Happier Than Ever - Jhope x You

BTS Oneshots

You were in love with a guy that treated you like . You cut out your friends and your family for him and what did he do in return assault you. He'd get drunk and beat you up on multiple occasions. 

Jhope was a friend that you couldn't cut out of your life no matter how hard you tried. He was always concerned for you. You were the reason he became a cop, he wanted to protect other girls from monsters like him. He wanted to put that behind bars but you would never give a statement against him.

One day the cops are called to your house on another case of domestic abuse. The department informs jhope and he pays you a visit in the hospital. Tears fall down his eyes seeing you in the state you were in. "If you go back to him this time y/n I'm afraid he's going to kill you."

"I'm fine with that. I've been dead a long time ago. I don't feel anything anymore. He can kill me as long as he won't hurt anyone else."

"Is he threatening you y/n. He can't ing do anything." Jhope was fuming. He goes to that sick boyfriend of yours and beats the out of him.

He eventually goes back to you and convinces you to put him behind bars. 

Time goes by and you were slowly recovering jhope was there by your side making sure you got through this. It took you a long time he made you hate this city but with jhope there you were able to start viewing the world positively again. You didn't think you'd ever fall in love again but you did and you were thankful he was the one. Your happily ever after you found it with Jhope. 



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1122 streak #1
Chapter 7: This was so sweet <3
1122 streak #2
Chapter 1: This is so cute ^^