A Million Sleepless Nights


Title: A Million Sleepless Nights

Author: Yunjae2022

Genre: slice of life, Angst, Romance, psychological, AU, Enemies-to-lovers

Main: YunJae/JaeHo


Beta: Me

Rated 13+

Inspiration(s): It's autumn and I crave romance.

Update Schedule: Whenever the mood strikes.  

 I will come out and say it: I am a comment-. Therefore, please bless my whoreness with comments. Thank you. Be blessed. Lots of bo.

Thank you for reading ☺️😁




An online romance turned out to be a nightmare.

A nightmare turned into a heart's purest wish.

Nothing makes sense but everything makes sense.

Two young men are figuring themselves and the world out.

I got a cover!


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Chapter 30: I love happy ending ! Thanks so much
Brownsugar40 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I really enjoyed the story
jjbrownsugga 33 streak #3
Chapter 30: That was a sweet journey.
Thank you for sharing your story with us.
NinePlusOne #4
Chapter 30: Aww sweet ending! Thanks for the story.
jjbrownsugga 33 streak #5
Chapter 29: It's nice to have a connection with someone that you want to share things with.

Thank you for the update.
jjbrownsugga 33 streak #6
Chapter 28: It's not easy coming clean to friends.

Thank you for the update.
NinePlusOne #7
Chapter 28: Yes! The friends know now & are being supportive, go for it JJ before it’s too late!
Chapter 27: The cat is out of the bag, I wonder how his other friends will react
Marylu521 #9
Chapter 25: I hate that nut. Always knew he's going to do something against jaejoong again. And even yunho!!! Great! Let the Kim family teach that bastard a lesson!!!
jjbrownsugga 33 streak #10
Chapter 27: I knew Nathan would do something. I love the way his family supports him.
Thank you for the update.