Her Last Day

The Day the Angels Cried


“What day is it today, Sooyeon-ah?”


“Hmm? It’s March 13, unnie.”


“Oh! Is it?”


“When’s my last day, doctor?” asked Jooyeon fearfully.


“If my calculations are correct, you have to be ready by March 14,” replied the doctor cautiously.


“That’s…That’s a whole month away…”


Jinyoung came by their house again on that day to take his now 2-week girlfriend out. After confessing, he lost no time dating her as often as he could. On this particular day, March 13, Jinyoung was planning to take her to Busan again, seeing as she enjoyed their last trip there.


Everything was going on fine until before the car ride home. Jinyoung was packing in the hut they rented while Jooyeon asked if she could go watch the sunset on the seaside. It’s been about 30 minutes when she said that.


“Jooyeon-ah? Jooyeon-ah! Let’s go!” called Jinyoung. He went outside and scanned the beach. It was almost deserted. He was getting all worried until he saw a familiar peach-colored scarf and black hair on the sand.




He hurriedly went to her side. She was pale, and she didn’t stir when he touched her or called her name.


“Oh shoot, no, not yet,” he muttered. He hurriedly carried her to the car and zoomed to the nearest hospital.


There the hospital hands helped them into the ER. While they were wheeling the bed inside, Jinyoung clutched Jooyeon’s hand.


That was all Jinyoung saw because he was ushered outside. The first thing he called was Sooyeon, since there was no one else he could call. After half an hour, a doctor came out.


And he said the very words Jinyoung dreaded to hear.


“I’m sorry.”


Jinyoung was struck dumb, so the doctor proceeded.


“You may see her before we take her away,” he said, and left. As he passed Jinyoung, he patted his shoulder.


Jinyoung walked like an undead into the room. His knees gave way when he approached the bed. His eyes had sprung tears, tears of an angel.


“You were supposed to last until tomorrow. You weren’t supposed to leave me yet. Jooyeon-ah, wake up. Wake up! This isn’t funny!” Jinyoung’s voice mounted at the last few words.

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Happy End! Oh man I love happy endings =D
OHMYGOSH. This FF is short but it really makes me cry! :) This is daebak!!
:D AWWWW~the ending is happy! :D
:( She's dead :(
they were so happy since they are now dating :)
but her disease needed to get in the way. :(
oooooh~ Is he confessing? :O
:D I hope they have a happy ending!
awww~ they're being fluffy~ :3
:( a month?!
please don't leave Jinnie~ :'(