The Beach

The Day the Angels Cried


Jinyoung was promptly at the sisters’ place at 6 AM. A sleepy Sooyeon got the door.


“Omo! Jinyoung-ah, I know we have big plans today, but you’re going way overboard!” exclaimed Sooyeon.


“I have something to add,” said Jinyoung with a smile. “Is Jooyeon still asleep?”


“Yup, and so was I before you came,” grumbled Sooyeon as she led Jinyoung in.


“Excellent,” said Jinyoung.


“Why?” asked Sooyeon.


“Why don’t you go back to sleep? I want to borrow the kitchen for a while.”


Sooyeon looked at him curiously, but she shrugged it off and went to her room. Jinyoung went to the kitchen and grabbed a pan.


Jooyeon opened her eyes. For a moment the world looked white all through. Jooyeon panicked for bit.


Oh no, I can’t be dead yet!


But when everything came into focus, she began to relax. She was able to make out her window and desktop table and full body mirror. Then she smelled breakfast and heard a sizzling pan.


Hmm…Sooyeon decides to cook. That’s a pleasant change.


Then her phone buzzed.


Good morning~! Come down and have breakfast! ^_^ ~Jinyoung


“What! Jinyoung’s here?!” exclaimed Jooyeon aloud. She hurriedly got up and wore something nice, ran a comb through her hair, and went out.


Outside the bacon-and-eggs smell was stronger, and if this day hasn’t started any better, there was Jinyoung in their mother’s pink apron, flipping over an egg in the pan. He looked absolutely adorable and perfect, Jooyeon could hardly speak. But there was no need to do that for Jinyoung turned, saw her, and smiled. Jooyeon almost fainted for the sheer cuteness of it all.


“Good morning!” greeted Jinyoung. “I hope you don’t mind me using this apron and your kitchen.”


“O-Oh, n-not at all,” stammered Jooyeon.


Jinyoung smiled again. “Sit down for a while. The bacon should be done soon.”


Jooyeon guided herself to the table and gripped its sides hard, wanting to scream and spazz but not finding it the right time to do so. Jinyoung saw her in the kitchen mirror looking like she might fall.


“You ok, Jooyeon-ah?” he asked with concern.


“Oh, yeah,” Jooyeon said sheepishly. She sat down and stared at her plate. Moments later, Jinyoung put the plate of bacon and eggs on the table and Sooyeon got out of her room.


“Wow, smells good!” commented Sooyeon.




Later, Jinyoung did the dishes and Sooyeon began packing swimsuits, extra shirts, etc. Jooyeon noticed this since she had sat herself in the living room.


“Sooyeon-ah, where are you going?” asked Jooyeon.


“Correction: Where are WE going? To the beach, of course,” replied Sooyeon with a grin.


“What? Why?”


“You’ve always wanted to go to the beach, didn’t you?” said Jinyoung as he came into the living room with his own swim stuff in tow.


“Yeah, I did…” said Jooyeon, smiling.


“Well, just sit back for a moment and we’ll prepare to leave, ok?” cooed Jinyoung and kissed the top of Jooyeon’s head.


It took about two hours’ drive to get to Busan from Seoul, not counting the traffic they met. Upon arriving, Jooyeon was the first one out of the car. She ran to the shore and let her feet be tickled by the cold water. She took a deep breath of the wholesome sea-smelling air. Jinyoung and Sooyeon went to fix their things and laid down blankets for each of them.


They spent the whole morning playing in the water. When midmorning rolled in, they bought shakes from the store on the beach and just stared at the blue expanse that was the sea. Come afternoon, they walked the whole length of the beach. Jinyoung noticed a shell glittering by his foot and picked it up.


“Jooyeon-ah, look at this,” he said. He showed her the shell.


“Omo! So pretty!” squealed Jooyeon as she took the shell from Jinyoung.


On the car ride home, both of the girls were dead tired and had fallen asleep. Angels don’t tire easily, so they were perfectly safe with Jinyoung behind the steering wheel.

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Happy End! Oh man I love happy endings =D
OHMYGOSH. This FF is short but it really makes me cry! :) This is daebak!!
:D AWWWW~the ending is happy! :D
:( She's dead :(
they were so happy since they are now dating :)
but her disease needed to get in the way. :(
oooooh~ Is he confessing? :O
:D I hope they have a happy ending!
awww~ they're being fluffy~ :3
:( a month?!
please don't leave Jinnie~ :'(