Chapter 12

Playing Hard To Get

This story is not mine and I already ask permission to post this! Please see her website @ - author is Janelle or known as IAmTheGoddamnWalrus


Chapter 12


 ~Jiyong’s POV~


I shrugged into my puffy shirt and slipped my boots on. I walked onto the stage into my position beside Dara. She smiled, though it wasn't really directly at anything.


"You ready?" I whispered into her ear. She nodded.


"Curtain in thirty seconds!" the stage manager shouted. I quickly took my position, getting ready.


The curtains soon repeated and the faces of a smiling audience looked up at me.


"Isn't the sky beautiful today, Peter?" Dara projected. I put my finger on the bottom of her chin and lifted it up to make eye contact with me.


"Yes, but not as beautiful as your eyes," Peter replied sweetly. Agatha smiled.


"What do you mean?"


"I mean your eyes are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. They put the stars to shame," I replied. I leaned in to kiss her, but the killer sisters walked in.


The first scene ended, and I headed off stage. I watched from the backstage as Dara and her friends acted alongside each other. Soon, it was the third scene and I headed on.


I found myself really excited and anxious. This was the scene where Peter and Agatha are on her balcony, discussing the loss of her parents. They have to kiss really passionately for a long time.


The curtain separated and I stood behind Dara, my hands on her shoulders.


"What will I do now?" Agatha stage whispered. As Peter, I leaned in and wrapped my arms around her waist. I planted my head in the crook of her shoulder.


"Whatever you plan to do, Agatha," I replied quietly, yet loudly.


"But Peter," she spun around so we were face to face. "My parents. They're gone!"


I took my hand in hers, and then kissed it.


"Agatha, you're letting your sisters control your life," Peter said. "You mustn’t let that happen."


Agatha looked at the audience, then back at Peter. "I guess you're right."


We stood in silence, music playing softly.


"Peter," Agatha said softly. "I'm scared."


I looked over and cupped her neck. "You mustn’t be scared my love. For I'm right here."


I leaned down and kissed Dara. This time, I knew it wasn't a dream. I knew it was the real thing. Fireworks went off everywhere. I planted my free hand on Dara's waist firmly.


Her lips were soft and warm, just like I'd imagined them to be. Our mouths move in synchronization, opening just a little bit. Her hands travelled to my hair and tugged lightly. I felt every crevice in her lips.


The curtain finally closed, and we still hadn't pulled away. My hormones were acting up, I could feel them bouncing around. I wanted then and there to go full out with her. But I retrained myself.


We finally pulled away, our breathing heavy. Dara looked in my eyes, trying to find something.


I smiled at her. "Well, looks like my life time wish has been fulfilled."


I was expecting her to flick me or something, but she just walked away. I frowned. How nice.


The rest of the play went smoothly, Dara and me kissing every scene. Soon, it ended and the cast filed out for bowing. Dara and I looked at each as we held hands, smiling.


~Dara’s POV~


I headed to the cast party with Jiyong beside me. I really hated parties. I stayed in the corner, all alone. Jiyong came by and handed me punch.


"Thanks," I said. I took a sip of it. It was sweet, but not as sweet as Jiyong had been.


"Do you want to leave?" he asked. "I hate parties."


I smiled at him, as if he'd just read my mind. I slipped my hand into his and we walked to his car. He drove me home. We sat in the driveway in his car.


"You know, you're torturing me," he murmured finally, breaking the silence.


"How so?" I raised an eyebrow at him.


He inhaled deeply. "You don't like me, yet you hold my hand all the time."


I smiled at him, and then held his hand again. I squeezed it three times.


"You make it hard to control my hormones," he whispered.


I inched closer to him. "Then don't."


I put my arm around the torso. He looked at me.


"What do you mean?" he whispered, gasping as I inched closer to him.


"Kiss me, Jiyong."


He stared at me, but didn't resist. He leaned down and kissed me.


The fireworks hit me again. I smiled against his lips, and put my arms around his neck. I was practically on top of him. I didn't care. Our mouths moved in sync, and I loved it. Our lips opened a little bit automatically, and I couldn't resist.


"You're being naughty," Jiyong whispered with a smile.


"You're ruining the moment," I whispered back, kissing him again. His hands were on my waist, planted firmly. I ran my hands onto his chest, letting them linger there. I ed his shirt. My hormones were on overdrive. I could easily let this get out of hand. Not that I think Jiyong would care much.


Jiyong moaned softly and kissed my neck.


"Dara," he mumbled.


"Yes?" I said into his neck.


"I think I'm in love with you."


I chuckled to myself. "Well, I think I'm in love with you too."


~Jiyong’s POV~


Basically, we made out in my car for two or three hours.


Dara was a really good kisser. She was really ferocious about it too.


"So, does this mean you're my girlfriend?" I asked once we were done kissing and heading inside her house.


She laced her fingers between mine. "If you want me to be your girlfriend."


I knew that she thought it was a stupid question from the look on her face. I kissed her head lightly.


"What do you think?" I asked with a laugh. "Of course I want you to be my girlfriend."


She giggled, and stood on her tippy toes to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her to me.


"A little low on the touch there, Jiyong," a raspy voice said. We pulled away quickly and saw Taemin and Minzy standing there. Their hair was messed up and they looked crazed. All clear signs of something those fourteen year olds shouldn't be doing.


"Were you two making out?" Minzy asked. I smiled and Dara nodded vigorously.


"Were you two making out?" Dara snickered. Minzy nodded her head with a smile.


"In the supply closet," she said proudly. I couldn't help but start to laugh.


"Well, we're just going to head back to the supply closet," Taemin said. "Go on with your low touching."


They turned around and headed down the hall to the supply closet. I looked at Dara, who looked at me mischievously.


"Yes, let's go on with our low touching," she muttered.


She pushed me into the couch, her on, top of me. I chuckled.


"You're feisty," I muttered. She traced my jaw with her finger.


"Yeah. We're lucky we have to house to ourselves tonight," she muttered against my jaw. "My parents are on a date."


I moaned in delight as Dara's lips pressed against mine ferociously.







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Unixai21 #1
Chapter 14: Cute story
carolinebestever #2
Chapter 14: Thanks for sharing this wonderful story...
MissRoseBlossom #3
Chapter 14: love this... more authorim :) my daragon hearts <3
inakuyon #4
luv it......
eun_bi #5
wholesome story. love it :D
This is awesome =)))) XDD
Great story >:D<
Stillbe #7
This is such a cute story!