But.... How??

A Lost AngeL

4 Months later

Amber's P.O.V.

Already 4 months passed by and I learned to speak Korean thanks to Super Junior. They took care of me, even though I wanted to leave, Sungmin wouldn't let me. And they hired a teacher for me so I could learn Korean. I felt bad for living with Super Junior for free, so I did all their chores and I even learned how to make Korean food so I made their every meal, but still it didn't feel right, living on their exspenses, so I asked Leeteuk if he could find me a job so I could earn money by my self.

Even though I was living so well I still had nightmares, sometimes it was about Terry and sometimes it was about my parents, it was such a weird dream, almost every night I have that dream that my parents are talking and suddenly a tv appears and there are people crying in that tv, and then the tv and my parents dissapears, everything becomes white, then 5 trees appear around 1 burned little tree and then suddenly it rains, after the rain stops, the trees dissapear by the wind. And suddenly everything is white again, then I look again and it seems to be snow, then I see a girl around 15, 16 years sitting in the snow, writing something in the snow, but I can't see who she is or what she is writing, then she suddenly starts to cry, the tears are falling like water from her eyes, when I want to go to her and see who she is I suddenly wake up crying.

End of P.O.V.

"ANGEL, Angell..." Leeteuk ran screaming through the door
"WHAT? WHAT?" Amber replied scared
"I .. I Ha. Have found.. a job for you" He said breathing like a crazy.
"ofcourse, I told you I would find you one" he said proudly
"OMG!! THANK YOU SO MUCH" she ran up to him and hugged him really tight.
".. Your.. welco..ome" he said shy.  
"Hyung, you found a job for her?" Siwon asked
"Yes I did" he replied proudly again!
"What kind of a job?"
"I asked our manager for a job in our company so that she would be close to us.." Leeteuk said looking around worried
"I got that, but what kind of job?" Siwon asked again.
"Well .. uhm .. she will be doing our make-up and some other groups" he said quietly.
"WHAT?" Amber yelled "THE MAKE-UP? But I don't know how to do the make-up, I don't even put make-up on my face let alone on someone elses!"
"But, you will learn! Please, please, please take this job, then you be close to us, so we won't have to worry about you. I promise you it's not that hard. Please?" he said begging
"But... I .."  
"OMG! REALLY? That is so great!! Angel you have to accept it" Kangin interrupted her.
"Okey, Okey, I will give it a try" she said sighing
"Thank you Angel" Leeteuk said happy looking at her. First she gave him a confused look, but then she started jumping and clapping in her hands screaming "OMG I HAVE A JOB!"
"I don't get it. Why do you want to work so badly? we can buy you everything you want!" Said Kangin
"Because... Because I need some money.." she stopped talking cuz she didn't want to tell them what for she needed it and she didn't want to lie either, so she tried to walk away but Leeteuk suddenly stood in front of her blocking her way
"What for do you need it?" he said with a serious voice.
"uuh. I.. I.. I HAVE TO REPAY MY DEBT" She yelled out with tears filling her eyes.
Kangin who was standing behind her said "What for de.."  but Leeteuk interrupted him " Kangin, COULD you bring me my car keys?"  
"But wh.."
"Just DO it!" said Leeteuk
"Ok, Ok, I'll go get them" Kangin replied annoyed 

"Here!" Kangin gave him the key's "why do you need them?"
"It's nothing.. uuhm Kangin I'm gonna take Angel out for awhile, could you call the manager and say that I'm sick and that I can't come today?"  asked Leeteuk
"What? we are?" Amber looked confused "I can't right now, I still have to cook diner"
"It's okey, today is your day off, Ryeowook will do it. Let's go!" Leeteuk took Angel's hand and dragged her along with him "Kangin don't forget to call the manager"
"Arasso, I will" said Kangin ' What is he planning to do? Aishhh...'

Leeteuk P.O.V.

I saw her eyes getting teary, I could see so much pain in her eyes. I couldn't take it anymore, I have to know what's making her sad!
I dragged her out of the house, I wanted to take her to a place where no one comes, I wanted to know her story!!
"Get in" I said and opened the car's door.
She looked up to me confused, she finally got into the car and we took off.
We finally arrived. It's an abandoned house far away from Seoul.


End P.O.V.

"Omg, this place is so beautiful, where is this, and why are we here" Amber asked looking around her excited.
"This is my favourite place. I come here to think when I have time" Said Leeteuk
"Oh, I see ... But .. why are we here?" asked Amber
"Oh, that... uuhm .. let go inside first"
"Well, were inside, now tell me" she demanded
"Okey, I'll tell you, Angel .. It's been 4 months now, I didn't want to ask you anything but I can't stand it anymore, seeing the hurt in your eyes, even though you act like there is nothing wrong, I know that there is something bothering you,
so ple.."
"LEETEUK, please stop!" Amber interupted him
"I can't tell you!" she stood up and tried to walk away but leeteuk took her by her arm and stopped her, he turned her around and said " Angel ... Please tell me"
She looked at him and said " Okey, I will tell you. What do you want to know? "
"Everything, Where you'r from, your family, just everything about you" he said
"wow, that's alot" Amber said
"Well ... I am from Italy, I am 20 years old, and I have 2 sisters and 1 brother and my parents. There is also one special person, my best friend. The debt I was talking about... I borrowed € 3000.00 from my class mate to come here, to Korea.
That's why I want to work and earn money on my own, I want to repay her with the money I made myself. But Leeteuk... Please don't ask me about the reason why I left Italy, I can't talk about that!"  Amber told him.
"Okey, I won't ask you... omg, so your from Italy, and 20 years old, I didn't expect that, you look much older" he said smiling
"I know, I get that alot, but still THANKS" Amber started laughing
"But Angel, why did you come to Korea, I mean MOST of the people doesn't know anything about Korea"
"Oh that... Leeteuk There is one more thing, Please promise me that you won't get angry." said Amber
"Why? what is it?" Leeteuk started to get a little bit worried
"First promise me you won't get angry."
"Okey, I promise" he replied
"You see, My second oldest sister and my best friend ... There ... was, well is a group we really love.."
"What kind of group?" Leeteuk asked
"It's a boy band called ..... Super Junior" she said in a lowered voice
"WHAT? SUPER JUNIOR??? but ... that's ... YOU... how?"
"Please Leeteuk, don't get angry. You promised you wouldn't" Amber started to get teary again.
"I .. I'm not .. angry, I'm just speechless. So you mean, you knew who we were from the beginning?"
"Yes" she said
"Just let me ask you one thing, did you prentend that you were sick so we would take you in? Did you plan all of that?"
"NO, Leeteuk, I didn't plan anything, I swear I didn't know that it was you guys who took me in, the day you guys found me, I couldn't see anything I only could hear some one talking, but then I suddenly past out. The next thing I remember
is that I woke up in a white room, your room and then I heard noises, so I got scared and that's why I pretended that I was still asleep, but then suddenly someone put his hand on my forehead, ann then when I opened my eyes I saw Super Junior
infront of me.. PLEASE Leeteuk, You have to believe me!"
"I .. II" Leeteuk didn't know what to say, he was shocked and confussed.
"Wait, what am I doing, I don't have to explain you anything. It's not like I did something wrong, I tried to go away, but you guys wouldn't let me!" Amber said while getting a little bit angry.
Amber suddenly started to cry "You know what, forget it. Bring me back, I'll pack my stuff and I'll leave." she said with tears falling like water, and started to walk.
"Wait" said Leeteuk
"What?" Amber said and stopped. Leeteuk walked to her and pulled her to himself and hugged her.
"I believe you. Angel I believe you, So please don't go!" he said. 

Leeteuk and Amber were going back, It was really late and dark, they couldn't believe how long they stayed there.
Leeteuk couldn't stop thinking about what Amber said, now that he knows that she knew them before they found her, he kept on thinking 'If she known us all along, then she must have a favourite in the group'
"Ya Angel" He said
"What?" Amber replied
"So, If you've known us al along, then who is your favourite of Super Junior?" Leeteuk asked
Amber started laughing " Ah, that.. My favourite is ... AngelTeuk" She said
"Yes, Really, my favourite is Leeteuk, my sister's is Donghae and my best friend's is Heechul, we know so much about you guys, my sister and my best friend are crazy about Super Junior, they are E.L.F." said Amber
Leeteuk started to laugh "I see, Elf's he? I never thought that YOU would be an ELF too"  Leeteuk said
"OOOH, Hold it there, I AM NOT AN ELF" Amber said really loud
"No, I am not an elf, I never called myself an elf, I alwaus said to my sister and my best friend that if they are elf's that I would be Super Junior's maid. And guess what, I am!" Amber said smiling.
"aah, a maid? Thats even better, that way we'll never be hungy" Leeteuk said looking at Amber and showing her his dimple.


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heenim95 #1
Whe? Why? )))))))))))))))))<br />
vaa deel, dit was een van de meest touching chapters!! finally a Melinda/Hedy chapter!!! and omg the part with Heechul singing!! :'''( !! so touching but so sad!! i hope Amber gets back soon!!!!<br />
or Hedy and Melinda will go and meet Super Junior!! yes!! i hope it's the second option!! )))<br />
<br />
I SO LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! )))))))))))))))))))))))))<br />
<br />
update sooner, chinguya!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #2
Why??!! WHYYYYYY!! =D <br />
OMG!! Ik zie al die leerlilngen al van die klas gaan one after one!! ))))))))))))))<br />
<br />
Stomme!! so sad chapter!! ='(
DonghaesOneAndOnly #3
hihi ))))) funny chapter!!<br />
Cry me a river ))))) <br />
Still Leeteuk don't cry!! Het is niet erg als Amber huilt!! zij verdient het after all she left without a word!! ((<br />
<br />
heenim95 #4
ooo!! SHE ACTUALLY THOUGHT ABOUT HEDY!!! yeeeeey!! so happy right now ^-^<br />
and come on people, don't cry!! Heechul is sooo right!!<br />
love the chapter!! charanda!! upload sooner <____< )))
DonghaesOneAndOnly #5
omg!! Fun chapter!!<br />
Ik weet al wat amber wou vragen aan heechul!!<br />
I wonder what's with Leeteuk!! :D <br />
Update soon!!<br />
btw SaranghaeYo Donghae!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #6
Hah Super Junior is the best!! great chapter<br />
Too sad that some other girls couldn't be there !! <_<<br />
<br />
Uploud soon!! But please first TRRWHAKL!!
elfishy #7
good^^<br />
hey~ I like korean and I've learn it..^^<br />
bye = "annyeong"<br />
hohoho..<br />
understand/okay = araseo^^<br />
good job^^ read mine (just a description.. I'm not make the chapter yet) >.<
DonghaesOneAndOnly #8
You GO!! Justin!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #9
OMG!! Ever Lastin Friend is soo much better than a maid!!<br />
and still poor Melinda and Heydi!! =( You should do something about them!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #10
yeah this chapter was really fun!! But still I want to cry ='( poor poor heydi and melinda!! They have to miss this!! while they are sad and hurt amber is just being with super junior!! and because of her they had to give up on Super Junior!! couldn't they just run away together!! oo wait why did she had to be !!