoung was cut off by the door to the practice room opening. As if running in all at once all the members of 2NE1 push there way into the room.


“CL unnie, YG sunbaenim said we need to practice a dance version of scream from now for when we get ready for performing in Japan” Minzy shouts shocked, while the other two members are busy looking at G dragon with shocked faces. “Omo Jiyoung Oppa I’m sorry”


There was nothing for Jiyoung to do but sigh. His eyes linger on Chaerin for a while before he says goodbye to all the members and walks out the training room leaving them alone.




The tension leaves as soon as the door shuts and without realising it CL finally takes in a deep breath. Her eyes fill with tears. She hadn’t expected him to affect her like this. He seemed so vulnerable and weak that he couldn’t help but feel sorry to him. Her members sensing her pain came running over to her with Bom pulling her into a massive hug. Chaerin had thought forgetting about him would be easy, she thought moving on would be easy. But now she realised he had no intention of letting her go.  

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Jiyong told YG he wanted to date Chae >.<
What a first step to amend the wound, Ji!
Standing ovation!! Hell yeah, YG is approved now! XDD
I can't wait to know what will Ji do next.
Aigoo, eye smile Chaerin and soft gaze from Jiyong is the most <3<3<3<3
aigoo~ Jiyong oppa you're the best~!
I hope Cherin will be the happiest girl in this story~!
Hwaiting for the next update~!
Omo Jiyongie :') I love you lol! He's so serious now and I like it. I hope chaerin will have her smile wider than it can get haha
anniepooh #4
Damn Ji, even I was nervous at what's gonna happen next. I applaud you for coming clean to YG. Am sure Chaerin would love that. Thank you for being the reason she's smiling again.

FYI, I'm with Bommie if you so put a frown on that beautiful face of hers. You wanna keep your G-balls safe right?
queenchaerin #5
Awww i love chap 4 :) panda seungri so sweet! I love how they are cat n dog in public but sister brother bts :)
T_T please make babychae happy again jiyongie
It is going to an end? TT^TT
Aiyoo, as much as I hate Ji for his mistake, but I still want them to make up and get back together
Damn dilemma!
Action, Ji! Action!
cl_jiD #8
Totally with luvone's last sentence... nice one ji... nice one. Now all you have to do is prove it.
Ririn here is so sweet. I wonder in real life, is Chae ever call Seungri as Oppa? LOL
Jiyong is real hypocrite!
He felt that Chaerin is forbidden to get close to anyone meanwhile he could??
But i have the same feeling with Ji --> "there was no way he would be with someone else and no way he could let her be with someone else."
There is no way I could imagine Ji with someone else other than Chae, and vice versa. True T_T
cl_jiD #10
Nice start jiyong but i'd like to see you pull through despite being ignored... i wanna know how long he'll last...