Chapter 12

Hello My Daughter

“So you kept your promise.” Tiffany spoke as she walked around the Kwon’s kitchen.

Jessica and Yuri eyed the two while Yoona kept on munching his apple, still in Taeyeon’s arms.

“I always do.” Mr. Kim grinned as he followed Tiffany around.

“Yeah. You always do. Except, you just keep secrets.”

Taeyeon was caught off guard when he heard her say that. She was right, he is guilty for not letting her know.

“Yoona let’s get you to bath. Seobang kindly check the emails for the new stocks to be delivered.” Jessica took her little boy from Taeyeon then the whole Kwon family left the scene.

Now, it was just the guilty Taeyeon and the disappointed pregnant lady Tiffany in the kitchen. She sat on the stool at the island table and ate in silence.

“Babe, I know that what I did was wrong, and I’m sorry. I ju-“

“Just don’t want me to worry. I know. I know. Now you sound like a broken tape recorder.” Taeyeon was somehow hurt, but he knew that because his lover was too upset and is facing mood swings that is why she said that so easily.

“Let’s go home then after taking our bath, let’s go to the office and fix this. I’ll be with you the whole day.” He stood on the other side of the island with his assuring smile.


On the other hand:

“Are you sure they’ll be able to fix this?”

“Which one? The Mr. Takashi problem or Tiffany being mad at Taeyeon?” the wife peeked through the living room wall.

“Both!” Yuri scratched his head, standing behind his wife with his little me in his arms.

“I don’t know Seobang. But I hope so. I mean, Tiffany shouldn’t be stressed out especially when she wasn’t really doing well on her first trimester.” She answered in her motherly tone still peeking on the two lovers in their kitchen.


Back to TaeNy:

“Ok.” Tiffany answered bluntly. “Now let’s go before I change my mind.” She stood up from her seat and dashed out the kitchen, heading towards the door.

“Wait! We still ne-“

“No need! Here!” Jessica happily handed her bestfriend’s purse to Taeyeon.












“Miss Hwang! How are you?”

“Good morning Miss Hwang!”

“It is nice seeing you here in the office Miss Tiffany.”

“Miss Tiffany your office is ready as you requested.” Lizzy opened the door for her boss.

“Thanks Liz. I’ll take it from here.”

After taking their individual showers and headed to their office, Tiffany convinced Taeyeon to handle the financial problems of the company while she tries to find ways on how to convince Mr. Takashi in approving their proposal.

Tiffany took out every document she has on Mr. Takashi. She studied them eagerly, one by one, detail by detail. She research more about The Cask Hotel like a high school student studying for her exams.

Time passed, she didn’t even realize what time is it until she heard a knock on her door.

“Hey.” Taeyeon walked inside the office with two paper bags in his hands.

“I asked Jessica’s cook to make this. Just to make sure Gummibear is eating right.” He said sweetly as he placed them on the table at the side of the office.

He walked towards Tiffany who ignored his presence, obviously still not forgiving him. He pecked her lips before pulling the chair backwards.

“Come. It’s past twelve already. My two babies might be hungry.” Taking Tiffany’s hand away from the keyboard, he led her towards the couch by the window where he settled the food.

Both of them ate it silence which got Taeyeon worried. He finished his food quickly and took Tiffany’s food container from the latter’s hand.

“I’ll feed you babe.” Without saying a word, Tiffany let him. She sat there like a puppy being fed by his owner, rubbing her little bump and at times look by the window.

Taeyeon was trying his best to not make the atmosphere awkward and weird. But Tiffany wasn’t helping.

“Sorry.” He heard her mumble.

She was still looking by the window, chewing the little amount of food that was left inside , “I’m sorry from being cold babe.”

Taeyeon sat there surprised. Now he was the one who was not talking.

“I’m sorry for acting stupid, for torturing you with my childish act.” She continued with a light voice.

Finally, after hours, she looked Taeyeon in the eyes, “I love you, you know. And I love our Gummibear. I-“

“Babe I love you too. I love the both of you. That is why I didn’t tell you about the whole thing.”

“I know I know. But it already happened. There is nothing we can do but try to fix things.” Tiffany cupped her lover’s cheeks while the other was still on top of her belly.

“I already convinced Mr. Takashi to talk to me. To us.” She said happily, “All we have to do is call him in about an hour.”













We are willing to send you a new set of proposal sir.

Miss Hwang, do you think you have more to offer? Do you even know what to offer?

Yes sir! I know you are leading when it comes to room service and we have new apparatus that can even improve your current standing. I assure you sir, having us as your partner for the next 6 years will bring you to a higher level.

Miss Hwang, can you tell me how much better this is compared to the Blue Dragon?

Tiffany was shocked in hearing that. Taeyeon who was sitting beside her, staying quiet for the whole conversation was also stunned in hearing those words.

Mr. Takashi, the Blue Dragon has nothing to do with this. This is business we are talking about. And I will not take no for answer from you.

She said bravely, hoping that her words won’t let her down.

Make sure of that Miss Hwang. Now, I want you to personally introduce me to that new equipment of yours.

P-Personally sir?

Yes. Is there a problem with that? Well, you can take Mr. Kim with you. I also want to talk to him about your financial standings.

Y-Yes sir. Will do sir.

Very well then Miss Hwang. I’m looking forward in meeting the two of you within this week. I trust you.

Yes Mr. Takashi.

I’ll see you soon.

And with that, the conversation between the two busy people ended.

“We’re going to Japan?” Taeyeon stood up from his seat and rushed beside Tiffany.

“Is it even safe for you to fly? For Gummibear?” he placed a hand on her tummy.

Tiffany stayed quiet, she knew she had no choice but to head to Japan as soon as possible. Though she wasn’t worried since Taeyeon will be coming with her.







Two days later, the couple are now in the plane heading to Japan.

Tiffany took the seat by the window, listen to lullabys with her ipod. While on the other hand, Taeyeon’s busy rechecking their sales but at times would glance to his lover.

“Are you ok babe? Do you need anything?” he asked as he put his folders down on his lap.

“I’m fine babe.” She weakly smiled. Though the flight did not take more than 4 hours, the travel was still tiring for the pregnant woman.

When they arrived at their hotel room, she kept on nagging about jetlag.

“I’ll massage you.” And he did. Taeyeon learned the proper way in how to massage a pregnant woman. Yuri handed him his old books that he read during Jessica’s time of pregnancy.

“Promise me you’ll never get tired.” Tiffany whispered with eyes closed while Taeyeon rubbed her legs.

“Never babe. As long as it’s for you and our Gummibear.” He said boldly with a dorky smile, though Tiffany can’t see it.


“Promise! Even if you‘re as fat as a hippo, or as ugly as the monkey we saw at the zoo on our trip to Thailand, or as stinky as the skunk we passed by when we we-“

“Yah!” Tiffany slammed her arms acting angry.

Taeyeon laughed with his old man’s laugh as he tries to make fun with his lover.

Later on Tiffany laugh along with him and continues reminiscing their past trips, both for work and for vacation.

After having their sweet talks, they took advantage of their time being in Japan and took strolls to relive stress especially for Tiffany.

It was a bit chilly in Yoyogi Koen, one of the most beautiful parks in Tokyo. Taeyeon made sure that Tiffany wore thick clothing to keep her warm, plus with the help of his hand, they walked together under the night sky.




Hello there crazy people! :)

How've you been? Well, your author is really enjoying her writing time though she missed you all badly :3

And study time is a big NO NO. but happy to know i got the highest score in our prelim exams in English XD

Anyway, are you happy that we are moving on with this story?

Please leave a comment, don't hide yourself because you're my inspiration when it comes to updating. ;)

well goodnight!

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Chapter 16: Do you not update this story author..
Chapter 8: Fany just forcung herself..hope the baby is ok
Chapter 1: Just found out this story on 2020 and will read thia :D
Aloha_Stitch #4
It has been long time already no update for this story...
still waiting new chapter...
author nim, please update this story as soon as possible...
Chapter 16: Yeay, yoona with taeny... I hope that little Kwon don't make preggy tiffany stress out :'D
Aloha_Stitch #6
Chapter 16: pity for tae yeon he not doing bad things, he just try to undertake stress and be responsibility as a man toward his wife, but Tiffany not understand him, always insist make decision by herself.
I'm from Malaysia... Thank you for an update author nim...
I really like this storyline, author nim please frequently update this story...
Aloha_Stitch #7
Chapter 15: Tae Yeon will be a good husband and father...
Pany please be nice toward Tae Yeon,He just too concern about you and the baby's condition...
I like Tae Yeon's characteristic inside this story...
Chapter 15: happy now bcs fany not anymore with tae! ^^
their second baby should be jinri since it's a boy....... looll!!! SULLI IS TAENY SECOND CHILD<<<3 will really love it if it's reall sulli kim jinri :D:D:D