A Little Message

A Lost AngeL

‘Hedy, please do it for me! Hedy.. I miss you! Please don’t give up! I’m fine’

“AMBER!” Hedy woke up screaming Amber’s name. She is having weird dreams since 2 days ago.  Even though they couldn’t find Amber, they still kept on looking and didn’t give up hope.

“Hedy, what’s wrong? You look so pale.” Said Melinda worried. Everytime there was something wrong with Hedy or she was sick.. It scared the hell out of her because she’s afraid to lose her too, cuz she’s the only one that’s really close to her after Amber dissapeared. Even though Melinda says that she can leave without anyone, she wouldn’t be able to move forward if she didn’t had Hedy and Hedy without Melinda.

“I’ve got that dream again.” Hedy replied

“You mean that dream about Amber?”

“Yes! I don’t get why I keep having it!” said Hedy

“I really think that there’s something behind your dream! I think it means something.” Said Melinda, she always believes that dreams have meanings and this time she was right, it did had a meaning!

“I think so too.. But I can’t figure it out.. Could it be that Amber’s trying to say something?” Said Hedy.

“Hedy, I think you’re right! Why  didn’t I thought about it? Hedy .. Tell me what happens in your dream.. What did Amber say to you?”

“Well.. she keeps on telling me that I have to do something for her and that she misses me.. And?? Ahh I can’t remember the rest!” They were trying to figure out what Hedy’s dream meant.

“Come on Hedy!! You have to think harder.. what else did she say?”

“uuhm… She.. AAH.. She also said not to give up.. That’s it, that’s all I can remember.” Hedy couldn’t remember Amber’s last words “I don’t get it, why would she ask me not to give up?”

“OMG! Maybe she’s asking us not to give up on her, that we have to keep on looking for her.”

“I don’t know, I don’t think that’s what she wanted to say.. You know Amber, she wouldn’t ask that!” And she was right too, Amber wouldn’t ask her to keep on looking for her, because the reason she ran away is because she couldn’t face them.

The girls kept on thinking about what that dream could mean, but nothing that made sense  came up to their minds.


“Hedy! HEDY wake up!” yelled the teacher.

“Hedy.. Wake up.. She’s coming” whispered Melinda.

Hedy was having a dream about Amber again and this time it wasn’t the same dream.

The teacher came up to her and woke her up.

“WHAT!” Yelled Hedy

“Keep your voice down!” Said the teacher angry

“Omg! Why did you wake me up! Do you have any idea what you did!” Said Hedy rudely. If Hedy’s mad she would say anything that’s on her mind, she doesn’t think about the consequences at that moment, only afterwards she regrets it, not always, sometimes she thinks that they deserve it! And yes, they really do deserve it.

“Hedy don’t!” whispered Melinda again.

“No Melinda! Do you know what she just did? I was having a dream about Amber again, and it wasn’t that dream again. OH MAN!!! She was saying something to me!”

“Hedy, I told you to keep your voice down, I know you’re having a hard time because of Amber, but she’s not here now and sleeping you have to do at home!” She’s so heartless

“At this moment I’m glad she’s not here, because now she doesn’t have to see your face every day!”

“Well what can I say, it’s her own fault, she shouldn’t have hanged around boys that much!”

“WHAT?” Anger was running through Hedy’s body. Without thinking, Hedy let her emotions take over and she slapped her.  “And by the way, she wasn’t hanging around him, HE was hanging around her. And you know that too!” she said and walked out of the class room.

“What kind of human are you? How can you say it! How would you feel if it would happen to your sister or your best friend?”  Said Melinda and she also walked out of the class and so did the rest of the class! 


“Hedy, don’t be too angry. She’s just a stupid teacher!” Melinda tried to calm Hedy down even though she was angry herself.

“How can I? I really think if she didn’t wake me up, Amber would give me some kind of sign.”

“If you really think that, then what did she say?”

“She didn’t say anything, she just wrote something on the hand of Lee, you know our class mate.” She’s talking about their class mate Lee, who showed them Super Junior for the first time. It was thanks to him that they got to know Super Junior.

“What did she wrote?” Asked Melinda, she was really trying hard to figure out what Amber is trying to say all this time.

“ She wrote ‘13elieve’. And not just believe, she wrote it like we used to write it, with 13 first and then elieve.” Hedy explained.

“Wait a minute.. Could it be that she’s saying that we..” Melinda stopped talking when she figured out what she was about to say.

“What? What do you mean? MELINDA! Please, tell me!” Hedy was so hopeless and was ready to hear anything, even though it would hurt her.

“Well, you asked it yourself.. So don’t get angry at me, okay?”

“Yeah, sure! Now tell me!” Hedy said impatiently

“Well… I think she’s saying that we can’t give up on Super Junior.” Melinda finally said it.

“What? No way, that’s not it! Super Junior has nothing to do with us!” Hedy was indeed angry and hurt all over again.

“See, I told you!” Melinda went back to her angry self too.


After awhile the girls calmed down, and tried to forget about what happened and they forgive the teacher, even though they shouldn’t, yet they did! Because Amber always told them that they should be the bigger person and forgive the ones that hurt you, because after all, if you don’t you’re hurting yourself!

“Melinda, could you please come  over to my house? Just for tonight, maybe then I could get some sleep.” Asked Hedy, she was really desperate, that’s why Melinda couldn’t say no.

“Sure” replied Melinda, even though she doesn’t like going to sleepovers anymore she still said yes. She had this feeling that she had to go. Something was telling her to go.


“Melinda, let just sleep now, I’m tired.” Said Hedy and laid down on her bed. But Melinda wasn’t tired and didn’t want to sleep at all.

Like every night, she searched on sites, and looked if there was any comments that someone might’ve seen Amber, but unfortunately there wasn’t. But still Melinda had a feeling that she had to do something else, she just didn’t know what.

“OOH, come on, what was it?” she asked out loud

“What do you mean?” said Hedy without opening her eyes.

“I don’t know, I just have a feeling that there is something I have to do on internet! Help me figure out what.” Melinda kind of begged.

“ uuhm.. Maybe you still have to check you emails?”

“No, I already did!”

“Then I don’t know.” Hedy gave up hope and tried again to sleep, which was impossible to do.

Melinda went on every site that she knows, looked at everything, but she didn’t find anything, and the feeling didn’t go away.

“I WILL NOT SLEEP UNTILL I FIND OUT WHAT IT IS”  Right after she said that she accidentally visited popseoul.com without realizing it.

‘What I’m I doing here?’ thought Melinda confused. Melinda didn’t even want to look at that site so she wanted to close it, but right when she was clicking on X button her hand slipped and she accidentally scrolled down and saw some article about Super Junior.

“What is this?” asked Melinda confused.

“What is it now?” asked Hedy annoyed.

“Hedy, don’t get angry but I accidentally clicked on popseoul, and … there’s this article about Heechul, can I read it?” asked Melinda, it actually felt right, the feeling that she had, it was about that.

“NO! You can’t!” Said Hedy rudely, and turned her head the other side.

‘I’m sorry Hedy, but I have to do this’ Melinda just couldn’t leave it just like that, she had to see what it was about. The article’s name was ‘Super Junior’s Kim Heechul gives a message to a Special fan’ And that is why Melinda couldn’t resist it.

“Sorry Hedy, but I’m gonna click on it” Said Melinda really fast.

Hedy jumped up from where she was lying and tried to stop her but was too late, right when she was about to take over the mouse she saw the title and stopped. The title she saw was ‘A message from AngeL To Heaven’

“What is this?” Asked Hedy angry

“Hedy, let just watch it. I feel like we have to, don’t you?”

“Well… I .. I” Hedy didn’t know what to say, cuz she kind of felt it too.

“You do, so let’s watch it just this one’s” and she clicked on it and then they saw Heechul singing a song for a fan.

‘This song is for a special fan.. The reason I’m singing this song is because I want to wish my fan called Heaven a happy birthday, and so does AngeL’ Said Heechul in the video that was recorded on 10th August. That was the thing that Amber asked Heechul to do for her.

After explained Heechul started singing their song Angela. (I changed the lyrics a little bit)

I think of the first time that I saw you
In a moment, my heart fell apart
Although you’re cold-hearted
You’re too wonderful of a person to erase

You are my angel, you whispered softly
An affectionate whisper: “I love you everyday”
The sadness of only one
I pray that I won’t wake up from this dream

I’ll be okay
I’ve always been like this
Even being behind you
I’m still happy like this
Tears fall again
Even at your jokes
Because I have to stay by your side with just a cold face

You are my angel, you whispered softly
I imagined your once-sweet smile all night long
The memories of staying up all night from one meaningless word

I’ll be okay
I’ve always been like this
Even the brushing past of your hand makes me happy like this
Tears fall again
Even at your playfulness
Because I have to stay by your side
Just as your most comfortable friend

I shouldn’t be thinking thoughts like this
I know the place that I should have
Now I’ll erase you, who fills my mind

Love me
No, forget me
Even being behind you
I’m still happy like this
Tears fall again
Even at your jokes
Because I have to stay by your side
Just as your most comfortable friend
I just have to stay by your side
Next to you

After Heechul was done singing he said “Please be happy Heaven and don’t be sad, live a happy life. Just forget the past and look forward to the future. A little message from your AngeL… Saranghaeyo”

Hedy who was watching really concentrated was crying. She couldn’t help but cry, she felt like that little message was from Amber, which really was but she didn’t know it for sure.

“I told you we should watch it!” Said Melinda also crying.

“Am..AMBER!” shouted Hedy and fell down on the ground crying “Why did you leave us? Why?” Hedy cried even harder

“It’s my fault that she’s gone… I should’ve went straight to her instead of going to you that day… I SO STUPID!” Everything became too much for Hedy, she just couldn’t take it anymore, it was too hard for her to accept that Amber’s not with them anymore.

“HEDY! Stop it. Why would you blame yourself, we had class that time, remember? I.. ” Melinda just stopped talking and hugged Hedy.

“I just don’t get it, why did he had to hurt her like that? WHY HER?!”

“Hedy don’t ask that, there’s a reason for everything!” Melinda kept on convincing herself that there’s really a reason for why it had to be her.





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heenim95 #1
Whe? Why? )))))))))))))))))<br />
vaa deel, dit was een van de meest touching chapters!! finally a Melinda/Hedy chapter!!! and omg the part with Heechul singing!! :'''( !! so touching but so sad!! i hope Amber gets back soon!!!!<br />
or Hedy and Melinda will go and meet Super Junior!! yes!! i hope it's the second option!! )))<br />
<br />
I SO LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! )))))))))))))))))))))))))<br />
<br />
update sooner, chinguya!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #2
Why??!! WHYYYYYY!! =D <br />
OMG!! Ik zie al die leerlilngen al van die klas gaan one after one!! ))))))))))))))<br />
<br />
Stomme!! so sad chapter!! ='(
DonghaesOneAndOnly #3
hihi ))))) funny chapter!!<br />
Cry me a river ))))) <br />
Still Leeteuk don't cry!! Het is niet erg als Amber huilt!! zij verdient het after all she left without a word!! ((<br />
<br />
heenim95 #4
ooo!! SHE ACTUALLY THOUGHT ABOUT HEDY!!! yeeeeey!! so happy right now ^-^<br />
and come on people, don't cry!! Heechul is sooo right!!<br />
love the chapter!! charanda!! upload sooner <____< )))
DonghaesOneAndOnly #5
omg!! Fun chapter!!<br />
Ik weet al wat amber wou vragen aan heechul!!<br />
I wonder what's with Leeteuk!! :D <br />
Update soon!!<br />
btw SaranghaeYo Donghae!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #6
Hah Super Junior is the best!! great chapter<br />
Too sad that some other girls couldn't be there !! <_<<br />
<br />
Uploud soon!! But please first TRRWHAKL!!
elfishy #7
good^^<br />
hey~ I like korean and I've learn it..^^<br />
bye = "annyeong"<br />
hohoho..<br />
understand/okay = araseo^^<br />
good job^^ read mine (just a description.. I'm not make the chapter yet) >.<
DonghaesOneAndOnly #8
You GO!! Justin!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #9
OMG!! Ever Lastin Friend is soo much better than a maid!!<br />
and still poor Melinda and Heydi!! =( You should do something about them!!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #10
yeah this chapter was really fun!! But still I want to cry ='( poor poor heydi and melinda!! They have to miss this!! while they are sad and hurt amber is just being with super junior!! and because of her they had to give up on Super Junior!! couldn't they just run away together!! oo wait why did she had to be !!