Let's watch a movie...

A Lost AngeL

Already 7 month's passed now, and Amber managed to forget what happened to her, she seemed happy again!
It was a rainy day and Super Junior were supposed to film a music video but that was cancelled because of the rain, so they stayed home, they were really happy because that way they could rest for awhile!
"Good think that it was cancelled!" Said Heechul "I mean, I am so tired, I don't think I'd be able to do the MV."
"I know what you mean! But sitting here all day is so boring!" Said Shindong complaining.
"It's better than working!" Said Yesung
"Why don't we watch a movie instead of just sitting here?" said Kibum
"OMG, that's a good idea;" Said Ryeowook
"What should we watch then?" Asked Kangin.
"I don't know .." Stopped Kibum talking when he saw Amber entering the living room "Why don't we let Angel decide?"
"What? What should I decide?" Said Amber confused
"We wanted to watch a movie because we don't have to go to work today, and we don't know what we should watch." explained Sungmin
"OMG. don't you guys have to work today? .. But I do" Said Amber sad.
"No, you don't." said Leeteuk happy.
"What? I don't? What do you mean?" asked Amber
"I just called our manager and told him that you're sick and you can't make it." he replied
"Omg? Really?"
"Yes, really." said Leeteuk showing his dimple
"YES! Now I can stay home with you guys!"
"So, decide which movie we are going to watch." said Kibum.
"OMG! I know what we could watch! My favourite movie ever, A MILLIONAIRE'S FIRST LOVE!!" said Amber loudly
"NOOO... We can't watch that movie!" Said Kangin really fast.
"What? Why?" asked Amber
"Leeteuk doesn't like to watch that movie" replied Heechul "Even though I don't get why? It is such a good movie"
"What? ... Leeteuk why don't you want to watch it?" Asked Amber looking at Leeteuk.
"Because... The girl.. SHE LEAVES THE GUY ALL ALONE!" Replied Leeteuk getting a little angry.
Everyone was silent for a moment, especially Amber, she didn't know what to say because she knew how he felt.
"Let's watch something else" said Yesung trying to break the silence!
"What should we watch than?" asked Kyunhyun, he was getting a little annoyed.
"Come on Angel, think of something else" said Heechul.
"I don't... You guys can think of something too"
"How about ... Secret?" said Yesung without thinking
"No! I don't want to watch a CHINESE movie, ever again" Said Heechul annoyed
'I totally forgot!! How could I be so stupid!' Thought Yesung to himself.
"Okay... What about .. TITANIC?" Said Donghae happy
"No, we've seen that movie more then 100 times" Said Eunhyuk
"Than I don't know.. Nothing is good for you guys.. " Said Donghae disappointed
"JUST PICK A DAMN MOVIE.." Said Kyuhyun informal, "YO" He added when he saw the reaction on their faces. After that everyone laughed.

"Koizora?" Said Shindong with his mought full of food.
"NOO!" yelled Amber
"Why not?" asked Donghae
"I don't ever want to watch that movie again!"
"Why don't you want to watch?" asked Eunhyuk
"Because I don't want to see Hiro die again.. He was such a good boyfriend.. Why did he had to die?" replied Amber getting all teary!
"SEE! That's what I mean!! Why does someone die in the end?" Said Leeteuk

"If we can't dicede which movie we're gonna watch... What can we do than?" Said Eunhyuk.
"We could just .. talk?" suggested Amber
"I think that's a good idea" said Ryeowook

So in de end they didn't watch a movie after all! They just talked and played some games, they played Truth or Dare again.

"Why do you guys always ask me?" Said Amber
"Because we want to know more about you" said Sungmin
"Alright.. My favourite colour is red." said Amber "Now, my turn! .. Truth or Dare.. Leeteuk?"
"Truth" Leeteuk replied
"Truth, he? What was the time you got really scared?" asked Amber
"uuhm.. When I had my first solo, I was really scared that I wouldn't do it right"

Like the last time if someone picked 'truth' everyone had to ask something to that person.

"Leeteuk.. Do you have a secret that we don't know?" asked Kyuhyun
"... I do." Said Leeteuk getting a little red
"Go on.." said Kyuhyun
"You asked me if I have a secret, not to tell my secret."
"Oh Man! You got me there!"
"I'm so sorry but your turn is over!" said Leeteuk smiling
"Don't be happy to fast Hyung.. So Hyung, tell us what your secret is" Said Sungmin, taking over what Kyuhyun had started
“I.. I don't want to tell.. Ask Heechul, he knows my secret!"
"Can  you do that?" Asked Amber
"If you're playing this game with Super Junior, you can do everything you want.. Where do you think the rule to let everyone ask something if you pick 'Truth' came from?" Said Kangin proudly.
"Heechul, tell us Hyung's secret" said Kyuhyun impatiently
"Hyung, can I really tell them? .. I mean about..YOU KNOW .." Said Heechul surprised raising his eyebrows
"Yeah, you can tell them.. I mean it has to come out someday!" Said Leeteuk
"Okay, then I'm REALLY gonna tell them.. His secret is that he .. he likes Angel" Said Heechul, he couldn't believe that Leeteuk just let him tell his secret.
"WHAT?" shouted everyone
Amber felt really shy, even though she liked him too more then just a friend, she acted like she understood him wrong.  
"Thank you Leeteuk.. I like you too.. I like you all. You all are so kind to me" said Amber avoiding Leeteuk eye contact.
"No.. not like.." Heechul tried to explain but got interrupted by Leeteuk
"Heechul, It's okay.. Just forget it." Said Leeteuk standing up from where he was sitting.
"Hyung, where are you going?" asked Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun felt really guilty for letting out his secret because he understood what Heechul meant by 'Like Angel'
"I'm really tired, I'm just going to my room, to get some sleep." Leeteuk replied
"But Hyung, it's only 7pm." Said Yesung, He had no idea what was going on.
"I.. I know.. I have to get up really early tomorrow.. So.. Goodnight everyone." Said Leeteuk faking a smile "We are Super Juni-OR... Goodnight Angel"
"Go.. Goodnight Leeteuk." Amber replied
After Leeteuk went to sleep, no one else wanted to play anymore, everyone felt awkward.
"Is it okay if I go for a walk?" Asked Amber to the ones that were still in the living room.
"Sure. But don't be late, Okay?" Said Donghae, and the other members also agreed
"Thank you" Amber put her coat and her shoes on.
"WAIT! I'm coming with you" Said Heechul
"You don't have to, I'll be fine" Said Amber, she didn't want him to come too because she wanted to be alone and think everything through.
"It's not up to you to choose."

"So.. Angel, what’s up with you?" Asked Heechul
"Nothing.. What do you mean? Asked Amber back
"You know what I mean"
"Do I?" said Amber looking away
Heechul turned her around to face him and said "Yes you do. Tell me.. and don't try to lie, because I know when you lie!"
".. If I.. tell you.. Do you promise me you will keep it a secret?" Asked Amber
"Okay, I promise, So tell me why did act like you didn't know what I was talking about?"
"Because.. I don't know.. I was too shy, because everyone was staring at me, and I can't handle when all the attention is on me."
"That's it? So .. You like him too?"
"I.. I guess so." said Amber getting red.
"Omg, Leeteuk will be so happy!"
"Heechul, please don't tell him.. You promised .. Remember?"
"Why? Why can't I tell him, you both like each other, so what's the problem?" asked Heechul confused
"Because .. I don't have relationship experience.. I don't know anything about "Lovers" or how you call it." Said Amber embarrassed.
Heechul suddenly started laughing "Is that your reason?" Heechul laughed even harder.
"Stop it.. Is it really that funny?" She said looking down.
"YES" Heechul replied. He suddenly stopped laughing "Wait a minute! Didn't you say before that you had a boyfriend back in Italy?"
"Aah that... He was just ... someone that my parents introduced to me, I couldn't say no to my parents so I accepted him, But I never really gave him attention and didn't even like him that way." she said looking all sad again.
"I see, Now I get it! You should’ve told us earlier, Leeteuk would've understand."
"I know I should've, but .. Don't I look really pathetic? I mean, a girl who's almost 21 and still didn't had her first love or a real boyfriend?"
"Why would you look pathetic? ... When I had my first real girlfriend I was 23... You see, the age doesn't matter!" said Heechul
"Really? You're not saying it just because you want to make me feel better? Asked Amber
"Of course not! Why would I want to make you feel better? In fact, it makes me feel better, now I know I'm not alone who's late in the relationship stuff!" Said Heechul smiling.
"Yeah right! Don't try to deny it. I know allot more about you then you think.. For example, I know when you are hiding your feelings" Said Amber poking his cheeks
Heechul was speechless, 'How did she know I was faking it? Is she some kind of spy?' he thought to himself.
"And NO I’m not a spy" Said Amber
"WHAT? How.. But.. You. Oh, just forget it!.. Yah Angel, you said you're almost 21, so when is your birthday?" Asked Heechul trying to change the subject.
"You sly fox! I know what you are doing.. but it's okay, I'll let you off this time. It's November 13th." said Amber "OMG! I TOTALY FORGOT?? My best Friend's birthday is day after tomorrow!"
"Really? Her birthday is on August 10? In the same month as Yesung and Kibum! What a coincidence"
"I don't believe in coincidence, I believe it's fate!" Said Amber smiling.. "Before I forget it.. Heechul could you do me a favour?
"I know, I KNOW! I won't tell Leeteuk about your little secret! .. Why does everyone tell me their secrets? It's so annoying!" Said Heechul
"That too, but I was talking about something else..."


Heechul and Amber went back to the dorm after a long conversation!
"We are back" Said Heechul with a big smile on his face
"Hyung.. What happened? What is that thing on your face?" asked Kyuhyun
"YAH! It's called a smile!" Said Heechul annoyed.
"Sorry Hyung, it's just.. You always walk in angry and yelling, I almost never saw you come in with a big smile like that!"
"Angel, how are you feeling?" Asked Sungmin concerned
"I'm fine, why?"
"Nothing.. I just thought that..." Sungmin suddenly remembered that Amber understood wrongly what Heechul said before "I just wanted to know how you are feeling"
"Ah, Okay. But.. Is Leeteuk still sleeping?" asked Amber
"I think so." replied Eunhyuk
"You mean, you didn't check on him?" Said Heechul worried.
"We wanted to, but.. We were scared.." Said Donghae
"Why would you be scared?" Asked Heechul
"Because.. It's scary Hyung. Everytime we want to check on him we hear some noises coming from his bedroom." Said Ryeowook
"What? Isn't he sleeping? Didn't he say he had to wake up early tomorrow?" said Amber
"We don't know. But I think he's asleep now, we haven't heard anything for a while!" Said Siwon
"you guys! Do I really have to do everything myself? Said Heechul and went to see how Leeteuk was doing.
Heechul knocked on his door.
"Hyung, are you still awake?" Said Heechul but there was no answer
"I'm coming in"
Heechul opened the door and went inside, he saw Leeteuk looking out of the window with his arms crossed.
"YAH! Hyung, why didn't you answer me?" Asked Heechul and he turned him around.
"HYUNG!" Said Heechul surprised

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heenim95 #1
Whe? Why? )))))))))))))))))<br />
vaa deel, dit was een van de meest touching chapters!! finally a Melinda/Hedy chapter!!! and omg the part with Heechul singing!! :'''( !! so touching but so sad!! i hope Amber gets back soon!!!!<br />
or Hedy and Melinda will go and meet Super Junior!! yes!! i hope it's the second option!! )))<br />
<br />
I SO LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! )))))))))))))))))))))))))<br />
<br />
update sooner, chinguya!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #2
Why??!! WHYYYYYY!! =D <br />
OMG!! Ik zie al die leerlilngen al van die klas gaan one after one!! ))))))))))))))<br />
<br />
Stomme!! so sad chapter!! ='(
DonghaesOneAndOnly #3
hihi ))))) funny chapter!!<br />
Cry me a river ))))) <br />
Still Leeteuk don't cry!! Het is niet erg als Amber huilt!! zij verdient het after all she left without a word!! ((<br />
<br />
heenim95 #4
ooo!! SHE ACTUALLY THOUGHT ABOUT HEDY!!! yeeeeey!! so happy right now ^-^<br />
and come on people, don't cry!! Heechul is sooo right!!<br />
love the chapter!! charanda!! upload sooner <____< )))
DonghaesOneAndOnly #5
omg!! Fun chapter!!<br />
Ik weet al wat amber wou vragen aan heechul!!<br />
I wonder what's with Leeteuk!! :D <br />
Update soon!!<br />
btw SaranghaeYo Donghae!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #6
Hah Super Junior is the best!! great chapter<br />
Too sad that some other girls couldn't be there !! <_<<br />
<br />
Uploud soon!! But please first TRRWHAKL!!
elfishy #7
good^^<br />
hey~ I like korean and I've learn it..^^<br />
bye = "annyeong"<br />
hohoho..<br />
understand/okay = araseo^^<br />
good job^^ read mine (just a description.. I'm not make the chapter yet) >.<
DonghaesOneAndOnly #8
You GO!! Justin!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #9
OMG!! Ever Lastin Friend is soo much better than a maid!!<br />
and still poor Melinda and Heydi!! =( You should do something about them!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #10
yeah this chapter was really fun!! But still I want to cry ='( poor poor heydi and melinda!! They have to miss this!! while they are sad and hurt amber is just being with super junior!! and because of her they had to give up on Super Junior!! couldn't they just run away together!! oo wait why did she had to be !!