
A Lost AngeL

It was 9 in the morning when Amber woke up, she went to the living room and saw that everyone was home.
"Don't you guys have schedules today?" Amber asked
"No, not today, TODAY WE ARE FREE!" Sungmin shouted
"Omg, really?"
"Yeah, really!"Kyuhyun replied
"Why do you ask?" asked Leeteuk
"It's nothing .. I thought that if no one has shedules, then maybe we all could go somewhere to have fun."
"OMG! that's great, what should we do?" said Eunhyuk excited
"I don't know? Maybe somewhere a little bit far away from Seoul?" Amber suggested
"LEETEUK! Maybe we can go to the park, the one that we went to last time?" Said Shindong
"Let's do that. Is that alright Angel?" Asked Leeteuk to Amber
"YEAH! Let's do that, it's sounds like so much fun!" said Amber really happy.
"Okay people, we will leave in about 30 minutes! SO hurry up!" Said Leeteuk.

"Everyone get in the car." Said Heechul "And QUICK!" He added
"YES SIR" Everyone replied
"How long does it take to get there?" Amber asked
"Just 2 hours." Kyuhyun replied
"2 HOURS? OMG that's long" Said Amber surprised
"If you don't think about the time, we will get there in no time" Said Donghae

In the park
"I told you we should come here" Said Shindong taking all the credit.
Amber put a blanket on the ground and started to take food out of a basket.
"Omg, you brought food?" Asked a happy Shindong
"of course, I thought if, we are going to a park, we might also have a picnic."
"You are so thoughtful Angel" Said Eunhyuk "You see LEADER, she thinks more like a leader" He said teasing Leeteuk
"I know, right? I knew she would think of that." said Leeteuk smiling.
Everyone was having a great time, Donghae and Eunhyuk were running after some rabbits, trying to catch them and Shindong was eating while Ryeowook was peeling the fruit. Kibum was watching Donghae and Eunhyuk with a big smile on his face,
Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Kangin were playing hide and seek, every time when Kangin was found he kept on saying 'you're not playing fair, and how he should've won..' it was so funny. And omg, Yesung was looking for worms for his Turtles.
And Siwow and Heechul were sitting next to Amber and just looking at the others, while Leeteuk was trying to control everyone.
"I know what, let all play football." Said Amber jumping up from where she was sitting.
Eunhyuk and Donghae suddenly stopped from running when they heard Amber and both yelled "WHAT? FOOTBALL?? YES! LET'S PLAY FOOTBALL" They came running towards the rest.
"We could play that, but we don't have a ball." Said Ryeowoon unhappy.
"Yes we do, I brought one with me." Said Amber showing them the ball.
"OMG! YES! LET'S GO THEN!" Said Donghae
"But I'm warning you, I'm pretty good at football." Said Amber Proudly
"You? Good in FOOTBALL?" Said Kangin laughing "no way, your just a girl" he said
"Oh, are you? Well, that makes then two of us" Said Heechul with a smirk on his face.

"How are we gonna split the groups?" asked Amber
"Together we are 13, so in one group 6 persons and in the other one 7." replied Leeteuk
"But that's not fair." Kangin complained.
"I was thinking that Angel will be in my team and not in yours since you think that she's just a girl!" said Leeteuk
"Alright, fine by me. But what about the rest?"
"How about we let Angel decide?" Said Donghae
Everyone agreed. "Okay, if you all insist, like Leeteuk said I'll be in his team along with Heechul, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook,Yesung and Eunhyuk. And in Kangin's team will be Donghae, Shindong, Sungmin, Siwon and Kibum." Amber divided them into groups.

"OKAY EVERYONE, LET'S PLAY!" Amber shouted
We started the game, and everyone was having fun. Ever time when Amber made a goal Kangin started to scream stuff like 'YAH! It's just beginners luck' or 'I let you make it on purpose!' He has so much pride!
The scores were 3 goals for Leeteuk's team and 2 for Kangin's team. This was it, whoever made the last goal wins. Yesung had the ball and even though he really likes football, he had no idea how to play, so he was just looking at the ball and jumping
like crazy and yelling "LEETEUK HYUNG, I GOT THE BALL!!"
"Yesung, don't just stand there, pass the ball to someone! FAS! KANGIN IS COMING TO YOU" Leeteuk yelled back
"WHAT?! OH NOO, oh man what should I do?" he looked around him and no one was free to pass the ball to except Amber, no one thought that he would pass it to her. So he decided to pass the ball to her, right when he passed the ball to Amber Kangin jumped
on Yesung and they both fell on the ground. Good think he passed it on time!
"COME ON ANGEL! SHOW THEM WHAT YOU GOT!" Leeteuk cheered Amber on.
"I will ANGELTEUK" She said back smiling 'You idiot! How could you say that? What will he think now?' Amber thought.
'Focus AMBER! It's not the right time, I can't lose to Kangin!' Amber ran as fast as she could and rolled the ball with her, Leeteuk's team were nervously watching while Kangin's team tried to take the ball from her but failed everytime.
"GOAL" Amber yelled "YES, YES, YES! I TOLD YOU I CAN PLAY!!" she said, jumping up and down, she looked at Kangin and said "Well, what can you do? I'm just a girl, right?" she
"YAH! I told you pure luck! And by the way I let you win!" he said, still trying to keep his pride.
"OMG, we won! Thank you so much Angel that you put me in you team" Said Heechul and high fived her, and so did the rest of her team.

"That was a good game, wasn't it Kangin" Kyuhyun
Kangin looked at him with evil eyes and said "Yeah, it was, too bad you didn't do anything" Everyone started to laugh because of the way Kyuhyun reacted.
"Let's play something else now." Said Ryeowook
"Like what?" asked Leeteuk.
"I don't know... maybe Truth and Dare?"
Eunhyuk jumped up and said "Yes, let's play that"
"Okay, Okay Eunhyuk, just calm down" said Donghae laughing.
"Who want to go fist?" Asked Leeteuk "Angel?"
"Okay, why not" Amber replied
"Truth or Dare ... Kangin?"
"Truth" answered Kangin
"Okay, truth he? SO, how was my playing?" she asked
"It... It's not .. TOO bad for a girl" he replied looking to the grass. "Now it's my turn, truth or dare Angel?"
"Dare" Amber replied
"Dare he?  What will I make you do? Let's see... I know, you have to run 3 times around those trees and scream 'Kangin is Korea nr.1 Handsome guy.' "
"Just that? Okay that's easy." She stood up and started running and screaming " KANGIN IS KOREA NR. 1 HANDSOME GUY"  after running around those trees 3 times, Amber came back "Man I'm tired"
"Okay, now what? Is it my turn again?" Asked Amber
"No, It's my turn now" Said Heechul smiling " Truth or Dare Angel?"
"Me again? Okay, Truth"
"Truth he? you made a mistake there, if you pick truth, everyone of us can ask you something! So I'll be first ... Angel, now we know that you liked us before you came to korea, wich memeber is your favourite?" asked Heechul
"That's easy! Leeteuk was my favourite" She replied
"WHAT? was?" Said Leeteuk surprised
"No, I don't mean it like that, I mean you were my favourite, but now I know you all in real life, I can't choose, cuz I like all of you the same!"
"Okay, my turn, who is your second favourite?" Leeteuk asked
"That's an easy one too, It's Heechul" She replied smiling
'What? she says I was her favourite but how she said that Heechul is her second favourite, it doesn't sound like it has changed!' Thought Leeteuk.
"I want to ask now... Angel, what did thought of us when you first saw us, I mean back were you came from?" said Kyuhyun.
"Oh, that? Do you really want to know?" Amber asked
"Yes, I really want to know" He replied
"okay, but promise me no one of you will get angry"
Everyone promised that they wouldn't get angry.
"When I and my sister and my best friend saw you guys, what we thought was... 'God, what are they? How can someone like a group with so many members.. and They all look like girls, specially Heechul BUT we also said 'man they can dance!!' " said Amber
Everyone was speechless for a moment, there mouths were all wide open.
Suddenly Heechul stood up and said "WHAT? I LOOK LIKE A GIRL? ... NO, I am prettier than a girl." He said laughing and sat back again.
"Remember, you all promised you wouldn't get angry... Do you hate me now?" She asked with a sad voice.
"WHAT? Hate you? Why would we? We've heard much worse than that! Don't worry about it Angel, we know what you mean" Said Sungmin with a warm voice.
Ambar was so happy that they understood, and that they weren’t angry. After that they continued the game.
"My turn.. Angel Do you have a boyfriend?" Asked Donghae
"Well.. I did.. But.. I didn't tell him anything when I came to Korea.. Well .. You can say I don't have one now.." She said with a sad voice, looking to the grass
They didn't know what to say, because they could see the hurt in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry Angel, I'm such an idiot for asking that" Said Donghae
"What? Why would you be sorry? Forget about it.. Who's next?" She said giving them a smile, trying to hide the hurt in her voice.
"Okay.. What is your top 5 of our songs?" Asked sungmin
"My number 1 is It's You, 2) What if, 3) All My Heart, 4) no words and 5) Bonamana"
"OMG, Leeteuk's favourite is It's you too" Said Ryeowook
"Really? OMG! You know, when I saw It's You music video, that was when I choose my favourite, because of that necklace you had in your hands, Omg I loved it so much." Amber said really happy and started clapping in her hands.
"I think It's fate, and that god wanted it that way. I told you Leeteuk to use that necklace!" Said Siwon really serious.
"SIWON, what did I tell you?" Said Heechul giving siwon a weird look.
"I think Siwon is right this time .. I also think It's fate! Thank you Siwon for telling me to use that necklace!" Said Leeteuk shy.

After the game, they all just started to talk, about everything .. Super Junior wanted to know everything about Amber, they didn't ask her anything before, because they saw how sad she was and they didn't want to make her remember everything.
All kind of questions were asked, some didn't even made since, Even Amber asked a lot of questions too, most of the them she asked to Donghae and Heechul because she wanted to know everything that Melinda and Hedy wanted to know!
"So Angel, did you see us when we went to Italy for vacation?" Asked Shindong
"OOH! That time! It's so frustrating and funny at the same time, when you guys came to Italy, guess where we were? In PARIS!! We had just arrived in Paris and then we saw news about you guys going to Italy for 1 week at Popseoul and we couldn't see you guys because
we couldn't come back! I remember how angry me and my friends were, but it was funny too, I mean the things we did and tried to do to go back to Italy." Said Amber laughing
"It's a good thing that you guys didn't saw us there, because I know how irritating the fans were! I don't mean anything by it, it just that I wanted some  peace for ones" Said Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun kept on nodding his head, letting us know that he agreed on what Heechul said.
Amber suddenly started to laugh.
"What's funny?" asked Kibum
"It's nothing.. It's just funny how Kyuhyun was nodding all the time, like he did on that one show, I don't remember which one it was but it was REALLY funny" She said still laughing.
"AND OMG! When you guys were on Intimate note, I and my sister and my best friend laughed so hard, omg we just that show, you guys were so funny, especially Kyuhyun. 'Eunhyuk-ah, I like your backstabbing side' " She imitated Kyuhyun.
"Aaah that? You guys watched it? You guys must know alot about us he?" Said Sungmin
"More than you think.. my sister and my best friend love you guys so much, they would hate me so much if they knew that I'm with Super Junior." Said Amber getting a little bit teary.
Everyone was quit for awhile, but Heechul couldn't take it anymore, he wanted to know what happened to her, he tried to ask he several times but Leeteuk wouldn't let him.
"Sorry for asking this Angel, but I really can't stand it anymore, seeing you sad like this every time you mention your sister and you friend." Said Heechul
"BEST friend" She corrected him "I'm sooo sorry Heechul, but I really can't tell you, if I did I would have to leave you guys too." she said, and the tears eventually came.
"Is it that bad?" Sungmin asked
"It is for me... It's not like I killed someone" Said Amber smiling, she was trying to change the subject.
Out of nowhere Leeteuk said "Super Idiots, follow me, we have to get our stuff that are left in our car" and he did something weird with his eyes. It was obvious that he was trying to make the stop.
"What? But we didn't ..." said Kangin but got interrupted by Leeteuk "Don't ask anything, just follow me"


"YAH! Are you guys stupid or something? Heechul, I told you not to ask her about what happened to her!" Said Leeteuk angry
"HYUNG, I'm sorry but I can't stand it anymore. Can't you see the hurt in her eyes, I really have a feeling that something terrible happened to her. I NEED TO KNOW IT! We all need to know it, maybe we can help her" Said Heechul
"I know, I talked to her before about it, and she begged me not to ask her anything. If she's ready she will tell us on her own!"
"ARASSO!" Said Heechul and walked away.


"We're back" Said Yesung,
"We are back" Said Sungming too.
"We are back" Said Eunhyuk.
Suddenly Amber started to laugh really hard.
"What's so funny?" Asked Siwon
"Did you guys watched Hana Kimi, Japanese version?" She asked them
"No, we didn't" They replied
"I laughed because there was this guy in that drama and he also said 'I'm back' over and over again coming out of the car 4 times. Man that was really funny.. I can't believe that you guys didn't see it."


"I'm so sorry guys, but I just got a call from our manager, and we have to go back" Said Leeteuk with a sad look on his face.
"NOOOOO" Said Eunhyk and Donghae together, and everyone started to laugh at them.


(Btw: the girl on the picture doesn't look at thing like Amber! ))).. )

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heenim95 #1
Whe? Why? )))))))))))))))))<br />
vaa deel, dit was een van de meest touching chapters!! finally a Melinda/Hedy chapter!!! and omg the part with Heechul singing!! :'''( !! so touching but so sad!! i hope Amber gets back soon!!!!<br />
or Hedy and Melinda will go and meet Super Junior!! yes!! i hope it's the second option!! )))<br />
<br />
I SO LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! )))))))))))))))))))))))))<br />
<br />
update sooner, chinguya!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #2
Why??!! WHYYYYYY!! =D <br />
OMG!! Ik zie al die leerlilngen al van die klas gaan one after one!! ))))))))))))))<br />
<br />
Stomme!! so sad chapter!! ='(
DonghaesOneAndOnly #3
hihi ))))) funny chapter!!<br />
Cry me a river ))))) <br />
Still Leeteuk don't cry!! Het is niet erg als Amber huilt!! zij verdient het after all she left without a word!! ((<br />
<br />
heenim95 #4
ooo!! SHE ACTUALLY THOUGHT ABOUT HEDY!!! yeeeeey!! so happy right now ^-^<br />
and come on people, don't cry!! Heechul is sooo right!!<br />
love the chapter!! charanda!! upload sooner <____< )))
DonghaesOneAndOnly #5
omg!! Fun chapter!!<br />
Ik weet al wat amber wou vragen aan heechul!!<br />
I wonder what's with Leeteuk!! :D <br />
Update soon!!<br />
btw SaranghaeYo Donghae!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #6
Hah Super Junior is the best!! great chapter<br />
Too sad that some other girls couldn't be there !! <_<<br />
<br />
Uploud soon!! But please first TRRWHAKL!!
elfishy #7
good^^<br />
hey~ I like korean and I've learn it..^^<br />
bye = "annyeong"<br />
hohoho..<br />
understand/okay = araseo^^<br />
good job^^ read mine (just a description.. I'm not make the chapter yet) >.<
DonghaesOneAndOnly #8
You GO!! Justin!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #9
OMG!! Ever Lastin Friend is soo much better than a maid!!<br />
and still poor Melinda and Heydi!! =( You should do something about them!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #10
yeah this chapter was really fun!! But still I want to cry ='( poor poor heydi and melinda!! They have to miss this!! while they are sad and hurt amber is just being with super junior!! and because of her they had to give up on Super Junior!! couldn't they just run away together!! oo wait why did she had to be !!