
The Day the Angels Cried


Jinyoung stayed with Sooyeon after Jooyeon died and he became her legal guardian, being 20 years old at the time. He watched as the little girl graduated from high school and gets herself a boyfriend. He acted as the mother and father for Sooyeon. He had scrutinized the boyfriend (whose name was Taemin, by the way) and found that he approved of him. Jinyoung actually became good friends with the Taemin boy.


Jinyoung had also helped Sooyeon get into a good university, namely Yonsei University. Jooyeon had planned in advance where her little sister would go to college in case she left before she does.


One day, Jinyoung was out for groceries with Sooyeon. He was like a dear older brother to her.


“Did we forget anything, Sooyeon-ah?” asked Jinyoung.


Sooyeon thought for a bit. “I don’t think so, oppa. Let’s go home.”


They walked home. It was November, and it was already snowing. Christmas songs were blaring from the speakers in Hongdae, where Jinyoung and Sooyeon were at the moment. Then, they got to the highway. 


“Sooyeon-ah, wait here, I’ll get us some hot stuff to sip on,” said Jinyoung, and proceeded to cross the street.


Sooyeon saw what he didn’t see.


“OPPA!!! STOP!!!”


Two thuds, and a body flew to the road. Sooyeon dropped all the grocery bags and rushed to his side.


For a moment, Jinyoung didn’t know what happened. But being mortal, he felt the pain, in his body, on his head where he hit the ground, and his skin, which was being scorched by the ice. Then he felt someone touching him with comfortably warm hands.


“Oppa, oppa!”


He barely heard these words as everything was blurry in his ears and eyes. When he finally refocused, he saw Sooyeon crying over him and he heard her voice.


“Oppa, no.”


Being half-immortal, he somehow survived the crash, but only briefly. And he knew that.


“Sooyeon-ah, listen to me. I-I might have to leave you soon. But please, don’t cry for me for so long. There’s Taemin, and he will take care of you much more than I did. At home, there’ll be something there waiting for you. I will be with your sister now. Someday, you’ll be with us too. I love you, Sooyeon-ah.”


“Oppa, don’t say that. Please, Jinyoung oppa don’t leave me! You’re my only family left!” sobbed Sooyeon.


“No…There’s Taemin,” said Jinyoung.


“But oppa, I want you!”


“Don’t be stubborn girl and let Taemin take care of you, ok?” said Jinyoung kindly.


Sooyeon continued to cry, but she managed to utter a few last words to Jinyoung.


“I love you too, oppa…”


Then light filled his vision gradually. The mortal worlds slowly began to lessen, until finally only a tiny sound of Sooyeon’s crying can be heard, and even that faded in a few seconds.


A girl in white approached Jinyoung. He couldn’t see her face very well, only a silhouette. Then she spoke.


“Hello, Jinyoung-ah. I’ve waited for you.”


The lady smiled and helped Jinyoung up. He finally got the chance to see her face. Jinyoung was taken aback in surprise. Jooyeon smiled back at him.




He hugged her and he hugged him. When he let go, he got to see his surroundings more clearly. He was in lush garden with blooming flowers and fruiting trees. A waterfall can be heard somewhere to his left. And something else.




Jinyoung ly to be attacked by Gongchan’s hugs. CNU, Sandeul, and Baro were coming in close behind him.


“Hyung, you’re home!” cheered Baro.


“Yeah, I am! I missed you guys, especially you,” he said, and turned to Jooyeon.


“I missed you too, but things have been going on so great here that I hardly focus on missing you. Instead, I loved you and watched over you and my sister,” said Jooyeon.


“I’ll miss her,” said Jinyoung.


“I will, too. But come on. There are many stuff we can do here while waiting for her,” replied Jooyeon.


Jinyoung’s eyes lit up. “Have you seen my treehouse?”


Jooyeon linked her arms around Jinyoung and the four others trailed after them. This is one of the advantures that has no end, but I will end it now.


The End.

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Happy End! Oh man I love happy endings =D
OHMYGOSH. This FF is short but it really makes me cry! :) This is daebak!!
:D AWWWW~the ending is happy! :D
:( She's dead :(
they were so happy since they are now dating :)
but her disease needed to get in the way. :(
oooooh~ Is he confessing? :O
:D I hope they have a happy ending!
awww~ they're being fluffy~ :3
:( a month?!
please don't leave Jinnie~ :'(