Just A Week, Nothing More

The Day the Angels Cried


It was a quiet day in the Kingdom above for the brothers Jinyoung, Sandeul, Baro, and Gongchan. Wait, who’s missing? Oh that’s right: the eldest CNU.


“Where’s CNU hyung?” asked Gongchan who was floating and flying around lazily.


“I dunno. He was called back after dinner a while ago,” said Jinyoung who was playing with the clouds.


“I wish we had a mission today. Like Youngmin and Kwangmin. They have deliveries to make,” said Baro, staring down on earth.


Suddenly, CNU swooped by. He looked like he was in a hurry.


“You guys come with me quickly,” he said hurriedly. In an instant his brother angels were alert.


“Why? Has something happened?” said Sandeul.


“Obedience before questions,” was CNU’s reply.


The zoomed into the Supreme Being’s majestic castle. In His presence their wings felt hot and burning. They couldn’t look at him. Only the seraphs can.


They bowed respectfully and kept their heads bowed. Terrible things have happened even to angels who look at His face without permission.


“You summoned us, Great Master,” said CNU.


A voice that sounded like the roar of the waves and the howl of the winds spoke. It had great authority embedded in it.


“Yes I have. I have decided to give you a gift and a choice. It will not do well for angels to be idle,” He said.


“What is this, Master?” squeaked Gongchan.


“I will give you a week on earth. A week and nothing more. A week to decide of what you wish to happen in your future. You will come down as humans and by the end of the week, you may decide if you want to stay mortal, or if you want to return home and into immortality.”


The five couldn’t speak. It has never happened before, but who are they to question the decision of the Great One? All of them have been curious of human life. All of them had wanted to have a taste of what it was like.


“Thank you, Master,” said Jinyoung.


“Go, my angels, and bear My Name in everything you do, even when down on earth.”


Seconds later, the boys felt something rough on their knees and something hot beating down on them from above. They dared open their eyes and found themselves in an unfamiliar place.


“Hey look. My wings are gone,” said Sandeul. Within further inspection they discovered that they were clothed in human clothes.


“Is this earth? Why is it so hot?” asked Baro. The others looked around.


“Don’t talk like that. Changmin hyung—you remember him, don’t you? He is an archangel—has seen what hell was like and he said it was nothing compared to this,” said CNU.  


“So, what do we do now?” asked Gongchan. The younger boys crowded around CNU and Jinyoung, the eldest and the leader.




They turned abruptly to a lone girl kneeling against the hot asphalt. Being the most caring of the five, Jinyoung rushed to help her.

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Happy End! Oh man I love happy endings =D
OHMYGOSH. This FF is short but it really makes me cry! :) This is daebak!!
:D AWWWW~the ending is happy! :D
:( She's dead :(
they were so happy since they are now dating :)
but her disease needed to get in the way. :(
oooooh~ Is he confessing? :O
:D I hope they have a happy ending!
awww~ they're being fluffy~ :3
:( a month?!
please don't leave Jinnie~ :'(