Chapter 11

You Can Call Me TaeJun


 “Wow! TaeJun-sshi, you did really well!”

“Neh! You too Daehyun-sshi!”

As the two of you exited the lecture hall students from your class came up, each handing out compliments. Though, one of you was enjoying it a bit more than the other.

“Ahhh, isn't it wonderful!” Daehyun swung around a lamp post and gracefully landed on the bench beside it.

“And what would that be?” You joined him with an arched brow already anticipating what he might say.

“The cheers of my subjects, of course!”

“Of course...” You rolled your eyes not the slightest surprised. Even after one class with him you knew one thing for sure about him: His ego was large, fragile, and resiliant.

“Hey! Is that sarcasm?” He narrowed his eyes, but after seeing you shake your head he returned to his original state.


Chuckling quietly you checked your watch, 12PM.

Hmm, maybe I'll visit Yongguk Oppa again today...

“Do you have anywhere to be?” He caught you glancing at your watch.

Right, I can't. He might recognize me...but then again...

“Yeah. But my sister usually finishes class around now, and I'm supposed to pick her up...” You looked back down at your watch while secretly peeking at Daehyun.

“Oh, that's too bad. Where do you-”

You cut him off, “Say, Daehyun-sshi. Do you think you could pick up my sister?”

“Yeah, sure. From where?” He accepted without hesitating, leaving you a bit surprised but you quickly recovered.

“Oh, she usually walks here to the front gate then I take her to my, uh, Hyung's house.” The word Hyung flowed unnaturally out of your mouth but luckily he didn't pick up on it.

“Okay. It seems like I made the right choice not taking the bus this morning.” He grinned and you replied with a slightly relived smile, slightly astounded that your plan had worked. But then again what reason did he have to believe you were lying?



After clarifying with Daehyun about where to wait for “your sister”, you bolted back up to your empty dorm and quickly changed into blue skinny jeans, a t-shirt, along with a hoodie to cover your hair as you walked out of campus. Satisfied, you stealthily ran through the back entrance of the dorm and around the building to the front gate, making it seem like you weren't coming from inside the school.

As you neared the gate you tried hard to keep your breath even from the amount of running you had just done.

Breath now calmed down a great deal, you were in close enough range to the school to spot Daehyun leaning against a brick wall, as students filtered out of the gates beside him. He stood glancing down at his phone, and from the distance you were at you could see a slight pout forming in his side profile.

Aigoo, what a cutie...He fits in well with the B.A.P oppa's...

The thought wafted into your mind making you shake your head a bit.

Geeze, going from guy vision to girl vision is weird...I feel like I just hit on my brother...

You stuck your tongue out in disgust, changing your expression to a normal one as you approached the gates.

Pretending to be waiting for “your brother” you pulled back your sleeve to check you watch, and even took out your phone pretending to text. When in reality you didn't have a watch on and you were typing nonsense into google search, all while throwing secret side glances a Daehyun.

Being bored of waiting you read back to yourself what you had been typing, bored...alkjdlskfh...wanna sleep...ksajfdkjkfj...TaeJun pabo...skjdhhj-

“Excuse me?” Surprised by the sudden voice you dropped your phone, but luckily it had a case on it. Before you had the chance to pick it up Daehyun instead bent down to get it. You smiled ready to thank him when, to your surprise, he began reading the things you had been randomly typing into your phone.

“Ah, so you are TaeJun-sshi's sister. I thought you two looked alike.” He handed you back your phone, a playful smirk tracing his lips.

You looked at him dumbfounded. Mouth almost hanging open. A few moments ago you wouldn't have thought it impossible for Jung Daehyun to smirk, sure a cocky grin once in a while seemed to suit him. But his smirk glided seamlessly against his features, making you second guess your first impression.

“Hello? Anybody in there?” He knocked against you head softly making a clicking noise with his tongue to imitate a knock.

You sent him a secret glare but held your composure, “Neh, are you a friend of his?” Playing dumb you tilted your head to the right and looked up at him with big eyes.

“Yupp, your bro told me to take you to your Oppa's house for him. So here I am, your knight in shining armour!” He bowed dramatically and a giggle unknowingly spilled out of my you mouth. At the sound, he looked up and gave you a dazzling smile. Momentarily rendering you immobile, as your brain processed his sudden over flowing amount of charms.

Is it the guy vision, or was he not this attractive in class?

“Okay, kaja! My car is parked down the road so we have to walk kinda far. Is that okay with you?” He smiled sheepishly once again guiding you into a daze as you absentmindedly nodded, letting him drag you in the direction of his car.



In the car the two of you talked about how your classes were going and about your reading week plans (A/N: Do they get a reading week in Korea?”)

“I haven't really thought about it, but I'll probably head home or just stay with Yongguk Oppa.” You answered honestly while turning your head from the window to look at him.

“You know Yongguk Hyung?” He looked to you confused, as he pulled into the parking lot of Yongguk's building.

“Well, yeah. Where else did you think we were headed?”

“Ah, the address did seem familiar.” He nodded catching up to the coincidence. “So how do you know them?”

“Childhood friends, we used to live in the same neighbourhood.” I smiled to myself thinking of the five of them crammed into mine and TaeJun's shared room, all childishly bickering like they still do.

“Cool. I only met them recently at the rec center, but they seem like really good people. They even offered to let me stay with them.” He laughed at the memory.

“They really are.” Images of Yongguk bandaging your elbow and Youngjae taking your temperature along with other memories streamed through your head warming the smile on your face even more.

“We should get up there quickly, I don't want to get yelled at in case they're expecting you.” Unbuckling his seat belt he pulled out his keys and opened the car door steeping out as you did the same.

The two of you scurried into the building avoiding the sudden rush of cold air that replaced the nice breeze.

“It's so cold all of a sudden!” You exclaimed upon entering the warmth of the heated building lobby.

“Yeah, glad to know I'm not the only one freezing my nuts off.” He rubbed his hands together while you looked to the side awkwardly.

“Well, actually...”

“Oh, right.”

Awkwardly, both of you shuffled into the elevator. Standing with a friendly distance between each other you waited for the elevator to reach your floor. As you got to the floor just before your desired one the doors opened signaling someone else would get on, and to your surprise that someone was Zelo.

“TaeYun Noona!” Zelo didn't waste anytime and immediately glomped you, ignoring, or at least not noticing Daehyun's presence in the small elevator.

Releasing you he poked your head, “And where have you been for the past couple of months, young lady?” He questioned standing firmly.

“Well, as I recall I was being abandoned while you five sought out higher education. And if I do remember correctly I was here yesterday while my two Dongsaeng's were out playing soccer with this dude.” You jabbed your finger in Daehyun's direction, finally bringing him to Zelo's attention.

“Whoa, dude! You know TaeYun Noona too?” Daehyun rolled his eyes at his friends slow reaction time, but nodded all the same.

“Yeah, I met TaeJun today and he told me he had to be somewhere and to take TaeYun-sshi to your place for him.”

Zelo nodded before pouting, “Aww, I wish Hyung could have come instead, I missed him too.”

“Gee thanks Junhong. And I was so looking forward to seeing your stupid little head today.” Daehyun sniggered at Zelo's glare.

“Speaking of your stupid little head, I like the blue streaks. Totally rad.” I grinned evilly as his proud smile turned into a narrow eyed glower.

“Nice!” Me and Daehyun high-fived while the long legged maknae sulked to himself.



Zelo opened the door for the three of you as you were greeted by the other four who sat on the couch watching TV.

“Well look what the alley cat dragged in.” Youngjae, teased Zelo who snapped from the name calling.

“Who you calling an alley cat?!”

“Well, Me-Ow.” Himchan mockingly clawed at the air sending all of us, except Zelo of course, into a frenzy of laughter.

“So Daehyun, I see you've met our lovely Dongsaeng.” Yongguk stood from his spot on the couch and came up next to you, slinging an arm over your shoulder.

“Nah, I've already met Zelo plenty of times. The magic wares off after the first few meetings.” Zelo punched Daehyun in the arm.

“Che, some people just don't seem to know how to take a compliment.” Daehyun playfully chided as he rubbed his arm from the impact of Zelo's fist.

“Whatever, Hyung. Can we just get something to eat!” The subject of our ongoing jokes sighed tiredly as he whined.

“I agree with Junnie! I say we go patrolling for some street food!” The boys cheered at you declaration and filed out the door letting their stomachs guide the way, leaving you behind.

“YAH!! WAIT UP YOU PIGS!!!” Shaking your head you closed the door, locking it with the spare key beside the door, and hurried to catch up before they completely left you behind in their hot pursuit.


Hey guys! It's been a while!! And I'm super ultra sorry for my lack of activity!! I hope you understand that I was in shock from the sudden amount of work I was given for homework each night ;A; But since it's Thanksgiving weekend I'm back with an update!!! YAY!! But, damn. I'm tired...I'm not sure if you know this but it's currently 4AM > . <

But anyhow, how was the chapter? Good? Bad? Ugly? Tell me! I can handle it! I'm a big girl! gentle...


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DeullieSa34 #1
Chapter 12: nice chapter:-*:-*:-* write more taeyun and baro moment please:-*:-*:-* good job authornim:-*:-* update soon:-*
DeullieSa34 #2
update soon authornim~~
Chapter 11: Awh, I caught up. *cry cry* Update soon, okkie?
Chapter 11: Daehyyun~~...what a charming voice he had...
DeullieSa34 #5
love your story:-*:-*:-*:-*:-* im waiting for you:-*:-*:-*
...oh no!..please update author-nim...
hope that TaeYun is okay with the test...
ohhhhh noo!!!! what happened to Taeyun!!!!
You have great writing talent. Keep up the good work! ;)
oh no!~ oh dear!~ I'm super pumped for the nest chapter!~
:) AWWW!!! The twins!!! Hehe I love it <3 i hope you update soon! I can't wait for her to be a boy >:)